Showing Posts For Erolz.5738:
Gaile thanks for finally providing some Arena Net input on this.
One of the problems I think is that submitting a ticket on this issue seems so random. There are some people reporting having had a ticket outstanding for over a month and others who are getting at least ‘temporary’ fixes a few days after submitting a ticket.
I do not mind waiting in a queue for support but I do not want to be in a lottery to get it and that is what it feels like currently.
Eleven pages of reports of the same problem.
No replies to support tickets raised even after 9 days or more.
No response from ArenaNet here in this thread.
This really is not good enough.
Same issue here
I managed to buy gems once via pay pal, now I am unable to buy them any more either using pay pal or two different credit cards directly.
Submitted a support ticket number 120906-006002 two days ago.
Not heard anything since.