Showing Posts For Equalizer.2458:

3Wv Bonus Curve

in WvW

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


Since the original intent was to have a 3 week rotation, are the bonus rate adjusted to this 1 week period ? Since we only truly starting to see some benefit in the mid to late end of the week, and that’s only if we do a pretty good score !

Would like to know if they compensated for this.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


You guys speak of pets tanking as if, the other players will attack the pets first and then you… who cares about the pets tanking in pve ?

I can kite the mob all day, without the pet helping… try to send your pet into a mass pvp fight and see what happens to him, or if you think in a rarely 1v1 the other guy will try to kill the pet first, think again !

The pets are the most useless mechanic in the game, its broken, hard to fix and to make it right, and the majority don’t really care for them. they are only good for the pet lovers, who like to show their collection.

And to top it off, a wild troll comes in and say: If you don’t like it, make a warrior instead ! you can do range dps without the pet…

well, how about no ? That is suppose to be the ranger role.

What kind of test you guys do, that couldn’t see the SB got broken, and the players instantly pick it up ?

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


What I found amazing is that the players notice this minutes after the patch, and a bunch of devs didn’t saw it in internal tests… does any dev actually plays a ranger, or do they change skills based on a whiteboard theory ?

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


best thing you guys did, since the launch of the game ! ty, this was a really annoying issue to me.

World v World & Normal World Suggestions / Broken stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


God… your post stinks of fan-boy

Your answers was either that I was a bad player or that I need work with what the game offers right now…

I have 10 years of mass-pvp and sieges, I don’t need your “Intel Extreme Master” lessons, and guess what, this is a suggestion topic, it is suppose to suggest something we think the game lacks, or doesn’t work well. I don’t need your approval nor does Anet to implement it, if they think its a valid point.

So, your whole argument to dismiss it its completely invalid.

And you are completely missing the point of what sieges mean to a guild, but then again this is a suggestion topic not a discussion one, so I wont go into philosophical meanings with you.

And it was only me, or didn’t you saw the announcement by Mike Zadorojny on September 13 about the end-game ?

That means this topic about the GW2 having a end-game or not, actually has a point, because not everyone knows whats next ! And having Anet making that announcement, means its their job to inform us, that their game doesn’t end there.

I’m only asking for a way the game show us that.

If you think a game does not need to inform the player about what it was to offer in-game, then thank god you are not making games, for you, every one should go outside the game, to a wiki, and search what to do in the game ?

This is not them holding my hand, is showing me what they have to offer, I don’t want to spend hours searching in a wiki, for things to do. I’m not playing the wiki, I’m playing the game.

I think you are so wrong in many levels, I don’t even gonna spend more time replying…

Have fun trolling !

World v World & Normal World Suggestions / Broken stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


I made a list of a few things that might be broken and some suggestions to it

World v World

  • One thing that keeps bugging me is, when we are attacking a fort, and the defenders are on the wall, when we “kill” them, they go into down state and we can’t finish them or hit them to death, because we get obstructed, so they get res back up quite fast, and there’s goes the loot and the dance starts over again.

- So my suggestion, is to get rid of the down state on WvW, or find a way to do some kind of finish ! The same goes for the opposite, but on the walls , we can at least hit them to death.

  • The ballistas get obstructed when they are on the walls, when the enemy is too close, making them useless in that situation.
  • The armor repair is a bad idea, i think some user already said that, because when you are losing and keep getting pounded, the idea to spend a fortune in repairs doesn’t go well with many of us, and so, they simple avoid confrontation, and prefer to wait till the week ends.
  • The whole jump to the edge of the wall, so you don’t get obstructed, and can actually hit someone, and risk getting pulled, don’t know if its working as intended, or just bad wall codding…
  • Other thing related to whole wall / obstructed, only the aoe’s can properly hit the players defending, unless they go to the edge of the wall.
  • A donation bank, on every tower, keep, castle, so players can donate for the upgrades of that structure, and the keep lord can only use it for that purpose.
  • The gate siege, it seems that having two catapults on the other side, is better than to have the oil pot up and running, because the damage pass the gate, and the players are safe on the other side, just keeping sending boulders to the door, i don’t know, but this seems broken to me.

- The oil pot which was suppose to be the one doing that job, is quite useless, because its the first thing the players target before constructing the rams, the oil pot gets burned down quiet easily and nobody uses it, the best you can get is like 2, maybe 3 shots, and that is if you find someone down there.

So it may be needed to make the oil pots more hard to kill and make a user protected from the aoe’s, because right now, its not working.

  • An Alliance system, so guilds can properly coordinate their attacks.
  • Guild getting influence per tick if they own a tower/keep/castle the way it is now, doesn’t give any incentives to fight for a keep. If we get influence points per tick, we would have a better reason to fight for it, and spend money on it.

- On a related note, the banner doesn’t show who we are, so its just a random guild like any other, the game doesn’t make us try to become the best, because in the end, we are just a random banner out there, part of the mindless zerg.

  • A way to see the WvW map, before we join the queue, so we know if a place needs defending or join the attack.
  • We can’t kick a player from the party after he log out.

Normal World

A looking for group tool, has to be most important thing missing right now… A 2012 game without that, is just wrong.

- I want to get this one dungeon set, and I have no way to find other ppl willing to do that.

- And make it for all servers being connected, I don’t see any harm done for this. You can argue all you want, for the social aspect of it, but in the end it doesn’t work like that. Spamming the chat, or waiting for players in the instance entrance doesn’t work, period.

  • What to do after we hit 80, I feel we lack information, for example, where to buy armors, weapons, dungeons to run, places to explore, what we left behind, haven’t done, suggestions… show us, it didn’t end there.
  • Guild Hubs A place where new players can look up and see which guilds are recruiting, their achievements, their motivations, their objectives. rank… etc. And an apply form. This can be a house or a bar in Lions Arch for example.

On side note, me being a ranger… I wont go too much into the pet system, because alot of discussion as already being made, but for me, make the pet on assist, or just remove it. Make it work as a true dot, for all I care. I have mine always on passive, because is simply broken, and a hate pets.

And… The legendary Bows… Flowers and Unicorns… Seriously ? Kristen… was that u ?

(edited by Equalizer.2458)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Equalizer.2458


Target Distance…