Showing Posts For Eosson.8197:

Corrupted lodestones

in Crafting

Posted by: Eosson.8197


I’ve also seen less people farming there overall. I think others are experiencing the same thing and have since stopped farming that area. Maybe the ones showing up on the AH are only from Jormag event mobs? Who knows.

During? I thought those were nerfed ages ago because people were purposely prolonging the event so they can farm those.

I don’t know anything about the drop rate of the lodestones from the Jormag event mobs. However, the only other places I can think that these are coming from are Orrian boxes, Fractals, or if maybe the elementals in Orr also drop them.

Well the ice elementals near Grenth statues might but that would require completing the Grenth temple event which doesn’t seem to happen much these days.

There’s supposedly some near the entrance to Arah as well.

There are ones near every deactivated Grenth statue. Each of the temples have a type of elemental associated with them. Melandru spawns earth elementals which drops onyx. Dwayna spawn sparks/air elementals which drops charged lodestones. Balthazar spawns fire elementals which should drop molten. I can’t think of anything related to Lyssa but if there is something they would probably drop Crystal Lodestones.

Lyssa spawns air elementals too.

Gates of arah vendor on any server?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Eosson.8197


2 sites that may help you: (no autorefresh on this one) (autorefreshes, just pick your server to see when the daily-chest-events occur)

edit: both use the api, so they are up to date

(edited by Eosson.8197)