Showing Posts For Evo Nightcrawler.1902:

Update on Arrow Carts in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

NAILED IT!!!!! /s

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

One Last Huzzah for Confusion!

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

ANET is definitely following the BFBC2/BF3 philosophy for nerfs.
If <insert skill/weapon> kills me, it is OP and needs to be nerfed. At this rate, I’m expecting every class to have 1 identical attack and heal skill by the end of the year.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

[RE] would like to thank all Yaks and Maguuma players for the crazy fights tonight. Keep it up!

So weird seeing an [RE] tag on a DB guild. It’s a good thing you are moving up because our [RE], the original, is staying with us.

Haha we were wondering how funny it would be to have a [RE] vs [RE] fight/gvg. Hopefully things work out with you guys in Kaineng with all the talk of various guild transferring off. Looking forward to fighting you guys in the future!

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

(edited by Evo Nightcrawler.1902)

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

[RE] would like to thank all Yaks and Maguuma players for the crazy fights tonight. Keep it up!

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

4/12 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Amazing night in SoR bl with TW/TWL/EMP/ACO! Looking forward to more evenings like this.

Yall crashing as much as us? Pretty sure we had mass crashes every 20 minutes. Was making fights interesting when right as we push in half our melee would crash out.

We had some issues for a while getting people into map as there was something going on with login servers but besides that I don’t recall anyone crashing/dc’ing tonight. Just the standard skill lag.

Shout out to GSCH and other SoR/BG teams that I forgot to mention as well.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

(edited by Evo Nightcrawler.1902)

4/12 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Amazing night in SoR bl with TW/TWL/EMP/ACO! Looking forward to more evenings like this.

9/10 to the guy who mentioned JQ using dev hax to increase map population for our side on map.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

(edited by Evo Nightcrawler.1902)

1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG redux

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Sos +390
JQ +255
Blackgate +50 ??
Nooo, Please nooo ~~~

This happens to you too, Blackgate
I don’t want SBI back to T1 and face SoS/JQ 2v1 again
Even I don’t think SBI have any chance back to T1

JQ think attack 3rd server can able to be #1, so strange
They just want to stay at #2

From above posts, I found out they spawn camping you guys too, even they have “another” enemy next to them? so sad

Next one will be SoR ??

It’s not focusing the 3rd place server. To push on SoS, JQ would need BG to have a strong presence on map so that they can force the 2v1 on SoS and force us to lose a part of our territory to one server and hold it against the other.

On the contrary, for SoS to push on JQ, we would require BG to have a strong presence on the server as well to force the 2v1 against JQ and cause them to lose territory to either one.

This is because while JQ and SoS may have enough teams, we can’t just steamroll the other side all by ourselves. It would be a move that requires a ridiculous amount of effort and resources. Since both JQ and SoS know this, we can only go against one enemy which is BG and they unfortunately happen to have the lower coverage and get hit against the 2v1.

To get out of this, BG would need to get players in and hunker down wiping out any SoS and JQ advances in their territory(home corner in EB/north area in BL) consistently until SoS and JQ feel it is a waste of time to push on BG and start to focus each other. Then BG has the freedom to side with any team and push the other one hard, taking territory and increasing their point ticks.

In terms of avoiding engagement, it would make it easier for BG if SoS and JQ were to start fighting each other as it would ease pressure off them and allow them to make the push.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

(edited by Evo Nightcrawler.1902)

1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG redux

in WvW

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

I really do belive BG has the manpower to hold a strong force in EB and BL’s but from what I have noticed this week, they seem to be in a mindless zerg type tactic. BG needs to their strats worked out and players trained on how to encounter enemy forces efficiently during primetime and in their coverage gaps. Besides that, fights on reset night were intense and fun and I’m looking forward to more of them in the future.

I would suggest having training nights for guilds/players and practising movement, zerg busting tactics and other manoeuvres. Not sure about other SoS guilds, but TSym does do training nights every week to refine our play style and go over other issues/problems that were having and iron them out before reset. We also try to keep militia up to speed on our missions while playing and a lot of them do follow instructions well and make it a blast to play especially during the times where we have our coverage gaps.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

Frequent dc's with "Incorrect Password"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Ah I didn’t notice that other thread. If a mod could merge this with that thread, it would be great.

The bug is just frustrating to the point where I’m getting discouraged to play. I have been disconnected from 2 fractal runs so far both at the 3’rd stage. You spend a fair bit of time climbing through only to get screwed at the last one before you clear a level.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

Frequent dc's with "Incorrect Password"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

I’m getting constant disconnects with the “Incorrect Password” message. These started the day that Authenticator went down with the patch and since then I receive this error a few times a day, resulting me getting kicked from wvw/dungeons. I have attempted to change the authenticator key and that has not resolved the issue. Then I disabled authenticator and I am still receiving this error. Has anyone else had any experience with this bug or have any possible solutions?

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Here’s my necro!


[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

Any good daggers besides corrupted dagger?

in Crafting

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

I’m using Maelfacterym on my necro as offhand. Looks very nice. I’m sure you can pick one up on tp for a few gold.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]

Missing Light Armor Pieces from 42k Karma Sets.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Evo Nightcrawler.1902

Currently the chestpiece and shoes for the Light Armor Class are missing with the bonuses (+precision +condition damage +toughness) from the temple vendors. I wanted to know if the developers have addressed this as a bug or is this done intentionally for some odd reason.

[RE] Commander – Dragonbrand
Evo Nightcrawler/Good Guy Mesmer/Good Guy Thief
Former [EMP], [TSym]