Showing Posts For DuskTwilight.4862:

Guide to Thief Guides

in Thief

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


To the OP: You may want to remove the link to my build. It was just a concept that upon playing around with just didn’t work out the way I had hoped. Too little focus made me suffer overall and I went back to the established P/D bleed build.

Condition Thief Build Critique Needed

in Thief

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Honestly, you’re traiting all over the place and its going to greatly affect your actual combat efficiency.

The following build is the standard P/D build that has been tried and tested a billion times over:;TwAgyCuogx4jwH7MOYkzsCYEw2j5CA

It utilises 30 in SA for the extra toughness to soak up a burst and for constant health regeneration, condition removal, and AoE blind while stealthed, 20 points in Acro for the extra health and dodge synergy, followed by 20 points in Trickery for the condition damage, reduced caltrops cooldown (use it to create a kiting barrier between you and your enemies, it’s much more useful than mentioned above), and more dodge synergy.

The runes and sigil give you a combined 55% bleed duration which (somebody correct me if I’m mistaken) gives you an extra two bleed ticks for every stack of bleed that you apply (you gain an extra tick every 25% bleed duration/condition duration); while the amulet gives you huge condition damage, great vitality, and a decent amount of vitality so our attacks aren’t hitting absolute crap.

The rotation is incredibly simple, start off with a few auto-attacks followed by a standard CnD -> Steal combo followed by a Sneak Attack, shoot twice with auto-attack and then hit CnD again, rinse and repeat.

If you feel like you need to apply some AoE bleeds or need to catch up to somebody, use caltrops + death blossom (3) on the daggers or heartseeker respectively.

If you want to utilise venoms then the following build is almost identical but more suited to the task of including venoms:;TwAgyCuogx4jwHLMOYkws8YEwOg5CA

The combat strategy is the exact same + a venom or two – caltrops. The key differences being a lowered condition damage compensated for by the Carrion amulet + different runes.

Hope I helped.

No joke that was practically what I was running before. Not that it was bad I just felt too limited. If I don’t like how things work with that current build I cooked up I guess it’s back to the old standby. Thank you.

Condition Thief Build Critique Needed

in Thief

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Changed up my build to this currently:;TkAqmMNJay2krJZTrDGMMDA

I know some people will scoff at my trait setup but I think it offers a good deal of flexibility depending on what I want to do at a given time. Generally I look at it as a condition build that offers a lot of mobility/dodging plus stealth enhancements.

Condition Thief Build Critique Needed

in Thief

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


This is my current build:;ToAqZM+I8xCjbGJMrAGBsFZuA

I mainly use CnD followed by Caltrops and Sneak Attack then repeat cnd sneak atk as necessary. In larger groups I’ll use Death Blossom to spread bleeds.

Annnd…. That’s about it. It works, but I feel like a one trick pony using the same attack over and over forever.

Thinking about switching SB in for D/D to add a little variety and mobility.

Mainly play PvE. I WANT to do WvW but this build doesn’t seem to have much viability in large zergs and in one-on-one I always seem to run into a Mesmer and then it’s like a 5 on one fight lol.

Looking for suggestions on overall build. Especially traits and runes/sigils.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Any Mega Guilds recruiting?

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


There’s no reason not to have the option and I suggested this a lot back in beta.

The mod had some mouse lag for me so I didn’t like it. I pretty much play this way already anyways holding right mouse most of the time.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


It looks like now with Guesting active there’s no real incentive to play on any server but the most active one(s) like Tarnished Coast. Since people want to be where people are the problem will continue to exacerbate itself as there’s no sense of connection to a server outside of WvW and in that also lies the problem of population slide.

Where before the feature was active I thought Guesting was a great idea but now I am left to wonder if it was better as just an idea.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Wonder why everyone abandoned Stormbluff then considering it was tier 1. I’m beginning to think the whole guesting thing wasn’t the best idea for the game afterall, especially considering WvW, but that’s for another topic.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


What’s so big about Tarnished Coast? I know I saw a lot of talk on /vg/ about the server and “ERP” but I didn’t think it was THAT big a thing.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


I took about a month or so off from playing. Last time was during and right after the Christmas event. Before that and during that time the game was bustling. Lions Arch was always full and I often saw many people in many of the games areas. This is on Stormbluff Isle which is/was one of the more populated servers from my understanding.

I logged in a couple of days ago and Lions Arch was a ghost town. I think I saw 5 people while I was there. The once chattery chat was silent. No one looking for fractals or dungeons or just talking. Nothing. Played around a bit on an alt and only saw a couple people the entire time. This is in stark contrast from only a month and a half ago. Where did everyone go?

I know guesting is now live. Has everyone guested to a different server and I missed the memo? Have the new daily achievements finally motivated people to get out into the world? I would really hope that this game hasn’t lost that many players in so short a time.

Please know this isn’t a doom and gloom, the sky is falling kind of thread. I genuinely just want to know what happened.

Do you WvW? If not, what's stopping you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Culling and player loading issues.

I can rarely ever see enemies or allies. I’m often mashing tab hoping I can keep a target and it doesn’t turn out to be an illusion. Even far from a large battle I’m often unable to see an enemy approach and they do not load in until I’m nearly dead.

I have never had this problem with any other online game and I’ve played practically all MMO’s. Dropping to lowest possible graphics I still have culling/loading issues.

Bell Choir Timing

in Wintersday

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


The best tip is the old axiom “Practice makes perfect.” It’ll be a bit clumsy at first but should get easier with practice.

This came pretty naturally to me having been obsessed with DDR and Pump back in their respective heyday.

There is noticeable lag though. I’ve had notes stop mid lane, and a lot of times at the end of a song I would get hit with a bunch of missed notes at once out of nowhere.

Due to lag it is hard to be precise with timing. The lag will cause variance in when you need to time presses. Sometimes you need to go a little ahead, and others will be spot on.

Top 10 Main problems of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Top 10 Main problems of Guild Wars 2

1- Player loading delay:

It happens when many people/NPCs are being loaded. Most likely at WvW, Lost Shores event. Also after stealth skills.

This one is probably the biggest issue for me. Makes WvW and large player events like Jormag and the recent Lost Shores near impossible.

I’ve never had an issue like this in any other MMO I’ve played, and I’ve tried nearly all of them.

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Always Reddit.

Do one of 4chan… lol

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862



Anyone please?

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


I’m sure it’s your/our fault for not having good enough connections etc etc.

The event was bad. The rewards are good enough to screw people over. A LOT of people got screwed in one way or another.

I will be quite surprised if those who got screwed get any kind of unscrewing.

+10% DMG When target has a condition trait.

in Thief

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


Does this mean all damage increased by 10% or just attacks? Does it affect conditions?

The wording is so vague on this, and a lot of traits and skills.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


From speaking the former WoW-style MMO players I know they are happy and excited for this, though I was the one introducing the info to them. One reaction was, “Good! Now it’ll have an actual end game!”

For me, I’m not calling end of the world yet but I am not thrilled with the announcement. The major reason I’ve never been able to stick with any MMO game since FFXI was because they were all designed around raiding and vertical progression. One of the major selling points for me was that this would not be the case in Guild Wars 2.

Ascended gear falls squarely into that slippery slope area. The announcement reeks of “We want the WoW audience!” I’m hoping I’m wrong and this was in the plan all along. Practically every other major MMO on the market today follows the model established by WoW. I really wish the people who want that kind of game would stay in those games rather than coming and ruining this one.

If this is opening the door to needing the newest gear tier to do the new content then I’m out. I’ve played MMO’s for 16 years now. I wanted something different, not yet another WoW-style MMO with a different coat of paint and gimmick.

Mouse controls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


I suggested this many times in the BWE’s. I don’t know why this isn’t an option.