Showing Posts For Ellementalist.4381:

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


I think the main issue here is how the person wants to play the char not how a few builds revolving around kits being OP. mind you it requires quite a bit of skill to be switching kits and using them effectively in battle and not everyone has the time and patience to learn how to be good.

Turret Cooldown

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


well I just do not understand why Anet doesn’t make the turrets scale to char stats.
plus turret scaling is horrible in PVE. when the monsters upscale the dmg it does is just a scratch.

Is this class even on the radar?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


well im keeping my fingers crossed.
there are some bloody good engineers out there doing mass killings with kits.
most they will do is prob nerf them to please the other classes in PVP ( they pay more attention to PVP then PVE )
engineers get no love in PVE

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


one major drawback about the turrets is that it has no mobility in this highly mobile game.
you would think that Anet would compensate it with better stats but no….

traited turrets can drop in a second and the turrets don’t target dragons.
even if you use it as a blast finisher ( which i think totally negates the point of having turrets btw, they can just come up with bomb skills for that ( or use bomb kit )), the cooldown on the turrets is just stupid.

using it now is a waste of utility skill slots. ( i really like the turrets but its crappy T_T )

Is this class even on the radar?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellementalist.4381


I got to agree with the op. its been a few months since there has been any real work on engineer. last major tweak to the turrets are basically useless as they are still crap.
im just hoping they at least respond and say something. anything