Showing Posts For EQuake.3456:
Name: Bronze Legion (BzLn)
Gameplay: PvE and PvP
Guild Leader: EQuake.3456
We’re a new Charr exclusive guild working on building up our ranks. We welcome both newcomers and veterans alike to join us! Our only rep requirements are that you only rep us with Charr characters and that you rep us during guild missions. We’re looking for some seasoned players willing to help us grow and fill officer positions and help recruit and organize us so let me know if you’d be interested in that!
R9 270 is 100% better then the GTX750Ti. You can get a 270 on Amazon for 109~ Shipped. Go with the 270.
I was just looking at the r9 270’s abd didn’t see it for $109, I’ll have to check again quick.
I see the 750 ti for $130, would the extra $30 be worth it then?
So I’m ordering the most expensive stuff for my budget build right now and I need help choosing a gpu. I’m going to use an i3-4130 and was looking for a $100 gpu to pair it with. So far I’m looking at the GTX 570 ($96), GTX 650 ($109), GTX 750 ($109), and the Radeon 7770 ($99). The two I’m leaning to the most right now are the Radeon 7770 and the GTX 750, but I’m still not sure.
There have been a few threads on the forums with instructions on how to use a controller. They were never moderated, that I saw.
You can always get an official answer from CS, if you so desire.
Good luck.
I had started topics regarding them before and a mod never commented. I’m assuming it’s fine, as L2 + Triangle = 6 is NOT the same as skill 1 + skill 2, which would be macro’ing.
I use my PS4 controller to play GW2, have been since I got my PS4 on launch day. I had to use Xpadder to map it and I’m still tweaking the control mappings I have here and there. I’ve talked to literally hundreds of people who’ve asked me how it works and how I have it set up and they usually leave fairly impressed with how well I’ve mapped it and how well it works telling me that they would have thought I would have issues keeping up with a mouse and keyboard.
Just today 3 people told me I can get banned because of how I have my controller mapped. In order to use all of the keys I had to map it a certain way, for example to use the second set of skills I have:
L2 + Triangle is heal
L2 + Square is 7
L2 + X is 8
L2 + Circle is 9
L2 + R2 is 10
I have other things to like R2 + left stick moves the cursor as well. Now, they’re telling me that they’re going to report me because I’m not aloud to have multiple keys set to one button. Can I get bannes for this? Nothing in my controller mapping gives me any type of advantage at all, I have the key combos there because they need to be there to play the game. It confuses me because I’ve talked to 2 ANet guys regarding it and they were rather intrigued by it, asking me all sorts of questions and everything and neither of them said anything about banning me or me getting a potential ban because of it, and went over my mapping top to bottom with them for almost half an hour with each one. They left just as the others did, impressed by how well I had it working.
Guild Wars 2 is one of my favorite games, I don’t want to get banned from it. I prefer using the controller much more then I do using a keyboard and mouse to play, but I NEED to have it mapped the way I do to use it as there is obviously not enough buttons to use it otherwise. If it is a problem then I’ll suck it up and go bacm to using a mouse and keyboard. I had just assumed it was fine because nobody has ever told me it was a problem until today. Like I said, I don’t want to get banned.
(edited by EQuake.3456)
Ok EQuake, see you in about a week pal and we will pretend you didn’t even write this posting.
They always come back…
I’ll jump on to snag specials in the gem store, but that’ll be about it, but as for actually playing it’ll be a while. I plan on coming back, but only when I have a decent rig.
I really wonder what computer you’re using if you’re getting such shockingly low framerates.
My housemate is currently borrowing my 5 year old laptop and finds GW2 playable enough.
I agree that GW2 isn’t the best performance wise (I had a few overheating issues before they fixed that) but it should be able to run at least 25FPS on even the worst hardware, as long as you configure your computer somewhat well and don’t have 2 virusscanners running in the background, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad R500
One of the local schools gave them to people who needed a computer a few years back. My FPS can reach up to around 20-25 IF I’m alone and nothing is really going on around me. In minor fights (2-3 players and a handful of NPC’s) I drop down to around 10-15 fps, in the LA battle I was around 8-12 fps, and when I’m in a zerg or large event like SB and MAW… well, I’ve already missed MAW twice because my laptop froze until the fight was over, but I average about 3-5 fps on those. IF I just ran around by myself and never interacted with other players or large mobs sure I culd play, but wheres the fun in that right?
I don’t understand how you’re playing at 10fps on low settings? I have a high end rig but I borrow my brothers laptop occasionally which is a £300 bog standard one with intel hd3000 graphics and I get 30-60fps easily on low graphics :S Did you try turning the resolution down at all?
Considering that the OP is clearly mainly a console player, I could imagine him turning everything up to max and never even considering anything less.
After all, console games don’t really have varying graphic settings.
And have you tried playing the game at non-native resolutions? Looks very ugly.
I have the game running on the “Best Performance” option in the settings, with only the screen resolution altered. The resolution that “Best Performance” gave me was disgusting hahaha. Everything was smeared together and looked like a modern art masterpiece.
1st up, if any of you remember I posted a topic a while back about my ventures with GW2 using my PS4’s Dualshock 4 controller, I so I have an update on how that is going. I’ve been using the controller for a few months now and tried using a mouse and keyboard again and found myself unable to do it. The game is such a dream on a controller that I just can’t go back to a mouse and keyboard.
Secondly, I’m leaving GW2… for now. I can no longer take playing the game on the lowest settings at 10 fp. Going from playing my consoles, any of them, be it my PS3, PS4, or even my N64, where I get solid framerates (up to 60 on my PS4) and then go to GW2 is like not opening your parachute while skydiving. , and I just recently found out my car needs some hefty repairs, so my plans on building a new pc have come to a complete stop. Maybe sometime within the next 1, 2 or maybe 3 years I’ll hopefully be able to piece together a pc very very slowly, but for now I’m out. I’ll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for a PS4 port, which would mean I don’t even need to build a PC, but that subject has been dead since the game’s launch so my hopes aren’t high for it.
Big thanks to those of you who helped me with picking out parts for my pc builds, I really appreciate it. I’ll probably still get on once in a rare occasion to snag something from the gem store, or just to chat and see what’s going on, but it probably won’t happen very often. I love the game to death, but I can’t do it anymore.
Even though I wasn’t insanely active on the forum, and none of you probably know who I am, I figured I’d say goodbye (for now) anyway. I’ll see you guys later.
PvE is going swimmingly. I’ve done dungeons, champ trains in Queensdale and Frostgorge, a Scarlett event, crafted, gathered mats, everything you can do in PvE, and nobody has any idea I’m using a controller until say something about it.
My layout at the moment is as follows.
Layout 1:
Left stick- move
Right stick- camera
X- activate (F key)
O- Map (switch to layout 2)
[ ]- Attack 1
Triangle- Attack 2
L1- Attack 3
R1- Attack 4
R2- While held, switch to layout 2
L2- While held, switch to layout 3
Options- Hero menu, switch to layout 2
Share- Open options, switch to layout 2
D-pad Up- F1
D-pad right- F2
D-pad down- F3
D-pad left- Weapon swap
Left stick click- dodge
Right stick click- jump
Layout 2:
Left stick- moves cursor
Right stick- zoom in and out
X- left click
Triangle- close map
[ ]- close hero menu
Layout 3:
L2 + R1- skill 5
L2 + Triangle- heal
L2 + [ ]- skill 7
L2 + O- skill 8
L2 + R2- skill 0
Loving this layout so far. I tweak a button or 2, play a xouple minutes, tweak
Abbadon nailed it. Not exactly the layout I’m using, but I’m still messing with it. I’m enjoying GW2 much much more with a controller then I ever did a keyboard. All I’m using the keyboard for is to type and to still call targets and link things in chat, but I’ll fix that soon. I still have some kinks to work out though and could use some help.
1.) I have it set so when I hold R2 I can freely move the mouse with the left stick. I did this so I can close the medals I get and loot mats I’ve gathered, but when I do this I zoom in. How do I stop from zooming in? As of now I have the left stick moving the mouse and then the right stixk to zoom back out.
2.) I have circle set as a 1 way selector to open the map. It opens the map and swaps my control scheme to another allowing me to move the cursor to select a WP to travel too. If I have the map open and then close it (triangle) I can continue playing without a hitch, but if I travel to a wp the control scheme doesn’t change back and I can’t move until I minimize gw2 and manually change it.
3.) I get stuck moving once in a while. If I’m moving or atrafing around an enemy sometimes I get stuck running or spinning for a second or two.
4.) My framerate drops, why? Normally I run at around 10-13 fps (like a boss :-P) but with a cobtrollert in it drops to about 5-7. Is this due to the ram having to run the controller program and the game at the same time?
Alright, I’ve got it all figured out. This is a blast!
Got it. I had keyturn instead of mouseturn.
Still having some mapping issues, for example to look up and down you need to right click and move the mouse up or down. I have right click + mouse down to look down, and right click + mouse up to look up. The issue is that if you right click and push arrow right or arrow left you strafe. Essentially right click and left or right arrow functions as the A and D keys. So, when I’m running in circle keep the camera on my enemy i have to move the left analong stick to the right and the right analong stick to the left, and if I move the right analog horizontaly my character strafes left, but he can’t because I’m strafing right with the left stick, so he stops moving >.>
I downloaded xpadder and a gw2 layout for it. I can’t open the layout on xpaddee and I can’t get either to work with gw2
I downloaded some drivers and my laptop is now recognizing my DS4 controller as a 360 controller (woohoo). The pre-installed games like minesweeper and chess are working like a charm but GW2 still isn’t working with it. What am I missing?
I want to use my PS4’s controller to play GW2, what do I need to install to use it? I know the button layout I want, but no clue how to actually get it to work with the game. I’m about to plug it into the laptop for the first time, so this is from scratch. I’ve hear people talking about xpadder, is that what I need?
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Well guys, I thank you for the help. I think I’m going to go with getting a new character slot and keeping my Norn Necro parked at a jumping puzzle.
You couldjust make a new character with a very similar name, and make it a charr, keeping your norn for the bday present.
Well, I have pondered buying a new character slot and making the charr necro and just using my norn necro for bday presents, but wouldn’t be a terrible waste of a character slot? And as far as my guildies go, they all moved to Jade Quarry because my laptop went kaput about 3 months after the game launched and the guild just fell apart and everybody went their different ways.
I made my Norn Necro shortly after the game launched and have put nearly zero time into him as he’s only level 17. I recently got back into the game (about 2 months ago) and I was going through the cultural armor on my Charr and saw the Charr’s tier 2 light armor. I really like the the look of it (not a fan of any of the Norn’s light armor) and I think it looks like a great Necro armor. I only made my Necro so my guildies from GW1 could find me (same name as my GW1 necro) and for some comedic effect. I saw the skull facepaint in character creation and thought “Wouldn’t a giant Voodoo’esque character be funny?”, so he has a Voodoo theme going on.
My problem lies not in me really caring about my Norn Necro, as I really don’t care about him at all, but in the fact that he’s the 1 of 2 launch created characters I have, so he and my warrior are the only 2 that’ll will recieve year 2 BD presents in 2014. I know a ton of people are going to laugh at this (I do myself a little actually) but I really don’t know whether to forgo the year 2 present and make the Charr Necro (which is the one I prefer), or forgo the Char Necro and only keep my Norn Necro around for BD stuff.
The Norn race is something I have very little interest in in general. I don’t care for their story, and my world, Henge of Denravi, is flooded with Norn and Human toons, and it’s nice to see a Charr running around once in a while. I’ve played the Blood Legion and Iron Legion story’s, so it’d be nice to see what the Ash Legion storyline has to offer, but again, to Birthday, or not to Birthday? The year 2 birthday presents are literally the only thing keeping me from re-rolling a Charr, as level 17 takes what, an hour, maybe 2?
I’ve never heard of that site before.
what about something like this?
(edited by EQuake.3456)
Then I’ll forget about the disk drive. Would the 650ti be able to play the game in 3d?
Sure, but it will be slow. Also a 3d Monitor would be required with the glasses. For a 3d setup you are looking at a $2000-$3000 PC Build.
I’m going to be using my 3D tv as a monitor.
I should mention, if I haven’t, that I have no interest in overclocking, at all.
my biggest question is, is the 8g of ram really necessary? People I ask in game tell me 4 is plenty, and 8 is just overkill for it.
I think I may just go with Fermi’s i3 build.
Then I’ll forget about the disk drive. Would the 650ti be able to play the game in 3d?
So the absence of a disk drive would be okay? I don’t see much reason to have them anymore.
Remade the build I listed earlier. This would definitely be better as well as it lands perfectly in your price range and you get a free game.
I’m really likimg this build myself. Could I get a 3 month trial period on an OS to save some money?
That intel build looks pretty good. Fermi, but is the 650 ti really necessary? Medium settings was my overall goal. Shouldn’t a 7770 get me medium just fine?
I’ll keep that build and look into pc part picker. I didn’t know about that site until just now.
Would a better cpu be necessary? I primarily do PvE with some PvP occasionally. I haven’t tried WvW yet as this laptop couldn’t hope to handle the slightest bit of it, but I’m not a keep sieging fellow, so I’d peobably stick to a small unit/gank squad.
I fixed the link, made my own wishlist, I was trying to use the shopping cart.
This is my updated build. I changed the cpu, gpu, psu, case, and ram.
I’m going to give pcpartpicker a look over and see if I can get a build around $650 with an i5 quad core., but that build being $616 might be tough for me to beat.
(edited by EQuake.3456)
No need to fret, as I am no thief.
I was going through Newegg and I did see a lot of cases I liked. narrowed it down to 5, but I don’t know which one would be better.
I would never think of getting a cracked copy.
I was looking at a lower end gpu Espionagw because I’m really only looking to run the game on medium settings, maybe medium/high if I can get it, and I watched videos on youtube of guys running GW2 on medium with a 7750, so I opted for that. Behellagh pointed out the rebate on the 7770, and if it’s available when I get the money I’ll go with that. I should mention a friend of mine has an fx-4100 and a radeon 6670 and runs the game in a consistent fps in the mid 40’s on medium.
As far as cases go, I can keep him from pushing the buttons when I’m on it, it was just more to keep him from turning it on when I don’t need it to be. I can put the pc up or in a different room no problem. I’m all for saving some money, and would be happy to get a cheaper case to do so.
(edited by EQuake.3456)
Wow, I forgot Bout newegg (derp). With the rebates may I be able to bump the ram up to 6gb without going over my $650 budget? I’m open to cheaper cases as well.
(edited by EQuake.3456)
Thanks for the reply Behllagh.
1.) I chose that particular case because of the door on the front covering the buttons. There’s a little one in the household, and that should help keep him out of it. That, along with the airflow the case has is why I chose it. I’m open to other cases with good airflow I just chose that one because of the little guy.
2.) I missed the DDR3 on that video card, I’m glad you caught that. I’ll choose the Sapphire Radeon 7750 1gb with DDR5 instead.
3.) Didn’t know that about that board, I’ll go with the AMD 970a instead. Will this work?
4.) If the cooler master psu is 430w it might not work. I chose the 7750 because it’s a decent card and is a very low power consuming card. 430w may work, but I can try to stretch the budget to fit this in if need be.
5.) if 2 sticks of ram is that much better I can try something like this
That’s what I’ve heard about AMD, but friends of mine and some of my guild members hav the fx-4100 and run at a consistent fps in the mid 40’s, so I opted for the fx-4300 since it’s an improved version of the 4100. I was looking at the i5-3470 before though, and it’s $100 more. If it’s going to be that much better I’ll look in to it more, but like I said, I know numerous people running GW2 and other games like BF3, SWTOR, DayZ, etc , at 40+ fps with the fx 4100. Most of them recommended the 4100 or 4300 to me for a budget build.
I posted a little while back about buying a pre-built pc and was strongly urged to build my own. Well, life happened as it often does and my pc plans were put on hold. I know it isn’t for a couple months yet. but I’ve decided to use some of my income tax when I get it to build my own pc like many of you insisted.
AMD FX-4130 – $105
MSI Radeon 7750 2gb – $98
Cooler Master 460w – $35
Kingston Value 4gb RAM – $30
1 TB Hard Drive – $63
Intel Z77 Motherboard – $100
CM Storm Enforcer Case – $82
Top Case Fan – $13
Side Case Fan – $9
ASUS DVD Drive – $22
Windows 7 or 8 – $100
Total: $657
My budget in mind is $650, and I’m pretty keen on keeping it there. With a total of $657 I’m pretty comfortable with the price, but I’m not sure how it would perform. The main games I’m probably going to be playing are Guild Wars 2, Star Wars The Old Republic, and DayZ. I’m aiming for 40+ fps and I think this pc build should be able to get me there. I currently play on an old laptop with an fps of about 7 in cities, and 12-22 in PvE areas. My monitor is going to be my tv for a while which is a 42" lcd 3D tv, so the resolution will most likely ne 1080p, but I can change that in-game to reach my 40+ fps goal if need be.
Having mentioned my tv being used as a monitor I do have 1 question, aside from the obvious “Will this pc meet my goals?”, and that is whether or not the 2gb Radeon 7750 could run GW2 in 3D. I’m not only onboard this current 3D, I’m shoveling the coals into it hahaha. Uncharted 3 was mind blowing in 3D, as was Dynasty Warriors 7, Batman Arkham City, and Ghost Reacon Future Soldier, and I’d love to see how GW2 looks in 3D.
So there it is. So there you have it. I took the advice and decided to build my own. Should my 40+ fps not be a problem, and can I expect to play it in 3D?
Should I use the hdmi or the blue monitor jack to hook it up to my tv? I have a 42" 3D LCD tv that has the blue monitor jack on it.
Does the ccae come with all of the neccesary wires to hook the hdmi and usb ports up so they can be used?
The case doesn’t come with all the fans does it? I’ll have to order more. Does the fans it comes with have thr red lights on them? If not I’ll get green or blue.
I’m fine with the 8350 and I’ll probably go with that, but what how bad will the fps drop if I dont oc?
Well mind you guys I’m perfectly fine with medium on PvE and low on WvW, I’d even take low all around if need be. I played it for abouy a month after it came out before the laptop crashed (I got the CE too) and I played it on low with an fps of 15-20, so even a higher fps on low would be alright by me. Like I said, I dont need a super gaming machine. To be honest ive seen GW2 on max and I really didnt think it was vastly superior compared to low, but then again graphics aren’t something I really worry about as long as the gameplay is great and the game is fun I’m fine with it, and GW2 is great gameplay wise and I had a blast with it, even at 15 fps on low, so anything better then that is perfectly fine with me. Actually, come to think of it, when I saw GW2 on max the bushes changed color hahahaha.
Just remeremembr that your helping somebody who finished GW1 at a conistent 5-10 fps (if I was lucky) on a pc that could barely run anything on low, everything was cut like a diamond and either chrome or gold. I still had a blast with it, and I did with the low quality I had in my brief stint with GW2.
As for the DayZ standalone game, I’m not sure if its using the arma2 engine or the arma 3 engine. I’d say the arma2 engine would most likely be it, I’ll ask some guys in the closed beta of it, maybe they can tell me if it doesnt beat there non-disclosure agreement.
This pc is really only ever going to see older games and mmo’s, mainly GW1, GW2, DayZ, and maybe SWtOR now that thats F2P, but I dont forsee myself getting serious about it. Like I said, GW2 and DayZ will be the most demanding games I’ll be playing and while I’d like medium for WvW and high for PvE I’m perfectly content with low for WvW and medium for PvE, or even low all around if I have a great fps. Its gameplay > graphics for me.
(edited by EQuake.3456)