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Ranger Pet Swap Gfx?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Efyx.8926


Simple animation: A pokeball ^^… it would fit perfectly, my ranger keep saying “I choose you” when i swap pet.

Seriously, anything like pullnointer said could be fine, maybe a smoke screen.

But if Anet adds an animation for swap pet it must not have a delay.

pet swap without delay >>>>> pet swap with animation and delay

Glory into money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Efyx.8926


I think the OP’s point is that it is hard for someone who’s dedicated to sPvP, tPvP to gain gold. He seems to think the transition between PvE and sPvP, tPvP is “harder” because you don’t have gold ie: when you think about the time you invested by getting at high lvl of sPvP you don’t want to invest all this time to let say get a full exotic set even if that isn’t really hard. To not let someone who never plays PvE has same advantage as someone who plays PvE, is why the OP proposed to start getting gold at lvl40 and higher. But on the other hand a PvE player has the same problem if he want to start doing sPvP and looks nice (armor, weapon); because look is suppose to be the goal of this game am i right?

Maybe it’s off topic but i think the main issue with sPvP and gold is when i readed his post i was thinking about the custom arena; for me gold is not a problem since i play mainly PvE so i can afford a custom arena without problem but for a sPvP player he will have to pay with real money to get it. It’s weird that someone who don’t play sPvP have easier acces to a sPvP feature.

No Zenith Gear for Engineers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Efyx.8926


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Efyx.8926


Heavy armor

race: Charr

Barbaric coat, mixed with T2 cultural armor leg plate (Legion Tasset). A part of my belly is missing.

pit’s fighter coat (pve version) i don’t know the pvp name.
Mixed with many Shoulder skin (on this attachment barbaric pauldron
Shoulder from the chest armor is clipping through the pauldron.


Barbaric pauldrons
It’s clipping with itself.


T2 cultural helm Charr Legion Visor
Face change for a pink furless one

Barbaric armor = knight armor in PvP
Precision: Pit Fighter coat not pit fighter chest


(edited by Efyx.8926)

October monthly achievement error. [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Efyx.8926


it’s not a bug

It’s been covered in other threads, but it’s a to-be-announced achievement related to the special October holiday content.quote


I’m eager to see this content. I had alot of fun in GW1 during Halloween.

CoE exploration laser jumping challenge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efyx.8926


Portal, Blink, Shadow Step

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Efyx.8926


Dungeon: Ascalonian Catacomb / 1week ago
Me and my friend enter both at the same time through the portal. I’ve been separated from the group. I left the instance and reenter but again i was not in the same instance as my group. I left my group and ask them to reinvite me. It fixed the problem. I would prefered to be not able to join them, i did some dungeons and at the moment this one is the worst since it’s suppose to be the first one.

Dungeon: Crucidle of Eternity / 16.09.12
No problem to join the instance but we got trouble with a boss in submarine way. The giant with a frost sword.We were trying to lure him into the electric pillars to stun him but he was passing through it everytime no matter how we where trying, soo we lost alot of time by killing him the hard way. This boss is nice because you have to use the room to help you but because of this broken thing two players don’t want to do this dungeon again.

Instead of having trouble with getting in the instance, forming a group is a problem for doing the instance (story mode or explorable). It would be nice to have an option like ’’LFG’’ just for instance. I know there is already a ’’LFG’’ thing but nobody use it and when somebody use it you don’t know why he need a group (most of time it’s not for what you need help to). I lost 2h to form my group and being block from the map chat because i was saying "GLF 2more CoE explo’’ every 2min. Group search in Guild Wars 1 was perfect.

Duels, inspect, ping meter, lfg channel and more !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Efyx.8926


I think there is already kind of “LFG” option but not enough people knows it. Press (Y) and you can change your status for LFG. You can see who is looking for group with the second or third bunton in (Y) menu. Like i said just few people using it. Players have to be inform of it, maybe during the tutorial.
It would be nice to have the option Group Look For.

Duel, 2v2 and 3v3 would be really nice.