Showing Posts For Evokerz.4952:
Great! I can hunt and kill all the Komies on battlefield and send them back to LA
Traits: 0 10 30 30 0
Armor: Berserker mix Knight with Divinity runes
Trinket & Backpiece: Berserker
Crit dmg: 89%
Healing power: 400
The rest as per picture.
As has already been stated. It is misguided to say that legendaries are currently “hard” to get. There is nothing difficult about it, and it is instead based on sheer time put into mindless grind and pure dumb luck in getting the precursors.
Lets take the karka event. 10% of those who did it got a precursor, which means pretty much a free legendary, but did any of those people put in more effort than the others? No, they simply got LUCKY!
This is not how legendaries should work, there shou always be a a point of effort to them, a questline, or something to actually make them feel legendary. Legendaries in Gw2 are not hard to get or about skill, its about your wallet for buying the items needed. You don’t see people complain over the mastery part of the legendaries, or the need to explore the entire map, and I do not remember seeing all that many players complain over the 1 million karma requirement either.
What people have an issue with, is how getting legendaries has NOTHING to do with skill or achieving something in the game! Something like requiring you reach a certain fractal level, that would be more about skill, and would still take a long time, but the difference would be that if you put the time and effort into it, you would be rewarded for it, whereas now you not only simply have to sink time in to grind gold to BUY the legendary, but in addition to that they have put in the frankly kitten diminishing returns to counteract the very thing you have to do to get to it!
If you think spending 500$ to buy an item constitutes making it “hard to get” or shows how “skilled” you are, then you really need to get a clue of how things that actually require work function. Heck, just off the top of my head I can think of the hunter and priest staves from vanilla wow that required you to do certain quests to show skill in your class and people who actually got those items were often a mark of being good at the class.
Ofc, wow decided to also make legendaries a fairly certain drop, but at least they still require you to down some of the hardest bosses of the game (pre-mop) in order to get them, we have nothing like that in GW2.
Pretty much this.
Well, with luck Gandalf found his legendary sword Glamdring inside Troll cave and not from slaying Morgoth or whatever evil god lord there.
wintersday patch only 2k kb while the 49k kb for ninja nerf not gonna tell you patch
2000 years ago the Romans invented the turtle formation, did the Persian/Parthia crying and yelling to the gods for unfair tactics employed by the Romans? lol
Cry me an effin river.