PvE—you’ll have a lot of different build options that will all work well. You won’t do as much damage as some other higher level characters, or different professions, that you see, but you’ll be able to do a lot more than just dps.
Like what? Elixirs have an AoE that is ridiculous. Yeah you can control the Npc for a while, but i don’t think you can compare the engineer to the other class in pve.
Probably the most effective spell that is useful in pve is the Super Elixir ( Number 5 of Elixir Gun ), but that’s it kind of. And if we speak about healing like with the medpack, well you will never heal as a Elementalist in water form.
PvP—you’ll have a lot of different build options. You’ll feel weak at first because engineers have a very high skill floor, especially compared to some other very easy builds that are quite strong and popular right now. After quite a while, you’ll start to feel very powerful and versatile.
I can agree that you have a lot of options, and that many of them are useful and strong, but still stay that if you wanna be a real strong Engineer, you have to use the normal and boring ( for me ) granades build.
Unfortunately, looks like is a class that is very ignored. We will never be strong in condition as other class or have a dps as many other class have. The better things that we can do, is to control the mob or the player with knockbacks or Immobilizings. Now we have stability, for 4 sec and with 30 sec of Cd, what can you do in 4 sec? 5 to 10 steps?
I really hope that someone will start to work on the Engineer and give to them a real reason to be useful, or at the and Warrior would stay the best dps, guardian the best support, Elem great healers if is needed, and the Engineer would stay on a couch looking for the other classes playing Guild Wars 2.
I LOVE Engineer as a class, is my favorite class and is my main and first class, is really funny to play, but is sad sometimes to see that you are not so useful to the team as a War or as a Guardian…