Showing Posts For Ealaniel.8910:
Day 2:
Guild: Paragon Exiles
Tag: [PAX]
Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild is back but guild upgrades still missing:
Politics I & II
Economics I & II
Architecture I & II
Guild Stash
Guild Emblem Template
+638 accumulated influence
Morning update:
Guild: Paragon Exiles
Tag: [PAX]*
Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild is apparently back, Tag is back, but our 6238 influence of improvements and balance are still missing.
Guild: Paragon Exiles
Tag: [PAX]*
Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild has disappeared! The Tag is showing up as []. Each player’s account shows that they are the sole member of a guild called ‘Paragon Exiles []’
What happened to our guild and our upgrades and influence?
I have the exact same problem, so it’s not just you. I posted to the Guild problems sticky at the top of the forum, you may want to add your information there too.
Guild: Paragon Exiles (PAX)
Server: Fort Aspenwood
As of the last update (midnight 9/14), my guild is no longer gaining influence and the last queued upgrade (Guild Emplem Template) has disappeared from the queue (it shows available to be queued.)