Showing Posts For Enitzu.1874:

We Don't Make Grindy Games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enitzu.1874


To me, this xpac felt more like a small DLC with huge gated walls. The amount of event grinding to get masteries is a bit much. If I actually had to get HP in the world for elite spec, I just wouldn’t have an elite spec. The fact that I can’t even complete the story without hours and hours of grinding masteries that really don’t change the game at all once you have glider/bouncing shrooms/uplift just makes me not care about the story as well.

All in all, this xpac wasn’t worth more than maybe 20 bucks. They have put in better content in free patches than they have in this xpac imo.

Revenants speed boosting levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enitzu.1874


People have played for years. They have saved up tomes and have the insta lvl 80/30/20 boosts. So yea lots boosted to 80 in minutes of HoT launch

UI Mod

in API Development

Posted by: Enitzu.1874


New to GW2 and been trying to find a mod (if there is any) that allows you to move the buff/debuff frame to a more sensible area of my screen. Having to watch the bottom of my screen for uptimes and such is a royal pain

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Enitzu.1874


Oh geez …. I only started the game a week ago and even I’m not that kitten by this news. I have a ton more to do than you do.

I read this and the only thing I can think is ‘Are they seriously complaining because they have to play the game?’. Seriously, you get 10 HP per challenge in the xpac. 10 freaking points. So you have to do 40, I could do that in a day easy and will prolly have it done by Sunday.

The sky isn’t falling so just wait and see for yourself before complaining.