Showing Highly Rated Posts By Emmalouise.1763:

I thought season 1 items weren't coming back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


Does it really matter? You haven’t been playing, whats the issue? are you annoyed something in your bank has gone from from over 2k to nearly nothing?

I dc & cannot re enter when I change maps

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


Anyone else getting this? I have had it since last night. HAd to leave my guild dungeon run and now experiencing it today.

I hope its fixed before I have to lead guild missions

Just missed WURM

season 1 memory box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


ANet seem to be bringing back old skins every now and then to discourage this, and quite rightly so. if you decide to purchase as an “investment” then whether the box stays or goes is a risk you need to take

LWS3 Expectations and quality over quantity

in Living World

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


This will come across cynical, but I think they are just using the “quality versus quantity” cliché to justify the new, much slower, approach to content delivery.

Seasons one and two brought us some of the best content Ive ever seen in an MMO – Molten Facility, Aetherblade Retreat, Guild Missions, Fractals, Southsun, Marionette, Tower of Nightmares, the burning and rebuilding of LA, Glint’s Lair, Drytop, Silverwastes, Triple Trouble, Aetherpath, the fight against the nightmare dragon, just to name a few examples.

So, when they claim that the delay is to improve quality, that is the content we need to measure that quality against (and quantity given the time they are taking, imo).

So expectations need to be astronomical in scale at this point, because they have set the bar really high with the quality of their past work.

I expect:

  • multiple new maps (at least 2) that rival Silverwastes in terms of fun/replayability/scale,
  • story steps at the level of Glint’s Lair, Fort Salma or the final fight against the nightmare,
  • world events on the scale of the LA invasion/reacquisition,
  • new guild missions (12-24 of them) that make the old ones feel mediocre
  • Multiple fractals (6-12 of them) based on obscure historic events with mechanics and foes we haven’t seen before (ala Thaumanova Reactor)
  • World bosses (at least 2) that require the coordination of the Marionette or even Triple Trouble

I expect these things because ANET has delivered on these things – and MUCH MORE – using the old living story model. If they are taking this much more time (MONTHS with nothing new to do) to deliver new content, then that content needs to be a level above the amazing content they have delivered in the past (because of their quality takes more time claim).

I love this freaking game. Since day one, I have been what many would call (and many did call) a white knight on the forums – passing out praise and arguing against detractors. I do not like the direction they have chosen to go in 2016. It is destroying the living world and creating a boring stale world with nothing new to do.

This claim that we have to wait 11 months between the expansion and living story because they need to up the quality level (over some of the examples I list above) feels hollow and more like an excuse to reallocate developers toward the same tired business model every other AAA MMO uses. It will cost them players – not all at once, but this game was obviously designed to center around the concept of the living story – and they are leaving it behind.

OMG yes, this, I want this! oh and FYI you are not being cynical, you are just stating truth.

Do we really have to call it Minstrel gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


I think you are reading too much into it.

that’s the problem with this world, people try to twist stuff when there is no need tbh.

In the UK its chocolate.

Wing Cover And Transmutation Crystals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


Yes, as other person stated above, but just in case you wasn’t aware when you use a transmutation crystal you will lose the item you are taking the skin from.

I dc & cannot re enter when I change maps

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


Oh and its defo not my internet or router as my bf is playing quite happily…

Year of the ascension Season IV

in PvP

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


The below pic is where I have finished this year.

I have read on the forum that season 5 has been confirmed and it will be presented with the new changes to your personal progress and the changes leagues and pips.

I have also read that the backpiece will still be obtainable after “the year of the ascension”

Please please tell me all my hard work won’t go to waste and what I have achieved this year. I.e all achievements bar one, wont be totally wasted.

Please please grandfather people into the new system if season 5 is gong to apply to this year.

I could have got to ruby most season and have my backpack by now, but stuff happened so I completed as mch as I could.

The last remaining achievement is: League Elite – where I need to Cross 4 league division thresholds during a PvP season. I’m 1/4 on it and there is no way I can cross over 3 leagues from Ruby.

I really cannot wait for you guys to announce the new changes and how we are going to get the back pack beyond year of the ascension. I just hope all my hard work pays of and isn’t totally wasted


(edited by Emmalouise.1763)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


I have lost AP as well

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


I was so sad when I saw the cut scene to chapter 6, to make matters worse I was on my own and I was unsure who in the guild had or hadn’t done the chapter so remained quiet.

Poor Eir, Poor Brahm

Suggestion: Make Multi-Guild Optional

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


You asked ""What if, Guild leaders have the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild?""

Here’s my stance on this.

I have my main guild, my personal guild, a friends guild and a raid group guild.

I prefer to be committed to one guild and contribute only to that guild. I am a 100% repper, but at the same time I require a guild to be just as giving back. The guild I am in makes its own content, keeps us involved and is big and small enough to have a nice family atmosphere but remain active.

But at the same time I wouldn’t want to be restricted to one guild, my personal guild has old friends in there and the thought of not being able to have it is odd.

If a guild is having problems keeping members and having people be loyal they need to look at themselves and work out why, its not the freedom of choice that’s doing it as am a member of 4 guilds but main rep 1.

there are most likely loads like me, and you would be missing out on those people. just because we are in more than 1 guild, doesn’t make us less loyal to our main.

(edited by Emmalouise.1763)

Cosplay Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


Whelp I play on a toaster but what the heck.

Here’s my character Queen Of The Moors cosplaying as Angelina Jolie’s version of Maleficent.

I hardly post on forums but had to log in just so I can say, this one is brilliant and so far is the best!!

Year of the ascension Season IV

in PvP

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


I get that I had that much time. Still doesn’t change the fact I am where I am and the system is changing. I am praying that I won’t have to redo everything because they change the structure of the PvP leagues and how you progress through them. They have said the new format will be introduced with season 5.

So I guess that’s my worry, I seem to struggle documenting my thoughts on paper:/

Expelling Guild Leader, is it possible?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763


He sounds a right kitten lol. Don’t waste your time and money building HIS guild up, make your own.

Ranger concerns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emmalouise.1763



I have just seen that a load of the elite specialisations are having more changes made to them for BW3, this is great!

But… I am concerned about the ranger. I love my ranger and I am really looking forward to Druid. But Rangers have not had much love in the game and I am really worried that it’s going going to have enough time to be tested and improved upon as its being revealed last and will only have 1 BW test. I am worried it’s going to be released with HoT a bit unfinished.
