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Automatic Response 10s -> 90s

in Engineer

Posted by: Esper.3721


Yeah well, AED + AMR made engi playable (not counting grenade barrage bug) in the face of rediculous burst of other classes. 90s isn’t just a nerf, it’s saying “we don’t want you to even think of using this, just use healing turret like before”.

This patch reminds me why GW1 and GW2 never have been considered esport and never will be. Last week was interesting, but I’m going back to Guns of Icarus…

(edited by Esper.3721)

[Thief] stolen "Whirling Axe" is OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Esper.3721


It is because it can be used in combo with Black Powder, which completely invalidates the vulnerability to close range attacks.

Use Berserker Stance or just walk away from the thief until it’s over. You shouldn’t be fighting in his blackpowder anyway, WA or not.

If a thief is smart enough to wait for your Berserker Stance to wear off, you can be smart enough to just walk away until WA/blackpowder is over, don’t you think?

That skill is not an issue on x/D sets.

That skill is not an issue, if enemies know how to play.

RE: "Leaked" patch notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Esper.3721


Bless the heavens, no changes to turrets (or more importantly healing turret)!

SBI: Can't seem to grasp Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Esper.3721


You don’t tank enemies, you kite them. Even when kiting you can still hit your enemies with bombs and grenades, which is really strong.

In PvE you can mostly abuse blinds against small enemies and use your dodge against bosses.

In PvP it get’s a lot more difficult, because grenades are harder to hit and people will not just stand in your bombs all the time, if they don’t have to.

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Esper.3721


Sadly everything an engineer can do in these fights, other classes can do better.

You can either go tanky front-line bomber or damage-dealing back-liner, basically.

A tanky bomber has to use a lot of stats, traits and utility slots just to survive as well as warrior and guardian. You have less group-utility and stability uptime. Bombs also have no range in front and the delayed detonation doesn’t really help either. It still can be fun, though…

A grenade-spammer has less useful AoE than Elementalists, less useful and less damaging AoE than Necros and of course nowhere near the utility a mesmer brings to the fight.
You can still do decent power-damage with a bit of blind, poison and chill mixed in, but grenades aren’t even instant (they have to fly through the air) and can easily be blocked (unlike Ele/Necro AoE).
Oh and did I mention retaliation stacking will wreck you? Yeah, fun…

Healing Turret is one of the few really good things you can provide. It’s a 3sec water-field with a huge radius on a 20sec cooldown. If you can save it for regrouping, it helps a lot.

If you insist on playing an engi in those fights, I’d say go for grenades (I use rocketboots and toolkit with it). Use blinds and chill against incoming melee-trains and save poison for when they regroup to limit their healing.
In Explosives use Shrapnel, Short Fuse and Grenadier, as IA and Exploit Weakness only trigger on single enemies.

Transmute trait on engineer activation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esper.3721


I’m talking about the Engineer’s Transmute trait for 15 points in Alchemy.

Expected behavior: Activates only when you actually receive a condition (and converts it to a boon instead)

Actual behavior: If an incoming condition is blocked (not sure about dodged or invulnerablity), you still get the boon and the trait is probably on cooldown.

Reproducing the bug:

  1. Play an Engineer and put at least 15 points into Alchemy (d’uh)
  2. Equip Toolkit
  3. Have someone Throw Bolas at you (sentries in WvW work great)
  4. Block the incoming attack with Gear Shield
  5. You should have gained a boon (usually Retaliation)

hammer ele in hammer train ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esper.3721


You will just melt.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Esper.3721


Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Esper.3721


I want to add that this has nothing to do with how many people there are. I lost a 2vs2 in an open field fight, because a guardian (!) was invisible and therefore untargetable until after he stomped me.

I first thought it was a gimmicky thief…

Later it got even worse with 50+ allies and enemies around me being completely invisible and untargetable.

If you need to load 3d models at a later time, I have no problem with that, but at least display their name, profession, health and make them targetable.

Ideally enemies who hit me should have loading priority, but with the invisibilty problem right now, this is completely utopian <.<

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Esper.3721


She never said they couldn’t transfer or delete gold/items. Also I’m sure the dev team (at least the database team) could generate things if they really wanted to. It’s just a matter of how much effort it takes.

Engineer Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esper.3721


I’m not sure if it’s really bugged or I’m just too dumb to count, but the toolbelt-skill of the flamethrower seems to only apply burning twice while it should be three times.

Engineer kits do not have the enable auto attack.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esper.3721


I’m a heavy kit user, but while Elixir Gun, Flamethrower and other kits have decent auto-attacks I just can’t be bothered to stay in a kit longer than for one or two utility skills, because spamming 11111111 while kiting is just stupid.

If it’s not possible to have kits remember their last auto-attack state, then at least make most of them auto-attack by default. And don’t forget to change the underwater-grenade-kit, please.