Showing Posts For Erto.6832:

Come On...dying in 2seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Erto.6832


Burst is a complete joke at the moment. One root and a Warrior can bring you down in about 4 seconds. Thieves getting 8k+ Backstab crits and ridiculous Heartseeker crits once you’re <25% health.

Asides from this, burst is just too high across the board. Fights rarely last long, unless you’re a 1v1 without a Warrior or Thief (which is unlikely).

The only real solution is to go for max survival build, but then you’re doing such little damage there’s little point you even being there.

If they were to tone down damage, and remove the Downed state to compensate, then there might actually be more strategy instead of just zerg everywhere.

(edited by Erto.6832)

Tone down the burst ...double hp's

in PvP

Posted by: Erto.6832


I just think it’s ridiculous that they think it’s balanced if several classes have ridiculous burst moves.

Pistol Whip and Hundred Blades are ridiculous, I don’t understand how they can justify leaving them in their current state.

Can we modify condition cleanse on down?

in PvP

Posted by: Erto.6832


I’d agree. I think they either need to either completely remove Downed state in PvP, or make a lot of changes to it. Some classes have 2 ways to avoid finishers, whereas some will have none, making them easy targets.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Erto.6832


The default dodge key is V btw and WASD to move – hope that helps you.

Sorry, but you do realise Heartseeker also leaps you, right? While dodging obviously avoids a few of them, and you can still kite to an extent (although Thieves have Steal and Shadowstep, as well as their own slows), it’s very hard to avoid, and a Profession shouldn’t be designed in a way that spam CC is the only way to survive them.