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Tier 2 medium cultural gloves - changed?

in Human

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

I also purchased the Falconer’s coat and the bending and clipping is still very visible. I think it’s fairly clear now that it’s just the female bracers that are messed up.

On the right, I tried to match the posture in the screenshot you posted. I think it makes the difference very obvious:


Tier 2 medium cultural gloves - changed?

in Human

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Can anyone with a human male character check this out? I’m wondering if it was changed only on the female armor or on both.

Tier 2 medium cultural gloves - changed?

in Human

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

I think this is actually a bug or a change; the boots from the same set do not have the same bendy quality:


Tier 2 medium cultural gloves - changed?

in Human

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

The Human T2 medium cultural gloves have an elbow pad (for lack of a better term) that sticks out behind the bracer.

I could have sworn that these elbow pads were rigid and kept their position fixed relative to the forearm, but as I was working on some close-up screenshots and realized that they bend around onto the upper arm. This actually causes some fairly noticeable distortion and clipping (as shown in the attachment).

Am I incorrectly remembering how these bracers used to look? If not, I think this is something that should be reverted. I loved how the gloves (and accompanying boots) added some much-needed solid metal to the world of medium armor otherwise dominated by plain leather. Now that the elbow pads are all bendy, they don’t give nearly the impression of structure that I recall them having.

Even if I’m going senile and they’ve always been like this, it might be something nice to look into.


The "Potty Break" Rule

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

There’s actually something like this already in the game: The Heart of the Mists.

You can teleport there from anywhere in the world for free from the PvP menu. Once you’re in Heart of the Mists, you can use the same button to send you right back to where you were.

Don’t go through the portal in Heart of the Mists because that will send you to Lion’s Arch regardless of where you entered from…though many would consider this an added benefit

Soulbound runes from the Mystic Forge

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

I was cleaning my bank and tossing some excess major runes into the Mystic Forge, when I saw that Zommoros had deigned to give me a Superior Rune of the Monk.

“Awesome,” I thought, “I’ve been trying to collect these for my guardian alt! This shaves off a couple dungeon runs that I’ll need to do!”

Sadly, my hopes were shattered when I saw the rune was now soulbound to my ranger (who has absolutely no need for it). To add insult to injury, the rune couldn’t even be tossed back into the Mystic Forge to try for something more fitting.

I ended up doing the only thing I could do: Selling it to a vendor for a mere 2 silver and 16 copper. A sad ending to what could have been a happy tale of fortune.

TL;DR – Please make dungeon runes acquired from the Mystic Forge account-bound rather than soulbound.

Lv61-80 Gear Prefixes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Edith Gainsbrook.8926

Note: This entire post applies only to PvE gear.

I really like the system that GW2 has with naming gear. The fact that items with the same prefix will have the same general stat focus makes gear planning a lot easier. That said, I’ve noticed a few things odd about this system and wanted to put some questions out to the community.

The first batch of prefixes correspond to the seven types of fine crafting material. Everyone should pretty much be familiar with these prefixes and stat arrangements:

(I’m listing all of these stats as Primary and Secondary A/Secondary B to be consistent)

Berserker’s: Power and Precision/Crit Dmg
Carrion: Condition Dmg and Power/Vitality
Cleric’s: Heal Power and Power/Toughness
Explorer’s: Magic Find and Power/Precision
Knight’s: Toughness and Power/Precision
Rampager’s: Precision and Power/Condition Dmg
Valkyrie: Power and Vitality/Crit Dmg

There are two more prefixes that I’ve only found on dropped items:

Shaman’s: Vitality and Heal Power/Condition Dmg
Traveler’s: Magic Find and Power/Condition Dmg

What’s most interesting about Shaman’s and Traveler’s gear is that there is no lv80 exotic armor with either prefix (at least according to the trading post). However, there are lv80 exotic weapons and lv80 rare armors listed with these prefixes.

Finally, I’ve noticed three more stat combinations that I’ve only seen on dungeon token gear and stuff from renown heart karma vendors. To facilitate discussion, I’ve given them some names taken from Guild Wars 1 insignias:

Blighter’s: Condition Dmg and Precision/Toughness
Sentinel’s: Power and Toughness/Vitality
Disciple’s: Heal Power and Precision/Vitality

So, my questions:

1. Why is there no lv80 exotic Shaman’s/Traveler’s armor? Is it a bug or am I merely overlooking something?
2. Is there a way to craft gear with any prefix other than the basic seven (via discovery recipes)? If not, won’t that cause an odd gap between builds with readily craftable gear and builds that must farm dungeons or karma for theirs?
3. Are these the only stat combinations out there?