Showing Posts For Erik Navkire.1603:

What do you do when Cannach isn't home?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Create a night club in his house! PARTYYY!!!


Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Hey thenottakenname, I just realized why we weren’t getting it yet. You actually have to travel to Lion’s Arch to get the achievement completed. After you do that it should be fine!

Emissary of the Mad King - Can't count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Awesome! Thanks for sorting this out ArenaNet! And a thanks in particular to Evan Lesh and Anthony Ordon for efficiently dealing with this problem!

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Still nothing for me either Maybe multiple achievements were bugged and not all got fixed? I hope that this will still get fixed for the rest of us!

Emissary of the Mad King 3/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

A lot of people are having the same problem. Check out this thread:

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Thank you Evan, I hope that you can find something soon. I posted this above but perhaps just to make sure: I think the problem lies with the Treasure Huntin’ or Trick or Treat bags opened achievements. Perhaps when the requirements were upped?

Emissary of the Mad King 3/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Seeing as how ‘Pumpkin Carving’ and ‘Mad King’s Clock Tower’ don’t count, and ‘Attend the Party’ can’t be gotten yet, that leaves 4 possibilities. Personally I went from 2/5 to 3/5 after doing the Ascend to Madness dungeon, so I think that ’It’s a Mad King’s World’ works as it should.
That leaves: ‘Halloween Huntin’, ‘Halloween Events Completed’ and ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’ as the 3 possible culprits.

I have a feeling it’s either ‘Halloween Huntin’ or ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’. ‘Halloween Huntin’ because some people remarked that they didn’t get the mark for it, and the trick or treat bags because of the personalized trick or treat bags that maybe didn’t count towards the achievement. And both achievements had their number requirements upped.

Which one do you think is bugged and what can we do about it?

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Seeing as how ‘Pumpkin Carving’ and ‘Mad King’s Clock Tower’ don’t count, and ‘Attend the Party’ can’t be gotten yet, that leaves 4 possibilities. Personally I went from 2/5 to 3/5 after doing the Ascend to Madness dungeon, so I think that ’It’s a Mad King’s World’ works as it should.
That leaves: ‘Halloween Huntin’, ‘Halloween Events Completed’ and ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’ as the 3 possible culprits.

I have a feeling it’s either ‘Halloween Huntin’ or ‘Trick or Treat Bags Opened’. ‘Halloween Huntin’ because some people remarked that they didn’t get the mark for it, and the trick or treat bags because of the personalized trick or treat bags that maybe didn’t count towards the achievement. And both achievements had their number requirements upped.

Which one do you think is bugged and what can we do about it?

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

I absolutely loved the event. It really motivated me to delve into all the different things that the event had to offer. I had great fun playing the PvP games, I went through an intense 3-hour battle with the Clocktower and experiencing a strong sense of victory when I completed it, I loved the decorations and the Mad King himself (who sounded like Bane) and the mini-dungeon was loads of fun as well. Oh and let’s not forget the mad dash through Tyria to solve all the riddles. I don’t think there’s a single thing I didn’t like about the Halloween event and I hope that they’ll keep doing events like this for all major holidays.

My main problem is, and I really hope that you’re working on this ArenaNet, is that some people, including myself, are stuck on 3/5 to the way of the Emissary of the Mad King achievement. We’ve completed all the achievements except for ‘Attend the Party’, but we’re still not on 4/5 as we should be. Please look into this, the title is just too awesome!

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Figured it’d be a good idea to link the two threads on the Halloween Event and the Game Bugs boards.

This is the thread from the Halloween event board:

Emissary of the Mad King 3/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Figured it’d be a good idea to link the two threads on the Halloween Event and the Game Bugs boards.

This is the thread on the Gams Bugs board:

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

Norn Warrior
No speed boost.

Emissary of the Mad King 3/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erik Navkire.1603

Erik Navkire.1603

I’m also stuck at 3/5 for the achievement, despite having done everything except for ‘Attend the Party’ and ‘Pumpkin Carving’. I sincerely hope that ArenaNet will look into this. Perhaps by adding a fix to the update for Act 4?