Showing Posts For Ender.3814:
Looks like you guys are what I’m looking for I’ll get in touch with you guys tomorrow hopefully when I get home. Look forward to meeting everyone!
I am looking for a fun, friendly guild that does a little bit of everything on Tarnished Coast. By everything, I mean dungeon runs (including stuff like Honor of the Waves and Ascalonian Catacombs,) and Fractals, Living Story events, maybe even a little PvP here and there. I am not too crazy about WvW, though I do hop in on occasion.
I run a guild that plays other games, so this is not the only game I am committed to. I also am on that mumble server most of the time. So you have to be okay with this.
I cannot commit to a set schedule, though I do tend to play during the afternoon and during the day on weekends. If you have a website with a forums that’d be cool.
I’m a bit shy so don’t expect me to be extremely talkative right away.
Server: Darkhaven
Location: Georgia, U.S.
ISP: AT&T U-Verse
Been happening to me for the past 2 weeks.
What We Are
DA is a guild that prioritizes it’s members over numbers. We want a friendly community that’s devoted to each other, and is not necessarily bound to Guild Wars 2 itself. All of us play other games casually (BF3, LoL, etc.) If enough of us play something, we see where that can take us.
We seek players who want to truly get to know their guildmates. That means interaction outside of the game as well as in. We want members who are mature and friendly, and like to help fellow guildies. We also help each other get decked out in gear.
We primarily play PvE and run dungeons. We do a little WvWvW on the side, but it is currently not much of a focus. We like getting cool looking stuff. Armor sets, rare weapons, etc. We also enjoy leveling up alts for a different feel and perhaps a different look.
What we are not
We are not a “wal-mart” guild. We do not have, nor do we really want, hundreds of players in our roster. Getting to know everyone in the guild is a must, and we feel that once you’re getting close to 50 that starts to become problematic. Once we hit 50 active, unique individuals we will close recruitment and become invite-only.
We do not welcome “everybody.” You have to join our site and submit an application within 1 week of joining the guild ingame. We also do not want your interests to be divided between us and another group. The point is to become a very close-knit group that backs each other up. Everyone in the guild can recruit, so if you want more for WvW or want to start a PvP group, you can start inviting more players who are interested in that. Thus representing is an absolute requirement.
More Info
DA is modeled after “Ender’s Jeesh” from Ender’s Game (if you don’t know what that is, just google it or read the book.) They were extremely close, backed each other up, and most importantly understood each other. That said, all of our members are not Ender’s Game fans, so don’t feel like you’ll be left out. It was simply the original model we were basing ourselves off of.
Currently we are made up of around 9 active GW2 players, with around 15 members who play other things with us. We are very small, but then being large is not a goal.
How to join?
Add me to your friends list ingame (get on almost every day in the afternoon hours, EST), and let me know you’re interested. Or you can go ahead and join our forums at and introduce yourself there. Then any of our officers can get you set up.
Keep in mind the following:
1. You are going to have to submit an application within the first 7 days of your having been invited to the guild ingame. Within that time you must also represent the guild.
2. We use mumble. We know some people prefer other voice options, but this is what we use. We expect you to use it, whether you have a mic or not.
3. Despite what you may be thinking, we’re actually lax to our members once they make it in after the evaluation period. We don’t have a hardcore activity policy, in that if you have to go overseas and won’t be able to play for a long time, are in the military and get shipped out, or whatever the case may be, we won’t penalize your membership for it. However, no “breaks from the guild” will be accepted, as that runs counter to what we’re aiming for. Communication is key.
4. Have fun. If you’re not having fun, then help us make things fun for you. We listen to every member and try to keep their interests in mind. Just remember that this sort of guild takes time to grow. Don’t join if you’re looking for instant gratification.
Officer Contact:
Gamerjfire, Crusader Kirinin, Threat Adolfus, Nansae
I agree. Shoulder length hairstyles, and some more popular trends too. We’ve got that one hairstyle for the younger-faced males, the side-swept one, and that’s about it. We have a LOT of hairstyles for short hair, but only 3 for long hair. You have the Logan copy, which as stated earlier many NPCs use. And then you have the two that look like a hobo. I personally wouldn’t mind something I like to call “the Squire,” which is sorta like Bran’s hair from Game of Thrones. It’d look weird on the adult face types, but the two young face types would match it I think.
Also, why are there no good ponytails for females? Norns have one or two, but they’re the really wild ones with hair that goes down to their waist. Humans have none that I can recall. I kind of thought ponytails were like a given for females. Many of the norn hairstyles for women would look great on human females too.
That said, this probably belongs in the suggestions forum.
Home World:Darkhaven
Guild Name:Dragon Army
Guild Website: (registration required)
In-Game Contact: Ender.3814, Arteth.4865, Reddwire.1402, Nansae.4672, Lorenstrex.9760, TheDeltaHawk.7103, Iggy.9482, Gamerjfire.5709
Focus: PvE, Dungeons (we adapt to our member’s interests)
Quick Notes: Heavy emphasis on getting to know each other, spending time together ingame and out of game (Steam + Mumble, for example,) we play other games casually such as BF3 and League of Legends for a good time. If you do not interact and get to know us (and we you,) you may be dismissed. Numbers are not our priority.
Dragon Army has evolved over the years. In 2002 we played Jedi Outcast under the name Jedi of Light, and moved on to Jedi Academy when that released. In ‘07 we shut down and reformed in 2010 as NobilityGaming. We had a successful Minecraft server for a good 2 years, but once interest in that died, so too did Nobility. Those of us who remained have years of experiences together and decided we wanted to make something that could expand into a multi-gaming, close-knit community. We also happened to be Ender’s Game fans, and this game has dragons, so the idea stuck. (We like dragons more than kittens…) Now that our core members are all level 80, we are re-opening recruitment and wish to get about 30-50 members. Once we feel like we’re full enough, we’ll shut down recruitment again.
Note that while we strive to do our best, we will not turn down a casual player. We understand some people can only get on an hour a night, or even just two nights a week at times. We can be flexible!
We would like to provide a heavier emphasis on structured PvP and WvWvW, but our current roster is primarily PvE oriented.
What this means is…
We are not a Zerg guild, we do not spoon-feed games to you, and we are not looking for ornaments in our roster. While we will not hold it against you to join another guild for something like WvWvW (since we don’t do that a lot atm,) we do expect you to represent us often, to register and participate on our website, and to spend time with us on Mumble. We prioritize our friends over everyone else, and forming long-term friendships is our ultimate goal.
We are comprised of college students and working adults, and the few we have still in high school are in AP classes. We seek mature members only, and look for people with respect, kindness, patience, and dedication. When we play a game we play it for years, and we look for that same habit in our recruits.
As of this post we are rather small. 20 members in the roster, with about 12 who are active (on a few times a week.)
Our average play times are afternoons and evenings from 6 PM EST until 10 PM EST, while weekends tend to be off and on throughout the day, and often later hours at night.
If you are still interested, please visit our website, register, and introduce yourself. That is the best way to get involved, as at some point you’ll have to do this anyway. If for whatever reason you have to join us ingame first however, see our primary in-game contacts above.
Look forward to meeting you!
(edited by Ender.3814)
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
I’m not annoyed that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW1. I’m annoyed because they talked this game up like it was going to different from most MMO’s in sense that you would not get stat grind, only grind for looks or achievements but threw that out the window a few months later when the reviews had already been done and most the people who would have bought GW2 based on the design philosophy had already got it. GW1 is used because people keep using “stat grind is necessary to have players interested” as an excuse for A-net doing this when GW1 did not have this.And in what way is stat grind unique? It isn’t.
I dont’ like stat grind either, but I also feel like this whole Ascended gear thing is causing more stress than it should. I’m certainly not for the addition of equipment with greater stats than Exotics, but I’m also not pmsing over it. Right now it only effects Fractals, which I frankly could care less about. The bulk of the game has nothing to do with fractals, and PvE gear does not transition into PvP (excluding WvW.)
Hopefully the psychotic reaction to Ascended gear will leave a bitter taste in ANet’s mouths and keep them from doing similar things in the future. I personally wouldn’t mind them either reversing Ascended stats to exotic and changing stuff around so they have different attributes (adding some diversity,) or bumping all exotics up to match ascended stats.
Or Ascended gear would become the stuff you get from all dungeons, but those boons in stats would not transition over to WvW. Actually that might be better.
Hi there.
First of all, i want to point out that that i’m not beeing sarcastic here. And second, I am sorry for my bad english, i am no native speaker.
I played GW1 for a very long time, and i really loved the game, PvE and PvP.
One of the most fascinating things about this game was the lack of geargrinding. You hit max. Level and you can buy the best armor and weapons for almost nothing. That was fantastic.The thing is, it is different for GW 2 now. In GW1, i would never ask anybody if he is good at the game or what kind of equipment he uses, because it doesn’t really matter. I would help him, and we would work together to finish the dungeon or whatever, because i knew one thing: There is no better equipment, he/she just needs some advice or help in playing the game.
But now, with Guild Wars 2, it causes me problems. When I team up with a group of players to do, for example, the Fractals of the Mists, I really wish for all of those players in my group to have exotic gear. I hate myself for thinking that way, but the difference in stats means that we could (possibly) finish the dungeon faster.
On the other hand, with non-exotic-equipped players, I feel like…those people could waste my time. Because we die more often. And I have to repair my equip more often etc.
I have not started to ask my party to link me their equipment or anything like that yet, but I think, on higher Levels in the Fractals, i would start doing so.
Sure, I could just go in and whipe a few times and have fun, but still…beating a dungeon faster is more fun that dying a lot of times, for me at least.
What do you think about that? I don’t want to do that, but I feel like I am forced to check out my partymembers right now, because of this whole difference in gear.
I wouldn’t go so far as to ask people to link me their gear, but I would like to know what gear they have, and I would dislike running with someone who has horrible gear, and I do sometimes not repair my gear if it is hidden by other pieces of clothing so no one can see.
I remember playing FFXI and you can “Check” other people to see their level, title, their personal comment, race, gear, etc. I would always go around checking people to see what gear they have. Thats how I learned the stats and all the equipment. Honestly, in GW2 I don’t know all the equipment or gear or stats and how they compare cause I can only see my own. Its not like I can look at someone else’s gear and say “wow that looks cool” and then go wiki it to find out how to get it myself. I think thats something that this game really needs.
Being able to see other player’s gear will do more good than harm. Sure, some people will say “Your gear sucks” and kick you, but for every player like that there are 2 who won’t care. Most people don’t have full exotics, but having a feature like this is something even they would like because it sets you apart. There is no point in having cool great gear if people can’t admire it.
Not entirely sure this would help you as much as you’d like. Most of the attire people are wearing in this game have been transmuted. So it’s unreliable to be checking for item names. The only thing you’d need to know are the numbers.
You likely meant this, but you mentioned looking stuff up in a wiki, and so seeing the name of an item wouldn’t help you. I’m wearing a full Protector’s cultural set, but the stats are of the Draconic Berserker set. Working on a tankier set atm, and I bet I transmute those too.
(edited by Ender.3814)
I hated World of Warcraft. I hated Guild Wars 1. I adore this game.
In order for this to become a WoW clone, it has to:
1. Introduce the current norm in questing. Run up to the NPC, right click, accept, run off wherever the tracker tells you to go, kill whatever it told you to kill, return, turn in, and likely be given the next quest in the chain. Usually there’s between 4 and 8 quest givers in each town. Once you’re done, move on to the next village/town/outpost, and repeat the process.
2. Make it so if you hit a creature, it’s yours and nobody else gets credit. Loot is shared with the party, and you must compete for gathering nodes.
3. Make combat less mobile. WoW certainly allows for more mobility than, say, Final Fantasy XI, but GW2 allows you to move around quite a bit. It’s practically an action game with an RPG interface.
4. Allow you to skip all content in PvE and jump right into end-game for the PvE world. A friend invited me to WoW and, after accepting, the character I made was insta-leveled to max, plus I could make a Dark Knight or whatever they’re called which begins at level 65. …..
We’ve got a long way to go before this is a WoW clone. Pretty sure for this to become a clone, the core design of the code would need to be reworked. Introducing “raid” gear is not unique to WoW, it exists in nearly every MMO, including EQ and FFXI (I keep mentioning FFXI because I played that instead of WoW, and it was out 2 years before WoW.)
As far as GW1 is concerned, I thought the PvE sucked. PvP was good, but the animations were crap. Yea I’m that picky.
I’m glad that at least this time around you CAN look young. But I would like to have an old, wise face with a sophisticated beard. That’d make a really cool Mesmer or something.
I might be the odd one out of the bunch, and while I do have two female characters, I’ve always wanted an MMO that allowed me to make a character that resembled how I look in person. I look like young, mid to late teens and a very youthful face. This game ninja’ed the look for human men. Even has some nice hairstyles to match.
Now yes, I do enjoy having the big noble “hero” cliche look, but I also want to be able to make an old geezer and a youth fresh out of training. No 18 year old ever looked like they were 30, so why do I never get the option to play what I want? I usually wind up having more females than males because my limit of having a “manly” character is like, one. It’s because so many other games I play have the “man’s man” hero that I’m turned off of them in MMOs.
I loved the default male Shepard in the Mass Effect games, liked Snake from the Metal Gear, even enjoyed Halo 1.
I think you know now what I chose lol
While I admit I didn’t read the entire thread, I did read the first page, and here’s how I feel about the current guild system.
Like the creator of the thread, I understand the logic behind allowing for players to join multiple guilds. However, what I do not understand is why there is not some sort of time limit on when you can join another guild, and why there is not a maximum amount of guilds you can be in at any given time. In Guild Wars 1 guilds tended to specialize as a PvE, PvP, or AB guild (if I remember right.) You could only be in one guild at any given time, but your guild could form an Alliance with a handful of other guilds and interact with those members as well as your own guild. I think the primary reason for GW2’s system is so players could join one of each of the specialized groups and experience everything the game has to offer with guilds bringing out the best of each sector of the game.
Unfortunately, I can join too many guilds right now and I get more tangible perks from sticking to the large ones. These “zerg” guilds have an almost endless supply of influence points, they can more or less completely dominate a WvWvW map, and to the general public it looks as though their statements in the chat as having 100+ members is more appealing to newer, guild-less players.
I’ve been running guilds since I installed Unreal Tournament ‘99 on the release date. I ran a successful Linkshell in Final Fantasy XI, had a clan that reached around 50 members during it’s peak in Jedi Outcast/Academy, and had a moderately-successful guild in LOTRO before it went free (and about a year after, but we quit after that.) With Guild Wars 2, it feels virtually impossible for me to recruit. I have roughly 10 members, all obtained from the previous groups, with the rest of my clan’s roster scattered about in SWTOR or Battlefield 3. My recruitment threads are barely getting any attention, and I hardly ever get a response when I advertise in the game. And then I see these zerg guilds running around with hundreds of members, and they feel the need to grow even more.
I’m all for capitalism, but I’m very much against monopolies. I adore this game, but not as much as I should. Clanning in an online game has become something of a custom for me, as I’ve done it for so long. So either I’m going the way of the dinosaur with my old school, close-knit clan mentality, or it’s the fact that I didn’t start out with a jumbo-sized big mac of a clan, and thus I’ll never reach my goal of 40 members.
That said, the members I do have are extremely close, and we are not members of any other guild. We’re making do with what we have, and perhaps over time we’ll reach that magic number of 40 we yearn for. But I definitely agree with the Op.
It’s kind of amusing. I sort of assumed a game with the title of “Guild Wars” would put an emphasis on having hundreds of guilds competing against each other, rather than a few over-sized guilds eating up all of the potential representatives.
Updated to reflect changes, server change, etc.
Home World: Darkhaven
Guild Name: Dragon Army
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Ender.3814
Focus: PvE, PvP, Dungeon
Quick Notes: We are focused on being close-knit, friendly and social. We are not a Zerg guild. Our guild has changed names a few times over the years to adapt to whatever it was we were playing (founded in 2001.) Now we are trying to expand into a multi-game (2 or 3) guild. Currently play GW2, will support Phantasy Star Online 2, and are looking at Battlefield 3 for FPS. Forum registration on our site required, and we use Mumble.
We use Mumble, forum registration required.
We are not large! We want to get larger, but growth with be short as we are not going to invite everyone to the roster.
Dragon Army is a clan for friendly, helpful, and social gamers who enjoy the good company of other players like themselves. We play primarily PvE and Dungeons, but lack the numbers for a good WvWvW presence. If we find ourselves with a handful of truly skilled PvPers, we may look at where that could take us by participating in more involved PvP and WvW gameplay. We want to enjoy the game in it’s entirety without having to join multiple guilds, though provided you spend time with us we do not mind if you are in multiple guilds. If this sounds in any way interesting to you, then [DA] just might the right clan for you!
Important Things To Keep In Mind
? Must be mature, courteous, and helpful. We have no age requirement, but we do expect you to behave like a responsible and respectable adult.
? Must contribute. For Guild Wars, that means representing the clan (though you may still be in other guilds,) helping us earn those influence points, and being there for our group sessions and events. We need real people, not names to clutter a roster.
? Since we put such a heavy priority on getting to know one another, it’s doubtful you will succeed if you do not attempt to truly become a part of the clan. This means joining our site, hopping onto our mumble, and interacting with us, not necessarily always in the game.
We are still very small, meaning by joining this clan you are essentially helping to form what will become a strong Guild Wars 2 guild. However, many of us have known each other as far back as 2001, and we’ve picked up some new friends along the way. Everyone in the clan knows everybody, whether we play the same game or not. If you want to be a part of a virtual kinship of sorts, Dragon Army is for you.
Catch me online for an invite, or go ahead and get setup on our site and request an invite there or in our mumble, since you’ll be making your way there anyway.
Quick List!
> PvE, Dungeons, A little bit of PvP
> Mature and fun environment
> Represent often, though you may be in several groups.
> Not a zerg guild.
(edited by Ender.3814)