Showing Posts For Euthanizor.7241:
Yea they added a new dungeon, it’s a cave under a large bridge called Euthanizor’s Dwelling.
REALLY!?? omg. . I’m totally reinstalling right now!!! TY SO MUCH! you’re awesome!
you know this is not going anyware… the game is the same (yes they have added lots of stuff) still, if you ran out of “things to do” before, then i’m sure you will not have anything to long for now. I’ve never ran out of things to do and I find it hard to believe that anyone has done everything the game has to offer.
Well.. I got the exact gear that I wanted, 100% completed the map, hit level 80, and by then there wasn’t anything to do but farm gold. The problem for me was that at level 80, all there was to do was make more characters. lol. I easily got every penny’s worth from the game. And I’m certainly not trolling by saying there’s no endgame, blah blah… But… For me it was over after I got the exact gear I wanted and the stats to go with it. I still plan to hop on for some wvw though.
Hit 80 and quit playing for like a month. Ran out of things to do. Anything new in the past 4 weeks or so?
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Poll has been Updated
The BEST looking game I’ve ever played in my life.. One of the things that kept me playing this game alone was just immersing myself in the beautifully designed environment by the design team.
I think what Guild Wars 2 did was bold, innovative and brave, but it didn’t meet my expectations. After reaching 80, the game was done for me.. I sold every one of my mats, got enough gold, and purchased the exact gear I wanted with the stats I needed for my playstyle. I even have the cosmetic look I prefer on both of my 80s.
I have no dungeons to grind because my gear stats wouldn’t be any better then what I bought on the TP. I have no more completion to do because I’ve completed the world 100%. My end game has been completed. There’s always WvW which is fun. Which I also plan to hop in and play from time to time.
First off, I was a hardcore Guildwars 1/aoc/wow player. I knew before I installed this game I was going to be disappointed in it. Let me just explain that I knew from the get-go that this game didn’t have roles like healers, it only really had 5 changeable skills, and that it was a game that tried to push the boundaries of MMO’s. I didn’t buy it to be a “better” mmo. I bought it for the story, and to play a game socially with my friends. Most importantly I bought it to enjoy myself and have fun! I can truly say that I bought this game knowing I was going to have fun with it, play the crap out of it, and move on after hitting level 80 and going through the story.
Although I’ve gotten my moneys worth 10 times I think it’s time to play something else. I gotta say I miss my plethora of skills, and being the guy in the group that was responsible for keeping people alive, or taking a bunch of damage so others didn’t have to.
Biggest thing for me is the lack of progression. Same skills since level 30. Same type of events, my character never once felt powerful, and I had zero diversity from any other player in the entire game playing the same profession. HOWEVER, I did enjoy it for the time I played it. Loved the personal story.
Although I was displeased with the ideas of the game, I can never argue with the quality. I know this is a great game for those that wanted to get out of the traditional “trinity” type MMO’s, but for those of you that prefer it such as myself, buy it at least for the story. I enjoyed the game a lot even if I didn’t like some of the ideas.
Vendor: 3
Free: 1
We don’t need new skills: 1
Skills should be captured by mobs: 13
Other: 3
Vendor: 3
Free: 0
We don’t need new skills: 1
Skills should be captured by mobs: 13
Other: 2
Vendor: 3
We don’t need new skills: 1
Skills should be captured: 13
Other: 1
PLEASE use the same form as everyone else to make this poll easier for me to count.
Vendor: 3
We don’t need new skills: 1
Skills should be captured: 12
Other: 1
Vendor: 3
We don’t need new skills:
Skills should be captured: 9
I’ve also got a wasted 400
Updated the poll.
@Cancer: Other/We don’t need new skills?
@ Silver Chopper: Skill should be captured?
As much as I respect your opinions, please post them in a form like others have so I can easily keep track of a poll and this thread is easy to read for everyone. Thank you!
Vendor: +1
Other thoughts: I believe this would give us a lot of endgame, and would greatly benefit a large portion of the community. Also, for nostalgia as it was done similar to this in Guild Wars.
Ideas/Suggestions: Implement this!! Next patch.
(edited by Euthanizor.7241)
Vendor: 3
Free: 1
We don’t need new skills: 1
Skills should be captured by mobs: 13
Other: 3
This topic is a rehash of a previous poll done much better and hopefully with everybody on the same page now. Keep this to the point, on topic, and as short and sweet as you can. Please read the following arguments. . .
The basic argument of MANY Guild Wars 2 players is that we have no ability to add/change our skills. Adding more skills to Guild Wars 2 can give a lot of players the diversity they’re looking for, while also giving us a unique playstyle to bring to the table. The most common thing I hear is "we’re all sick of leveling to 80 with the same skills. Although I may agree and disagree with some things, I’m simply pointing out that it’s clear the general population of Guild Wars 2 would like to see some more diversity in each others skill bars and have more of a unique build.
Please keep in mind that I’ve given a general viewpoint here of not just my own opinion, but how I’ve interpreted the view of others as well. Such as saying the game needs more endgame.
[Vendor argument]
Adding new skills to the game with vendors in various locations can add an end game to a game that desperately needs it. If we needed to purchase skills with skill points/karma/gems/gold it would give us an incentive to play the game, do more events for xp/karma, etc. This would add a considerable amount of endgame and replay-ability. This would work similar to the way skills worked in Guild Wars. Such as visiting a vendor in “Orr” to get most of the skills. IE: getting to the Ember Light Camp in Guild Wars.
[Free argument]
Skills should be added to the game for free. They should just appear in the hero’s panel just like they already are, ready to unlock with skill points and only skill points.
[We don’t need new skills argument]
For the people that don’t want new skills and think the game is perfect the way it currently is.
[Skills should be captured by mobs argument]
Like in Guild Wars, we unlock a new skill called “Signet of Capture” to put anywhere in our skill bar. Upon the death of a specific mob, we can use the “Signet of Capture” to capture a new skill for our class.
[Other Argument]
Anything I’ve missed.
“Copy paste the below form to make this as easy as possible to read, and for me to keep an accurate poll.”
Vendor: +1/-1
Free: +1/-1
We don’t need new skills: +1/-1
Skills should be captured by mobs: +1/-1
Other: +1/-1
Other thoughts:
(edited by Euthanizor.7241)
@ Bhuta You can hope right? Also, please leave a +1 or a -1 So I can keep a tally of people’s want’s on this to make it easier. Also, the game has a way of spending skillpoints at the mystic forge already and others. Hopefully it’s not just that.
@Esham I literally just said they’re not OP.
if you took the time to read this thread, you would see points that other people brought up. especially what Galdar had said.
@ Grumwulf
Tried it on a heavier enemy with armor like you said. Guildy and I both had the exact same armor and same runes.. The only thing that was different between the two of us was the accessories and of course our weapons.
Same traits
Same MAIN armor lvl 80 trash armor with power/condition dmg/vitality
Different accessories (as we didn’t purchase them just to test this)
Different weapons (obviously)
His GS was power/precision/Vitality
My dual swords were toughness/precision/Condition damage
Greatsword still has first kill by about 25%. Aside from literally getting the same accessories, I have to agree with everyone else.. This game definitely needs some balancing done.. I don’t believe that greatswords are over powered.. I believe that condition dmg needs to be buffed with other weapons. Such as maces hammers, etc.
I’m not at all saying GS’s are OP.. But everything else is UP..
There shouldn’t be a dominate weapon, but a playstyle that fits your needs that works as well as others!
1) Then my point stands as firmly as it was made excluding dungeons and champions. Because A GS will always be a better choice for 90% of PvE. With the Greatsword cooldown skill perk a warrior has, you get to burst virtually the entire time. So… How does a greatsword spec get out damaged by condition then? oh wait. . .
2) No kitty
3) Learn to read, as I said it was done in the same gear.
4) Really? Thanks. I had no idea.
My 80 warrior is spec’d in Arms, Defense, and Tactics. I tried to set up a strong bleeding build for PvE.
I’m running gear that gives me precision, toughness and condition dmg. I’m running upgrades that give me a longer duration of condition, and condition dmg. Long story short, I’ve maximized the amount of damage I can do with bleeds.
Now, I can apply MAX stacks of bleeding 25 on an enemy for a short duration, and 15 all day long. I’ve got my spec into +10% dmg against bleeding foes as well. Here’s the best part…
I can attack an enemy at the exact same time my friend attacks the exact same type of enemy right next to me.. Him wielding a Greatsword, me, Dual Wielding swords for bleeding. Also please note that we both are Warriors, and we both have the EXACT same traits and we both have lvl 80 weapons and gear. I get my enemy to half health, and he’s already done with his and has moved on to my enemy.. Tell me where the balance is in this?? He literally used his throw, hundred blades, burst, and spun out for a kill. . . . I’ve mashed my keys, applied 25 stacks of bleeding to my enemy, threw a knife into their chest and ripped it out, and cycled through another set of cooldowns, and my enemy is at 50%.
Wordy Version
Why did ArenaNet even bother with any other type of weapon for melee?? Is the game broken or was it intended to be like this? Am I missing something here or doing something wrong? Why even bother using any other type of weapon for PvE when you know you’re not doing the damage you could be?
If you get into an argument talking about “oh the greatsword is a face to face weapon, and you have to sit and beat on ur foe for it to die, where the sword u can run around and kite while it bleeds”. . dumb. The amount of dmg you take while kiting negates the amount of dmg you take while beating someone to death with a greatsword because you’re fighting for less time. I personally think that this is very unbalanced. I know people do fine playing with swords and shields.. but we all know we could be doing better with a greatsword.
Ya know what?? Screw it.. This can all be fixed BY LETTING US CHANGE OUR D-AMN WEAPON SKILLS!
In a nut shell… game’s broke. Single weapon of practicality for PvE. 25 stacks of bleeding and 2 sets of weapon skill cooldowns can’t do the same dmg a greatsword can.. I literally tested this down to the accessories you wear.. It’s rediculous. Best I got an enemy down to was 20% remaining HP while the greatsword would have the enemy dead. Averaging 30-40%
(edited by Euthanizor.7241)
First of all, I asked for your opinion.. Not a comment on my own.. Second of all, it’s nice to hear i’m not the only one who dislikes the current system. It’s always better to know you’re not alone Anyways, I still feel as if this is a good enough game to play.. I’m certainly still playing in hopes for a change though..
First of all, you should take the time to read this.. Whether bad or good, I’d really like to hear what you guys have to say about YOUR opinions on these topics.. Not my own.
For me, MMORPG’s have been about the journey of reaching a high lvl, getting gear, etc. However, I must say my biggest satisfaction about an mmo is the feeling I get when I go to a lower level area to farm, or help a friend of mine. The feeling of destroying things easily that I previously had a very hard time with is very satisfying.
I feel as if Guild Wars 2 has robbed me of the satisfaction of playing a character that feels powerful and unstoppable. This isn’t about why, or how.. Just in principle, that I feel like I’m playing a game that has no progression. I know they can’t remove the downscaling, I know a lvl 80 can’t come one shot a boss event in a level 15 area because it wouldn’t be fair to the people that are actually lvl 15.. But it’s a feature I hate.
Guild Wars 1 was all about the skills. Finding skills to perfect a build you think is going to be great! Finding elite mobs forcing you to bring 7 of your best skills and a signet of capture. Grabbing HUNDREDS of skills and trying to reach vendors all over the map. It was the one thing that made the game completely unique from other mmos’. Now.. I have 5 skills that I cannot change at all, one slot STRICTLY reserved for a healing skill, and 3 skills I can chose from…. REALLY? I’m sorry but I actually have some hard feelings over this. . I expected a skill system at least semi-similar to the first game.. I Have 3 slots to give my character his or her own skills. That’s it! I’m of course excluding the very few heal and elite skills provided.
See a warrior with a greatsword?? Well, I already know EXACTLY what he’s bringing to the fight… I can almost be sure what his healing skill will be along with his elite as well.. Most of the time it’s not even hard to guess what his whole 3 other skills are either.
The lack of the ability to change any of our 10 skills (to anything we want) is killin me…
I’m an extremely hard core GuildWars 1 player. I’m very disappointed on how the second game turned out.. I honestly bought it because after reading the book I had to keep the story going. I love the story, but I can’t say I’m really enjoying the game.
It’s hard for me to see how Arenanet went from a wonderful skill based game to a completely different jump.. This reminds me of how Mass effect turned out from 1-3.
Between the great story and the amazingly beautiful artstyle it’s hard for me to say anything bad about GW2. I just really dont like the lack of skill choosing/swapping/selection/diversity, and the the level downscaling. It’s too bad there isn’t many people playing GW1 anymore..
-I miss Running a group for 2s to droks
-Sorrow’s furnace—(I frantically rushed to this dungeon.. I was very disappointed. . )
-Getting my armor infused
-Capturing elites
-SoS builds
-Chest running in the underworld
-Ecto Farming.
-Vanquishing Hardcore mode
Such good times.. It’s all gone now. . .
(edited by Euthanizor.7241)