Showing Posts For Evarfrost.2741:

Rumor Mill: Regarding "hacked" accounts, ArenaNet & personal security

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741


yes by law, look at other comapnies that have been “compramised” sony, took them over a week to tell people that credit cards have been stolen.

Blizzard took over a week to tell iran that WOW was no longer availible in thair country even though they baught mist of pandaria and are not giving refunds.

yes companies are supposed to tell us by law, doesnt mean they do.

Rumor Mill: Regarding "hacked" accounts, ArenaNet & personal security

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741


I mean, seriously? Without even a shred of evidence to support his claim. If any GW2/ArenaNet staff (nobody else) would like his IP so you can send the corresponding player-account a message, feel free to PM me =P.

Do you have a shred of evidence to say that arena net wasnt hacked?

didnt think so.

un-hacked the wrongkittenaccount

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741


right so following on from my previous post.

i have managed to transfer back to my 1st homeserver, the more i think about this.

i was hacked at the start of the week. tonight i get access to the game again.

Arenanet have unblocked the wrong account.

i now have access to this person called evarfrost. my account should have the deluxe edition items, this account does not.

this is clearly someone elses account.

Hacked account resolved, but still have an account problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741


so even though i have characters on a full server can i still be transferd back to it?

Hacked account resolved, but still have an account problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741


aye, submited another ticket. looks like my home server has been changed. my home server is now full.

Hacked account resolved, but still have an account problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evarfrost.2741



so my account was hacked on monday and has now been sorted. ie my email and password are now under my control.

problem is, i now have someone elses display name. this account “evarfrost.2741” is not mine, it should be “opstrat.2473”. i logged back into the game and tried to make a new character calling it opstrat which was my origional name, its telling me that someone else is already using it. my guild master is telling me that my character is also still in the guild.

so what im saying is, why do i not have access to my origonal account?.

edit. also i no longer have any of the deluxe edition items that you should get with new characters.

it is as if anet have givin me someone elses account.

(edited by Evarfrost.2741)