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Returning to GW2: What should I check out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Hey all title pretty much says it all!

I’ll be returning to Guild Wars 2 after several months of inactivity and would love to know what types of things have been added or changed that I should check out! I’ll already be headed to WvW and sPvP so PvE recommendations would be the most useful, but anything is better than nothing.


Territory Wars - More tactics, less zerg!

in Suggestions

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


This sounds like a Karma trains dream. Can you imagine. Just running across the map capping stuff over and over then losing it cause you cant cover it all so you just recap it all. Just what I think. It could work, but would need lots of tweaks.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Why the heck does a Tier 4 Server SoS, Tier 2 TC, get matched up with SoR?

We are getting farmed, its the first freaking day and we are already getting siege spawn camped on our own borderlands

Don’t complain. Lovely Rank 12 Kaineng gets Rank 8 and Rank 6 FA and Maguuma. Our prime time is currently 60 v 30 and they have those numbers on every BL. We have every person who plays WvW in our home borderland trying to hold Garrison.

7/5 Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood/Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Lol, I swear we were all like. Dropping from 9 to 12 probably gonna get SBI or something around there. NOPE. Rank 6 and 8 servers vs rank 12. We will still fight our best though and show you that we are still strong. This random thing doesnt like giving us lower servers.

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I’m about to leave for the next two weeks, but before I go I just had to say that this has been one of the best match ups yet. I feel like all our servers have up times around the same time and this truthfully causes some epic sieges and holds. Although it does get a bit bunkery at times we still manage to take golem rushes to the face

Tiany, Kaineng

5/31 Kaineng/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I tried so hard last night with my Militia zerg to hold Bay on KBL. Simply not enough of us.

Login server down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


WOo HOO, reopen patcher and it works! Have fun guys!

Why still downed state in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Downstate is a mechanic that is built in to make insta burst kills all the is viable. If you burst someone but can’t finish them then your gonna have to do it again.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


only those that didn’t know how to utilize stealth properly would ever come to the conclusion that thieves without stealth would be ok.

it’s like going from a damascus steel blade to a wooden dagger, and there’s no magical property that make the wooden kitten hard as steel. You can say you were just as good with it, but the people that would buy such kitten are not my kind of people.

Only people who don’t know how to survive 30 seconds would complain that Thieves with revealed debuff would be not ok.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


@ OP

Oh look how the tables have turned. At one point thieves were telling everyone L2P while slapping them with all kinds of advice, tips and other kitten as proven ways to counter them.

Now that everyone is telling us L2P, I say its only fair that we start kittening about how every other class’ mechanics are OP and we should get traps to counter them because we are lazy, bad players who refuse to accept the fact that we probably suck.

I mean that’s how everyone plays. Am I right?

We told them how to counter us, so we need to be ready for it.
ANet put in a new counter to us. We need to be ready for it.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I think the complaints lie in the fact that stealth isn’t what it is for everyone else. It’s our way to mitigate damage, it’s our way to do damage on par with others, its basically a part of us. There are some builds without stealth, but the majority of them utilize it to a fair extent. I almost consider it part of our class mechanic, as it even allows us a new stealth skill.

So, the trap takes away defense and attack. What’s left? nothing, and that’s the problem. Again this doesn’t apply to every build, but it is an integration to the class. We have a whole trait line dedicated to stealth buffs. What if the trap took away 50% of all other classes armor and damage? because that’s what it’s effectively doing for the thief for the most part.

Stealth Negates 0 Damage. You can still be hit by it, and anyone good will interrupt or cc you before you stealth and hit you. Stealth is used to evade and confuse people. You can do it other ways though, like SB and Shadow Step. You aren’t always reliant on stealth to do those things.

Some builds do less damage without stealth, but what build actually loses a large amount of dps. Backstab loses one burst, but still has high crit heartseekers and can simply kite for 30 seconds if you really have to. D/P Perma Stealth loses the most of anything, but they don’t lose their heartseeker damage.

Well stealth isn’t an active defense as armor is, but it serves the same purpose. The enemy loses targeting and tricking people is a form of defense. The regen and condition removal traits also make it defensive.

Although stealth doesn’t improve overall dps much, the stealth skill has good burst, you can trait for 100% crit, you can trait for extra damage from backstabs. So it really does increase burst potential by a lot, which is how thieves play. They aren’t meant for prolonged fights and aren’t meant to be hit. Stealth is perfect for both of those.

So the enemy being bad is an art of defense basically. Anyone good will have some sort of interrupt/cc/something to not let you stealth away easily. I know many high level players I run into notice any stealth. Snare you. Then kill you.
If you lose target so what. Many classes aren’t lock on only(Besides ranger) and most Rangers know how to relock quick and keep moving.

I understand that bad players are screwed by this trap, but it’s not imba cause they suck. Like the backstab complaints. “They can 1 hit me no fair.” Well if you see a thief or particle effects around make them miss venom and such. Bad players can’t do this and so they complain.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I have been seeing complaints to how bad we are being nerfed, that we should be “deleted”, so on and so forth. I have a few things to respond to.

1. We are useless without stealth, will die easy, can’t do anything, ect.
Please learn to adapt. There are many builds that work without stealth(my first thought is D/D Condition or Unicorn Build) You can play any of these AND do great damage. It’s just differen’t.
And if you still want to play backstab or some other build be prepared for revealed and learn to play around it. We have many ways to move fast. Shadow Step, SB 5, Heartseekers ect. Use other forms of damage that don’t require stealth. Even backstab builds can use heartseeker and do a good amount of damage. Or help a group with basilisk venom.

2. You wont be running into them every 5 feet. Most solo players wont drop them and if they do it’s super obvious. The animation is slower than other traps, takes longer than any stealth besides shadow refuge and if someone shadow refuges you can use your stealth trap(you have them too) and counter their wasted shadow refuge.

3. Worthless in a zerg.
Well this is partially true. But if you are a squishy thief were you ever much use in a zerg? If you just run with them stealthed you aren’t helping them fight. You can’t push cause you insta die. But let’s say you get hit by a stealth trap, oh no one person in the zerg can’t do anything. Except stun people, and do large critting heartseekers.

Don’t complain because you can’t adapt or don’t want to become skillful enough to play while revealed.

And again, it’s not about the actual cost/application effectiveness of the trap, how well it can be used on thieves, and so on – I’m not a fan of Anet introducing any effect that effectively invalidates an entire traitline, some traits outside that line, multiple utilities, and more for any class.

If the trap were meant to solely target portal/veil bombs, it could have simply pulsed a 3s reveal every second for 10s in the same radius. 30s reveal is pretty clearly targeted at thieves caught in the trap.

TL:DR – You shouldn’t wants traps targeted at shutting down a huge chunk of a classes functionality, regardless how well you can play around it. Its lazy, kittenty, kitten poor design, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s used to kitten up your class, and this game in general. Furthermore, accepting the trap as is makes you a bad, lazy player – I don’t want to beat an Ele because I dropped a trap that locked him into his current attunement for 30s, I want to beat him because I outplayed him.

If you truthfully wanted to out play him, then you would enjoy this trap. It’s adding another mechanic that says hey, screw up and it could hurt you a bit, or hey this guy is standing in one spot for 10 seconds, maybe he’s dropping a trap. The trap isn’t a 1200 radius until you proc it. But besides that it doesnt shut off much but 3/8ths of your trait line(if you go 30 in shadow arts) If you can’t survive 30 seconds without 30 trait points then maybe you should take a break and get some practice.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I want this trap for PvP.

But seriously, get over it please. Thieves were, and still are in a way, broken in WvW. Now if we get a couple nerfs to Ranger, and nerf the HGH Engi, Buff the Warrior, fix the Necro, then we might come close to balancing this game.

Thieves aren’t broken in wvw. They were before culling, but not since.

1v1 thieves are perfectly balanced. You can’t balance a class 1vX. Unique class mechanics are going to give each class advantages in different situations.

Thieves aren’t broken, all this trap does is require more skill to not be an idiot and walk on it. Or learning to not die for 30 seconds.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I think the complaints lie in the fact that stealth isn’t what it is for everyone else. It’s our way to mitigate damage, it’s our way to do damage on par with others, its basically a part of us. There are some builds without stealth, but the majority of them utilize it to a fair extent. I almost consider it part of our class mechanic, as it even allows us a new stealth skill.

So, the trap takes away defense and attack. What’s left? nothing, and that’s the problem. Again this doesn’t apply to every build, but it is an integration to the class. We have a whole trait line dedicated to stealth buffs. What if the trap took away 50% of all other classes armor and damage? because that’s what it’s effectively doing for the thief for the most part.

Stealth Negates 0 Damage. You can still be hit by it, and anyone good will interrupt or cc you before you stealth and hit you. Stealth is used to evade and confuse people. You can do it other ways though, like SB and Shadow Step. You aren’t always reliant on stealth to do those things.

Some builds do less damage without stealth, but what build actually loses a large amount of dps. Backstab loses one burst, but still has high crit heartseekers and can simply kite for 30 seconds if you really have to. D/P Perma Stealth loses the most of anything, but they don’t lose their heartseeker damage.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I just refuse to play a game with those things in it.

I know I can still kill people and even possibly get away if I hit a 30s reveal trap using shadowstep + hs spam.

That still doesn’t mean I think the traps are fun.

ANet ruined wvw for me. So I quit playing it.

sPvP for me only now. No biggie.

You could argue this with any mechanic. There are people who think Perma Stealth isn’t fun. Does this mean it should be removed. No.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I have been seeing complaints to how bad we are being nerfed, that we should be “deleted”, so on and so forth. I have a few things to respond to.

1. We are useless without stealth, will die easy, can’t do anything, ect.
Please learn to adapt. There are many builds that work without stealth(my first thought is D/D Condition or Unicorn Build) You can play any of these AND do great damage. It’s just differen’t.
And if you still want to play backstab or some other build be prepared for revealed and learn to play around it. We have many ways to move fast. Shadow Step, SB 5, Heartseekers ect. Use other forms of damage that don’t require stealth. Even backstab builds can use heartseeker and do a good amount of damage. Or help a group with basilisk venom.

2. You wont be running into them every 5 feet. Most solo players wont drop them and if they do it’s super obvious. The animation is slower than other traps, takes longer than any stealth besides shadow refuge and if someone shadow refuges you can use your stealth trap(you have them too) and counter their wasted shadow refuge.

3. Worthless in a zerg.
Well this is partially true. But if you are a squishy thief were you ever much use in a zerg? If you just run with them stealthed you aren’t helping them fight. You can’t push cause you insta die. But let’s say you get hit by a stealth trap, oh no one person in the zerg can’t do anything. Except stun people, and do large critting heartseekers.

Don’t complain because you can’t adapt or don’t want to become skillful enough to play while revealed.

1. No. I don’t want to buy new gear and rebuild for the 3d or 4th time. I’ve had enough. I like stealth and shouldn’t be ostracized for it.

2. True, but they will be used in any 1v1 vs. a decent player.

3. If you hit one in a zerg you will probably die.

What game are you playing?

You really think you can come on here and tell all thieves to rebuild and regear and that everything will be OK?

What class do you play? Why don’t we invent a trap for rangers that doesn’t allow them to evade for 30s?

Traps are the dumbest thing in GW2 and reason I refuse to play wvw anymore.

If you don’t wan’t to rebuild, then just learn to play around it. I mentioned several ways you can survive 30 seconds. Or do damage.

If your a decent player don’t hit the trap. If they pre-laid it down you are either unlucky or it’s obvious they are baiting into it. If you see them dropping it, blow them up, or make note and don’t run there. The radius is not big.

We can argue zerg style all day, I personally don’t stealth much in a zerg and get by fine, but if you don’t like zerging because of traps then don’t zerg. It’s not the only strategy in WvW.

To you “What class I play”. I play 0/30/30/10/0 D/P Stealth Thief. Not perma stealth, but I use backstab and stealth regen a lot.

I agree with swinsk…
I’m glad that you enjoy playing with the unicorn build, but it’s not fair that I have to change gear and playstyle

I don’t play Unicorn, just said it was another option.

To People Complaining about Stealth Trap

in Thief

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


I have been seeing complaints to how bad we are being nerfed, that we should be “deleted”, so on and so forth. I have a few things to respond to.

1. We are useless without stealth, will die easy, can’t do anything, ect.
Please learn to adapt. There are many builds that work without stealth(my first thought is D/D Condition or Unicorn Build) You can play any of these AND do great damage. It’s just differen’t.
And if you still want to play backstab or some other build be prepared for revealed and learn to play around it. We have many ways to move fast. Shadow Step, SB 5, Heartseekers ect. Use other forms of damage that don’t require stealth. Even backstab builds can use heartseeker and do a good amount of damage. Or help a group with basilisk venom.

2. You wont be running into them every 5 feet. Most solo players wont drop them and if they do it’s super obvious. The animation is slower than other traps, takes longer than any stealth besides shadow refuge and if someone shadow refuges you can use your stealth trap(you have them too) and counter their wasted shadow refuge.

3. Worthless in a zerg.
Well this is partially true. But if you are a squishy thief were you ever much use in a zerg? If you just run with them stealthed you aren’t helping them fight. You can’t push cause you insta die. But let’s say you get hit by a stealth trap, oh no one person in the zerg can’t do anything. Except stun people, and do large critting heartseekers.

Don’t complain because you can’t adapt or don’t want to become skillful enough to play while revealed.

[Sorrow's Furnance] Never Fall Back[NFB] WvWvW focused guild-Recruiting Anyone Active

in Guilds

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Hey Everyone,
I started a guild recently called Never Fall Back. We are WvWvW focused, but most members also spend time in sPvP and PvE. We are looking for active new recruits to help us grow. Currently we are finishing up level one upgrades and have more to come. If you’d like to join message me over the forums and we can contact in game.

Hope to see all my server in WvW

Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: EpiChlo.4072


Sorrow’s Furnace is gonna recover from our defeat from last week. Let the best server win.