I still don’t understand your concept of an “unfun” build to fight against. You have said that you don’t simply mean the powerful or hard to counter builds. Is it simply those that make the fight less straightforward?
Take mesmers for an example, you said that the PU condition build is one of the ones falling into the “unfun” category. Is this because of the many target drops and clones to hide behind? Because this is an inherently defensive setup, is it any worse than going up against a bunker guardian?
Shatter mesmers also someone was saying is one of these builds that they refuse to fight. Creating illusions is the core mechanic of the mesmer and does require more attention to deal with. However if all these builds are ones that you will not even engage, what does that leave them with? Phantasm builds are generally pretty boring to play ( at least for me). So that leaves us with lockdown mesmers and I think I know how you would feel about that.
Thus your idea of “unfun” builds has almost completely eliminated an entire class as an opponent due to a dislike of playing against their core mechanic.
I seriously question how you can label certain builds/mechanics as “unfun” and refuse to play against them. The only reason I can see, and I know that you have stated the opposite many times during this thread is that you can’t/find it overly difficult to face these buildsEDIT: I apologise if my post has come across as inflammatory, this was not my intention, I am however quite appalled and shocked by the ideas in this topic.
No need to apologize. I know that many people would be upset and I did not make this topic with the purpose of simply upsetting people.
What I see day in and day out in the forums and in guild chat and on TS is people talking about x build and y build being OP. The more I hear about it and the more I ask people about it, the more it becomes clear that what they are not bothered about is whether a build is “too powerful” (read:op) but instead whether fighting the fight is enjoyable, regardless of the outcome. At first, people may say it is because x or y build is “op”, but when you question them about it and get to the root of what they are saying, it is that the build they are playing against relies on a gimmicky mechanic/mechanics that make the fight “one sided”, in that one side is inherently in control of the fight and the other side can win, sometimes easily, but never with the satisfaction that you get from a skill based win.
Rather than see forum post after forum post about x or y build being “op” when in fact it is just a build that is not fun to fight, I am proposing an alternative here. Just don’t bother to fight them. If they want to run a build that overall lowers the pleasure of playing the game for opponents not playing that build, that is and has been their prerogative. If I or anyone else decides that we will not fight them, that is our prerogative.
I understand what you are trying to achieve by refusing to fight, however the mechanics that you may perceive as “gimmicky,” are to others legitimate ways of playing the game. Certain builds are designed to be as you say in control of the fight, this helps them stay on the offence and enables them to gain the upper hand if you do not pressure them to take control back. I do not, however see what it is that makes such builds that utilise the perhaps more annoying to counter mechanics not fun to fight.