Showing Posts For Eremes Guile.1480:
Anet please dont listen to these cry babies. You did an awesome job. WvW is back and alive! Keep it up!
Had the most awesome time in wvw today! Its been years since wvw has been this lively! Thank you so much anet! I knew my HOT purchase wasnt wasted! Keep it up!
P/s i really dont mind the queue
Esport? They cant even balance pvp
These white knights must be anet’s dev personal account.
Whoever is incharge of pvp clearly has no brains. How they push this so called “pro” tournament is beyond basic logic since pvp is utter broken. Classes are too imbalance and these developers refused to even do anything about it.
Uhm, no, they actually never did. First it was thieves and guardians, then it was thieves and mesmers, after that it was thieves, mesmers and warriors.
After that it was the same for quite some time and everybody just got used to how it is, and to not play engineer or necro if you dont want to get your ears blistered.Then it was engi, guard… after that necro, engi guard… and so on
This game was never perfectly balanced.
It had times were it was totally kittened, but atm its pretty okay. The only profession without any chance in the current meta is warrior.
Everything else is fine tuning.
“pretty okay” i have to disagree with you on that. Say that again when you face a 4 man necro team, or better a 5 man necro team.
Dont worry, soon it will be teams of mesmers.
And you still will get those teams of DHs.
The necro hype is about to at least take a hiatus from pvp in favor of the condi mesmer hype.
they managed to get everything balanced at one point and that was a long time ago but now this whole condi bunker meta just runied everything! only 4 class to play from all of the others!
Would really be nice to play a class that i like playing!
This is getting out of hand. Fought alot of 4-5 man necro team. Obviously its getting out of hand. Not only that i am forcing to play a class that i dont favor. I hope you can actually fix this before season 2 ends. Its getting cancerous.
Having played DareDevil and fully unlocked it in pve I’ve got the following feedback:
The good
- While some of the animations are still WIP on the whole its really flashy and cool to watch.
- Damage on Vault is nice and clears a lot of trash.
- The new dodges really help.The bad
- Thief damage mitigation and anti CC is pretty terrible and it’s to easy to get wiped.
- Damage isn’t comparable to other specializations. My Reaper tears through content.
- The Staff skills on the whole aren’t very fun to use and the utility is weak. Again Reaper greatsword is fantastic in this respect.
- Weakening Charge and Debilitating Ark I find myself not using at all and they don’t offer anything in combat.
- Skill Dust Strike should be an area blind with combo field activated by vault. I find myself getting into more trash mob fights so a single target blind is pretty useless.
- Bounding dodger needs reworking, it’s not as good as the other two dodges.The ugly
- I still feel incredibly weak compared to other classes.
- Staff isn’t as fun or functional as other specializations
- The base problems with thief still hold the class back.
- The extra dodge isn’t that great.
- Would be nice to see at least one condition application added to the auto attack.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eremes Guile.1480
I play 3-4 hours a day during weekends (that is if i can) i played alot since HoT released. But all of that play time is wasted on trying to get my hero points and mastery points. Took me an hour to finally get my gliding and that is without updraft. Then grind is too much i i finally gave up on even trying to play my new specs.
Thanks anet. You bath in our money and we get rubbishm worst overpriced expansion experience ever. -1
Tarnished Coast Scout with Anet Tag keeps on spawn camping and laughing on players dead body while outnumbering. +1 best player ever.
Good effort and fun video! Keep it up. Ignore the pro-thief wannabe try hards.
6/0/6/0/6. /dance
2/0/6/0/6 ftw ????
I dont really play acro, but sucks to see it getting that huge nerf.. thanks for posting this.
What about p/d condi? Is it so bad cheesy?
no damage
shoutbow meta
no dire amulet
cant capture point while invisible
can be easily dodged
no burst
no aoe…
See, I disagree with this. I’ve been running p/d in SPvP for the amusement value and found it quite viable. I’ll address each of your points.
- No damage: This is just untrue. I’ve condi bursted down classes pretty quick with my own variation of the p/d condition build.
- Shoutbow Meta: Annoying, but you can still overload them with conditions if played right.
- No Dire Amulet: Alas, but probably for the best. Carrion is very much a viable alternative, however, and actually increases your ‘burst’ damage, useful against Shoutbows.
- Can’t Capture Point While Invisible: I can’t argue with this one, but I’ve also tied up 3+ players on an enemy team while they tried to keep me from just killing the person there and taking the point. For a goodly amount of time (2-4 minutes).
- Can Be Easily Dodged: Eh…if you mean the Dagger #5, yes, that can get annoying. You just have to predict dodges. That’s true of ANY build using a dagger off-hand, though. Otherwise…don’t be so predictable.
- No Burst: In the traditional sense, no. But between caltrops, venoms, and gratuitous bleed stacking…I’ve seen people just ‘melt’.
- No AoE: Very much untrue. If you use the variant with the shortbow you actually have quite good AoE damage on demand. And I use the Ricochet trait in Trickery which makes my pistol shots bounce around like crazy. AoE bleed damage for all!
That said, it’s not an IDEAL SPvP build, but it can be quite viable in the right hands.
^ this
Thank you guys for taking the time to watch my video! And thanks for your honest critics, i am humbled. I will work on all you have said above
Do u guys have a video of your own btw? So i cam learn the ways of the thief from your side.
Once again thanks for watching :^)
here comes the SA police….
I wrote in the description video, for some reason recent patches made recording heavy, when u screen froze for a sec, i can only press dodge, thus leading to the random dodges.
Oh maybe you should like ask the dev to remove SA completely, that way SA is not available anymore.
But since its in the game. Im gonna use it
Oh if you guys must know, this build works with S/D aswell <3
This is very true ^^.
Where’s your video, hero? Critique is ok but before giving that level of trash talk you ought to show some of your own.
mai hero <3
A p/d thief with both WvW guard buff, full duration food buff with maintenance, 25 sigil buff, using the most cheese thief build ever + perplexity to gank classes by getting the drop on them.
Most of your opponents are zerg-specced and not even very skilled, just look at that hammer warrior standing in Black Powder. And none of them are even using any food, let alone any sort of buffs you’ve overloaded yourself with.
Getting saved by random luck isn’t skill (like when that necromancer got you down to 1500 hp and you rallied to full HP via level-up).
What’s with these random stomp and CnD slow-mos? I can press 5 and then F1 for a guarenterd stealth, is this supposed to be a rare demonstration of your micromanagement skills?
1/10 Couldn’t even finish watching your terrible mishmash of a montage.
Thanks for your very inaccurate feedback. I wasn’t even running perplexity, i dislike perplexity runes so i stay away from it. Thanks for watching, dont forget to subscribe <3
p/s don’t go mental on me buddy, its Sunday, go out or something
Oh if you guys must know, this build works with S/D aswell <3
whens the video of your normal perplexity condi cheese coming out?
what’s a perplexity condi cheese?
Yeah, the build is the 2/0/6/0/6 sorry i dint post the build since im pretty sure everyone pretty much knows what sets to use according to their own liking, i mix zerk/valkyrie/cavalier full ascended, and runes im using are the traveler’s runes set. Hope that helps
Hey guys, just done putting my video together, hope you enjoy
Crusik [Icoa]
Malevolent, Micheal & Tarkus [ons]
Badale [RK] <3 grrr sexy accent
Blade Vortex [noc]
Kim [KnT]
Seehon [SUPR]
Jang Gun & Follow Chicken [WM]
JKsabre [HiS]
Sephiroth [LP]
Night music war [xf]
My eye on you [TMD]
Tommykiller [Merc]
Sano Sazo [CNB]
Estherin [RE]
Just Taiwan Man [wvw]
Endevor [TKG] forgot his name actualy.
Yeap ive seen eve online too, but idk BDO is just my personal taste, but it"d be freeeeeeekin osom to have this added in gw2 ;__;
I #believe anet will be able to pull something like this, they have awesome developers! Sorry i cant stop loving this game! But if they were to add something like this… T___T omg do it anet heheheh
Please anet give us something like this!!!!!
Watch “Black Desert #CB2 Character Creation” on YouTube – Black Desert #CB2 Character Creation:
My Season 2 so far…
Thanks [ONS] for the everlasting blerb fights! especialy 3 hours ago we kept on getting constant encounters with JQ force! thanks [SG] for keep on coming!
And about 18 hours ago, i was joining the battle at our home keep in Eternal Battlegrounds, i joined the commanders squad, [KNT], we managed to hold the keep for more than an hour, with TC’s force and JQ’s force comming to our keep waves by waves! thanks for the awesome fight Kim! keep it up oppa~
And to the blackgate who is having a heartburn over this matter, hope you guys could move on and join our main force everytime you’re on any wvw map, seriously you’re missing the fun, its worth the heart rush especialy when your force manage to wipe the opposing realm/world, and that such a feeling i cant explain, but in all truth, this feeling of getting your opposing servers loot bags, wave after wave, really makes everything up for the 2veee1 thing, and i was like “hey this isnt so bad, we’re actualy a pretty strong server” as we can hold a camp (like 2 hours ago in BGBL with [ONS] against the constantly comming waves of [SG] JQ) for almost 30 mins! So come on guys, we’re waiting for you, join the force
And as for the ones who been hating on Blackgate server, or the BG players who qq’ed, i think its only natural that some players might react accordingly, and if it were to happen to anyone of you or your server, im pretty sure there will also be rants from your side. I have some m8’s from crystal desert, some of them were so angry at Henge of Denravi when the season starts, so i guess this kind of reaction is normal in every ways. So keep on hating Blackgate cause if that’s the source of your joy, then im happy for you haters too ja~ enjoy the rest of the seasons everyone!
p/s sorry for my poor english <3
(edited by Eremes Guile.1480)
so i was just roaming around, until i saw a wild vegetable thief ganking an upscaled bg pug, with 25 stacks of bloodlust too. And after a few dancing around, the veggie thief went back and forth into their spawn, but thanks for finally coming out of your spawn to face me <3
I love my tank build. Tankgate!