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In short Why I don’t play the ranger ?
Because he has a useless pet.
I have lvl 80 ranger alt, that I leveled because I really like the weapons and style of game play it offers. Access to stealth, traps, evasion, and some skills are absolutely fabulous like GS 3 (Swoop), Horn 4 (Hunter’s call), Longbow 5 (Barrage), Lightning reflexes … Those skills might not be meta build, but they are really satisfying to use. And I would really like to play the ranger more. But every time I log into character selection screen I don’t pick ranger and here is why:
It’s true Ranger is packing some really nice tools but there is also this THING that you HAVE TO HAVE (MUST) no way around it … called pet. Stupid, annoying, pesky, nagging, AI from 1992, unresponsive, useless and needless creature you that will follow you no matter what.
I get it, there are players (quite a lot of them) who like to play eternally bounded pet classes, but there are also players (not as much as those spider lovers but still a lot) who would prefer to play this same class only without a pet.
Now I don’t have a problem with pet’s existence (any more) since I am playing games for a long time and in games there is this thing called: we (the developers) have putted sooooooooo much work into this, and that’s why you (the players) will play this if you like it or not, and if don’t like it we will push it down your throat.
So far I have not see a MMO that would have a pet class where the developers would, even on huge request of community, allow non pet builds/traits/perks, yet alone to change a class from pet class to optional pet class.
And the main reason why pets will stay is because there will always be more kitten lovers than players who would prefer the petless play style. And the forum logic is If you don’t like pet style go f yourself and reroll …
Okay pets are here to stay but they for sure can change. No worries my fellow bear huggers I am not taking your teddy bear away from you. I simply wish if you would be so nice and would allow me to play the same class a bit differently, I promise some of the changes you will grow to love as well.
Wish 1
The bare minimum I am asking for is altered Stow pet functionality or something similar. Stow pet ability (as it is now) allows you to hide the pet, but as soon as you jump and take 2 damage from falling your pet is back annoying your screen space. What I would like to have is: if you would shift/alt/ctrl/whatever/right click on stow pet it would toggle into a more pet less style of gameplay. I am going call this mode stow pet purple (icon) and in this mode the pet stays hidden ALL the time, until you call it with F1, then the pet comes and helps in attack and when the combat ends it vanishes without me pressing the stow pet button. The same way the messmer clones work … if not called they don’t come to kitten on your screen while in JP
and as soon as combat ends they know they are no longer wonted.
PS: The most clicked ability with a mouse in gw2 is stow pet.
On behalf of all players who are okay with pet system, as long as It is not kittenting my screen space when I don’t want it. Please give us an option to play without them.
Even the hardest Moa lovers will admit that doing JP without constant pet spawning is useful.
Wish 2
A trait that removes pet and increases player damage. Now here is the logic behind it:
Let’s say pet does 40% of ranger damage and with trait you lose the pet and it’s utilities but gain 20% flat damage increase.
All the top tier rangers would still play with pets because positioning the pet and yourself can give you better spike damage, overall damage is better, you get pet F2 skills …
But a lot of rangers would find this trait interesting because they are not on the same level of micromanaging their pet as the top ones … so this would greatly enhanced their gameplay
Ranger + pet + micromanagment is the most optimal > Ranger + trait – pet less optimal but is much easier > nubs who have pet and don’t micro manage it ( ME atm)
The trait could be balanced not only by damage but also by utility like traited you lose pet but all your stealth is 1 sec longer or when you have 4 condition on you then you are immune to any other condition applied … the ideas are endless
With such way you also solve the problem that rangers have while defending in WvW … your pet is almost useless on top of the wall. Not to mention the pets performance in zerg vs zerg skirmishing
This is the point of view of someone who has ALT ranger that is sitting and collecting dust. And the reasons why I am not playing ranger.
I know there is a big community inside the ranger community that would like to remove pet at lest as an option. But I do think that most rangers agree pets are the more annoying part while playing ranger.
Very dusty ranger.
No new model, but bigger footsteps and polished particle effect sounds nice.
I am not saying it is the only not worth getting legendary, there are others for sure. I am just afraid that Anet thinks this one is fine since it got update in may so it must be fine …
I would say this for all legendary weapons :
If you have to tell people that you own a legendary then you don’t own a legendary.
I really hope that The Moot is one of the weapons that will receive the update.
I just got mine on the same day as I got birthday gift. 1 year to make it and 1 day to get tired of it.
The footprints are really short, they only last 2 steps.
The light in the dark is a joke … I thought I will be able to do a dark room in EB JP. …
The sound it makes is almost the similar as regular swing with sound glitch.
The particle effects around the player are nice but not really as visible.
The weapon it’s self looks small unbalanced and weightless (like some plastic crap from china town)
The only reason I got this one is because I bought the precursor for 24 gold back in the day. This is the cheapest legendary you can buy, it’s even lower than water ones.
If you would remove the time and money required to make one I bet the price would be about 7g. I mean it has nice effects if you scroll all the way in and expect them to show up.
Maybe once a month someone will notice that the fight sound include weird fireworks sound and will inspect his co-players if by chance they posses a legendary called the moot.
Now I know this weapon was updated not a long time ago (may 2013?) and I am just afraid that devs/designers think that this weapon is now where it suppose to be … please show some more love for it.
I would like to see a real trail not a tiny tail behind me. and a distinct colorful swing (rainbow, purple, blue, anything) and change the model , now it looks like a very thin stick with round ball on it. The pommel is total fail. give him some weight.
Please let legendary be legendary and update them with cool new stuff otherwise I really wasted time just to fill the front page with that chest icon that is now not even a default character selection screen.
Legendary suppose to make you special … well the moot certainly achieves that … all my friends think I am special (in my head) for wasting time and resources for this weapon.
My bad then. Haven’t been using LB for a while. I thought it has the same fire rate as rifle.
I am almost 100% sure that before patch it was 1/2 sec ?
Ye warrior Longbow is a total Burn weapon
what is the point of this rune then ?
I know in the past it was 7% better swiftness, but 5% that does not stack is nothing.
I don’t know a single case where this could be used.
PvE … 5% faster speed won’t make a difference.
PvP … please
Exploring the world … ya mad.
Hey I could’t find an information if Rune of Speed stacks with 25% speed increase from Sigils?
I know that swiftness is the highest that you can get and rune does not stack with it.
but 25% with 5% do they make 30% together ?
is it 5% increase and 25% on top that or vice versa?
I sow it today. It still works as posted on this pictures.
I play ranger as my second because I really like some weapon skills (mostly GS leap)
I would like to have an option that if I hide my pet he stays hidden. Not just that blue button activate stow …
It is really annoying to some of us. and is probably really annoying to most of us in jump maps.
lets say Shift click on stow button puts your pet away including if you fall and get 200 damage or a random mob hits you for 50.
heh 10% more leap or 33% more leap…guess witch i am running with ?
Reviver might is for sure the worst mini trait, but at least it’s not deceiving.
If it’s too strong for a trait then remake it.
Warrior’s sprint
Run faster while wielding melee weapons
Everything on this trait sucks including tooltip.
What it doesn’t say it gives you 10% run speed. Yes only 10% while all other classes have signets that give them 25%.
where would you use this ?
PvE: not really, you rather pick extra critical.
WvW or PvP: if you don’t use swiftness everyone will be faster than you with their 25% bonus.
This trait sucks so bad that the only people that are using it are using it because the tooltip sucks even more and they are new to the game.
Oh how would you fix this ?
I know make it 25% run speed.
It wont break the game I promise.
I am tired reapplying swiftness all the time.
I am tired being useless if they purge my swiftness.
I would like to at least try other elite skills other than signet of rage.
if you don’t intend to fix it then remove it. In state that it is today it would be better if there would be an empty slot <NULL>. It only gives you an illusion that you will run faster. In real pvp everyone else is running faster if you pick this LOL.
who cares about utility … lvl 2 thief has better survival than my 80 exotic ultra pimped warrior with any spec.
Here is my idea how I would like it to work.
When guild is big enough, the very last upgrade (very vary (did I say very)expensive) should be a land(an estate).
Make a new map with 1 keep, 2 towers, some supply camps, sentries and some mercenary camp (Centaurs, Quagans, ogers …) and each guild that achieves this gets it’s own Instance of this map (for ever). This map wouldn’t be show on world map or wvw map. But there should be an UI where you can see the list of all Guild owned estates for each server.
I would make it so that the guild can only own the keep … but they can make alliance with other guilds and give them towers if they pledge to be their faithful vassal. No enemy can take the keep or 2 towers but they can destroy them loot them and leave ruins behind.
Each guild would have it’s own vulnerability/safe window players can decide that you cannot attack their estate from 2 a.m. to 4 p.m the next day. The longer the window is open the more reward you can harvest from your own land(no one can be open 24/7 you need to chose at least 8h of safety)
There would be 5 Tiers of upgrades. t1 to t3 are well known but t4 and t5 should be Legendary (ya know, like legendary weapon, this would take long long(did I say long) time to acquire) Only the first unlocking of t4 would be expensive, otherwise it is just like from t1 to t3 to rebuild the ruin.
t4 and t5 would be just a “skin” upgrade for bragging rights. t4 would come from resource gathering (like the weapon)
but t5 would need “keep points”. let me explain
when you create a t4 keep you get 100 keep points. but to get t5 keep, you must collect 1000 keep points. and the only way to get those is to take them from other players keeps and towers tower gives you 1 point and keep gives you 10.
You can only raid one guild once per week for keep points all additional raids you only get loot and gold.
so out of hundreds of guilds only a few would t5 ever. and if you drop below 1000 you drop to t4.
t4 and t5 can actually be the same skin but t5 a bit more shiny.
A visual we are number one.
The rewards for having keep.
For each hour of open window and your keep/tower standing you get Money and resources. how much ?
Depends on
the tier of your keep (% factor)
land(score) in EB and BL (% factor)
and the resource nodes you control on your estate (numeric factor)
there would be several of resource nodes (mine, village, lumber mill, farm …)
Farm gives you random food the higher the % factor the better the quantity and quality of reward each hour.
The reward for guild and reward for players would be separated. Each member of guild would pick the “harvest” from keep vault.
Just like karma and gold are separated currencies there would be a separation between estate resources and player resources.
every hour mine gives each player some ore reward but it gives guild some “ore supply” reward, that is used to rebuild the ruin.
so if guild is lacking 100 ore supply then they have to wait 10 hours for their mine to produce or they can raid other peoples mine supply.
Every hour players get some money for owning estate and guild gets some other money currency that is used to hire guards or mercenaries.
After all this wall of text I just realized this is only my wet dream that will never come true. I will be lucky if they will fix bugs in wvw that I posted in beta more than a year ago.
I just bought 10 crates for 1200 gems and got out 2g worth of crafting mats. tyvm anet
I would like to see spear + shield
I find that Guardians often catch me in wvw (or run away) … and I have no idea how they do it. Today I created a new guardian I went into the mist to spectate traits and gap closers and I have absolutely no idea how …
I play a warrior and yesterday the following happened :
I was scouting in wvw when I found 2 guardians. When we saw each other we had about 1000 range betwean us. I immediately turned 180 and run away. I had banner equipped and more than 1min swiftness stacked and not in combat.
I did banner charge followed by bulls charge (just to make sure they can’t tag me into combat)
I dropped a banner and did a sword leap + shield charge
Before I could do another sword leap they already taged me into combat and soon they cought me up and close combat began.
I was lucky I blocked root and a leap + just refreshed bulls charge made it possible for me to escape into our controlled tower with 1k hp.
I thought that my warrior has awesome movement with swiftness on all the time + all the leaps and charges …
Can someone explain what do guardians use for close gap ?