Showing Posts For Endoeuvre.6532:

your looking for a good guild? dont wait

in Guilds

Posted by: Endoeuvre.6532


Truly a classy guild recruitment. Well done.

Hubby/Wife seeking Balanced PVX, active!! guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Endoeuvre.6532


Thank you very much for the response! So many great guilds out there!

Hubby/Wife seeking Balanced PVX, active!! guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Endoeuvre.6532


Seasoned mmo players, family oriented, loyal, looking for a guild.
No problem moving as our server, and guild chat, has turned into a ghost town. Typical experience, I suppose, for a lot of people lately.

I like to explore, so PVE is kinda more my thing, whereas Hubby likes to WvW.
I’ve been perusing the net, looking for a new home, on guild-recruitment boards for the last week. I’ve only seen one guild that really struck my fancy; they were funny, didn’t take themselves too seriously, but were smart and got things done in WvW. If they had had a stronger PVE leaning, I would have applied in a minute.

You’re a well-kept secret on a great server. Your population has been consistent despite the server hops, and the truth is, no one is going anywhere soon. Your members are numerous enough so that you don’t need to recruit, but you’re always on the look out for decent members. Maybe you consider yourselves somewhere between semi-casual and semi-hardcore.

As a guild, you like PvP and PVE, and represent both well. You have a nice balance of both dedicated WvW’ers, and folks who are interested in exploring the new Shores content. You have a couple of really special and gifted organizers, active officers, and you pride yourselves on having members and leaders with integrity.

Mostly, as a guild, you’re fun-loving! You’re mature and serious when the poop hits the fan, but you also recognize that no one should ever put a ‘game’ before Real Life!!! You find it more amusing when someone screws up, than tragic.

You have some BRILLIANT people in your guild. And at least one on your voice server that makes you groan, but you love him anyway, because that’s how you roll. You have a great website, and a minimum of 10 people on at any given time. (My ideal guild doesn’t have to be 5000 member’s strong, but honestly, the more the merrier, the more diverse, the better).
Hubby and I usually belong to stronger, smaller guilds. I’m just not too sure that works in GW2. If you’re a mid-size guild, on a server with a great alliance, that fine too.

Your members are well respected in the community. You expect people that wear your guild tag to take pride in that, and act accordingly. However, you’re not above pranks and look for ways to keep things interesting!!!
