Showing Posts For Elenya.5324:
We just had the same thing on Seafarer’s rest; the event failed I got the daily chest in the corner of the screen, then I disconnected. Wouldn’t let me log back in to the game and when I did; no reward -.-.
This happened to a fair few of my guild mates too, one of whom even opened the daily chest but after the dc found they were no longer in his inventory.
I am pleased to announce; Seafarer’s Rest Temple of Balthazar is open for business! Good job guys!
We are attacking the temple! Come now!
We have a nice little army building at the moment. Help us by guesting/ coming to Seafarer’s Rest. Currently invading along the southern route. PM me in game for details.
We are attempting to gather some people on Seafarer’s Rest. Come help us cleanse Balthazar!