Showing Posts For EXAR.7963:
The fact that you could spend 5 years on WoW already says something. The progression it offers is great and is what keeps people playing.
I cannot think of a single kitten thing to do other than WvW right now. I have full exotics, 100% map completion, and i have done all dungeons. And i have only played for 300hours so far. What the hell is 300hours compared to 5 years?
I could only make it 1 and 1/2 months into vanilla WoW before I uninstalled it and never touched it again. Rift and TOR I would guess made it less than a month, maybe a tad over.
You see, you can spend 5 years in those Raiding games. People like you can spend years in those raiding games. Some of us hate them and think those end games are complete trash. In my opinion, those “End Games” offer nothing, zero, zilch. I have been waiting on a raid-less (i.e. not boring, tedious, vomitous) AAA MMO; and I’m glad it is here.
I have been gaming since the Atari 2600 days. I understand how gaming is fun, and don’t need “rewards” constantly while I’m playing to tell me that what I am doing actually is fun. If a game is truly fun, you don’t need any of that crap. I have played Quake mods for YEARS that had zero progression. I am a real gamer, and I think GW2 is attracting people who enjoy games; while WoW attracts those who are sugar addicts.
Hate and stereotyping people is a bit angsty imho. I’ve been playing since Pong as well but I played WoW for 3 years and loved it. I loved quake as well. Sometimes its just about enjoying what you enjoy without peeing in other peoples porridge.
Definitely, but to be honest it hasn’t been worth much more than 60$ up to this point.
That could very easily change if end-game content is added however.
I hear what you guys are saying and agree to an extent but the double-edged sword is that their really isn’t any incentive to play after lvl 80. Especially if you don’t PVP.
Under the above reasoning one has to ask… what is the point of getting to level 80 if there is nothing to do once you get there?
Loot, rewards, incentives? Like it or not these are the things that keep the vast majority of people playing.
I can’t say I agree with everything the OP said but I do agree that this game lacks a reason to keep playing after 80. Especially if PvP isn’t your thing.
There is no reason to run dungeons and no easy way to do so. There is also no questing structure or rewards worth striving for. Once you’ve crafted your exotics your pretty much done with the game.
For 60$ I can live with this but I have to admit I hoped this would be a game that would keep me interested for a much longer period of time.
At least I can come back if and when they decide to add something to do besides leveling. For that I am indeed thankful. Right now however, at least for me, the longevity of this game is about that of a single player game.
My advice? Add loot (not to the store but rather to the game), add quests, add rewards, add group finders. Solo dungeons with incentives, world chat announcements for events, more “group” events, more economical travel. All in all just add things to do after lvl 80 for people who don’t PvP.
For me it had nothing to do with the PUG really. i could not target the burrow without getting and “obstructed” message. Asura Ranger.
If you can’t damage something you cant kill it. If you cant do what the designers of the dungeon intend you to do it seems pretty obvious to me, it wasn’t tested or at least not properly.
I only say this because the game has been out for a while now and things like this should not be happening. They are the things that cause people to put a game down. Personally I will wait another month before I try a dungeon and decide from there whether Group PVE is being supported properly.
This was my first try at a dungeon and boy was it a bad one. Granted I was in a pug but the experience was mainly bad because the dungeon had obviously not been tested.
I must say I am impressed and elated with this game. Firstly because it’s absolutely beautiful. Boy did the game designers, mappers, skinners, modelers and so on do a bang up job. Secondly because of the programming and innovations. The way this game patches so seamlessly, the advancements in UI, the speed of load times and the over-all game stability. I also appreciate for the first time since Trion, the guys at the top. Decisions to allow people alternate ways of purchasing items in the online store, to not make the game P2P and the general level of communication they have with the community.
I could go on and on, and sure there are things I could kitten about, but the bottom line is I’m thankful for what I got for my 60$ and look forward to playing and supporting this game for a very long time to come.
Is there any way you guys can flag quests like this. Maybe have a banner that pops up saying “This quest is currently not functioning, please don’t waste hours of your life in futility. We hope to have it fixed soon!”
Anyone know the fix?
17 days later this is happening for me as well
Very nice to hear. I’ve been impressed with the expediency of Arenanet on dealing with issues such as this and commend your stance on such matters.
Now if we could just get an android authenticator it would seem as if, as a company, you take the security of your players seriously.
It’s bugged for me as well. Ive spent 30 minutes going through this quest and it’s bugged out in two different locations.