Showing Posts For Eowyn.3562:
My complain has to do with the combination of camerawork and architectural design.
You all know that Guild Wars 2 camera sucks in close space. What makes it worse is that it constantly tries to correct itself, leading to situations where it constantly shifts back and forth, really hurts the eyes.
And many areas in the dungeons are in small space. There are points where I cannot effectively see what I’m fighting or what’s going on around me (Caudeous Manor, for instance). This also affects FPS, making these parts lag more than usual.
2 things that could be done to make it easier to breath in dungeons:
1. Make the roof or whatever obstacle for the camera half-transparent, just like they do it in Diablo 3 or Dragon Age. This way the camera can stay consistent, and you don’t lose overall view angle.
2. Make the dungeons more spacious. Anyone who has played WoW knows how relaxing the dungeons are, even if they’re in a cave like Molten Core. Raise the roof and you have plenty of room for the camera to maneuver.
Just my two cent. I love the game, love dungeoning, and I hope Anet can make it a nicer experience.
Thumb down on the skill hotkeys changes. It’s not like there was some sort of cohesiveness between the skill hotkeys in the first place (if there were they would have made Leap the same position as Flashing Blade, for example).
Why not just give us the option to customize our skill hotkeys instead? Can’t we decide what works best for us, in term of how to organize our hotkeys?
I also dislike the Guardian shield, for all reasons mentioned above regarding the mechanics and themes, PLUS:
It looks so weird on my character’s back. The designers put the shield so high up on the body, it’s disproportional. Some shields cover my norn’s head totally. My character looks like a moving lollipop!!! Seriously, nobody else noticed how ugly this looks?
even though I already finished story and finished one exploring path too. I’m sure because I have the achievement Twilight’s Idol: 1/4 paths completed and 30 Deadly Blooms.
When I run in the instance, it only asks me if I want to do Story mode, instead of asking me to choose between story and exp, like other instances.
When I join a party and they go in first, I get the options to join exp or story, but clicking on exp does nothing.
Has anyone encountered this problem before?
bugged for me and several other players on our server too.
I’m stuck. Finish killing the Mouth of Zhaitan but cannot leave the estate. Galina Edgecrusher says: “Move aside then. All this door needs is a dose of my shoulder.” Which I think will leads to him opening the door. Unfortunately nothing happens.
I read other reports of this bug dated back to earlier this Sep, but looks like it has not been fixed yet? How am I suppose to progress on my story?
I’m experiencing this bug. Finish killing the Mouth of Zhaitan but cannot leave the estate. Galina Edgecrusher says: “Move aside then. All this door needs is a dose of my shoulder.” Which I think will leads to him opening the door. Unfortunately nothing happens.
I read other reports of this bug dated back to earlier this Sep, but looks like it has not been fixed yet? How am I suppose to progress on my story?
Nor are we battlemages.
Look at this bow, that is what i want for my guardian.
That’s exactly what I had in mind, except with white/blue to fit the Guardian theme.
I also find our elites underwhelming. I’m sure they are useful in various situations so I’m not arguing over their usefulness. But as ELITE skills, they are quite unimpressive and do not carry enough weight.
Spirit Longbow that shoots out light arrows! YES~!
You know, like in WoW. Sometimes I come across another player with nice looking gears and would like to find out what gears those are. Is there a way to do that without asking the other player?