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Unsure of the Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Edgge.7594


I’m 66 years old, retired and play Guild Wars 2 almost every day. I bought it as soon as it came out and have been pleased with the steady improvements. Through the years I purchased extra character slots and bank storage. I’ve never regretted a penny spent. Pretty much my favorite game. Needless to say I was excited when they announced the expansion
About 6 months ago I introduced my nephew (35 years old) to the game and he got his Asura Elementalist up to level 80 in a couple of weeks. I think I can say he likes the game.
A couple of months ago I was considering purchasing a copy for my grand-niece (14 years old). We currently play DDO together (usually Casual Mode).
However when they replaced the Traits system with the Specialization system I was truly disappointed. The old Traits system allowed me to slowly improve my character steadily as I leveled up. I always looked forward to those milestone moments. The new Specialization System has only three milestones and each provides a massive six Traits jump ahead which is not nearly as satisfying.
I think I read that the Specialization system was introduced in preparation for the release of the Expansion. Now, I’m concerned what else the Expansion may change/add. I’ve read the description of the Expansion several times trying to decide whether it is worth $50 dollars. The base game is not as fun now and I’m really doubting the Expansion.
So, just two months ago I was loving the game, looking forward to the expansion and considering purchasing a copy for my grand-niece so we could play together. Now I feel let down by the game (Traits to Specialization), confused by the expansion (1 new area and 1 new profession for $50 dollars) and wondering if it’s worth buying for my grand-niece.
Of course, the game and expansion for $50 is a good deal. Can’t argue with that even with the less satisfying Specialization system. And yet, I’m worried about the Expansion changing other aspects of the game making it less fun like they did with Traits to Specialization. I’m puzzled how the devs thought that was a good idea!
Well, I guess I’ll wait to see how the Expansion is received. If they haven’t messed up any other game mechanics I may reconsider buying it. Not sure one area and one profession is worth $50 (note I’m not interested in Guild Halls or Competitive Modes).
Think I’ll create another character (Human Ranger maybe) and see if I can make peace with the new Specializations. If not it may be time for me to move on to another game. Wish Elder Scrolls had a trial mode. Don’t want to spend $60 just to try it out.

so after long break im back =D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgge.7594


I find Guardian the easiest to play. Good offense, Good Buffs, Good healing. Not really Great in any area but Solid PvE soloable. Using all your skills you can easily handle most Veterans. Elites and Champions, of course, best handled by timing your attacks with others. If you are several levels above your targets you can usually solo small groups (3 or 4). Learn to use your Virtues regularly.
Ranger is also good if you learn to use your pet to engage the target first.
As always, your play style (the things that make the game fun for you) is all that really matters. The penalty for being downed is so mild, it’s worth trying different weapons, skill patterns, dodging, hit and run… until you find those that really make you want to play the game all the time.