Showing Posts For Eye of the Night.2157:

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

I agree that it is up to ANet to figure out a sensible solution to handling FotM for someone who has crashed, whatever the reason, and needs to reconnect with friends inside. The problem here is that it operates on how personal story is handled (that’s why you all need to be on the same overflow and can’t go cross-server), which also doesn’t allow you to reenter the quest someone else is doing.
Other dungeons work in a different way and while they allow you to reenter if you lose connection or crash, they also allow you to switch on an alt mid-run or kick someone and invite someone else in their spot for the final boss. Exploiting FotM like that would either defy the whole difficulty level progression or would simply be impossible to do, period.

ANet is working on a sensible solution, but as i said numerous times, it’s not only down to fixing stuff, not only down to changing a few things, but it’s about finding out a completely new way of handling instances, coding it and implementing it into the already existing engine, without causing more problems than it will solve.
All we can do is be patient and ensure that there are no bottlenecks or bandwidth issues on our end. Peace!

The problem isn’t that hard to solve, at least in concept.
Here’s my solution:
When logging in with a character, detect if the last known location of that character is inside a fractal – and if the last connection time was less than 10 minutes ago.
If those conditions are met, spawn the player directly into that fractal if it’s still active.
If not, spawn the player outside as currently happens.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Happened to me, too – got DC’d right before the end, wasn’t able to log back in for 2 minutes, and when I finally was able to log back in the event was completed and people were bragging about what they got from the chest that I missed because of the DC >.>


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Without a mesmer it’s too difficult. Our group just gave up after 90 minutes of trying.
It’s just not fun anymore when you get blocked by random vines without enough time to go around…

Players need at least 10-15 seconds more on that level.

Soulbound items in the mystic forge

in Crafting

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Just a simple suggestion that’s a bit frustrating: I have items I don’t use in storage that I want to use in mystic forge recipes – I have enough for a recipe, but they’re soulbound to different characters.
I cannot retrieve items soulbound to another character from my bank to put in the forge – can this be changed?

I don’t mind not being able to equip items soulbound to another character – that’s the entire point of soulbinding. But at allow people to take them from the bank to put in the mystic forge or even just to salvage for materials or sell to a merchant…

Estate of Decay - Enter and find the Scouting Party

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

I’m stuck at the same bug, too – it may be related to the location of the trigger for the door, reading the workaround. I’ll have to try that while programmers figure out the best way to fix this.

Dragon Fights Need Changing

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

You expect too much right now. They said the current encounters in the game are tame compared to what is coming. The content in the game right now is to test the waters of the player base. Once they get comfortable I expect to be destroyed by my overlord arenanet masters.

Yes, it wouldn’t be much different from how they handled GW1 and its expansions…

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

It would be good to add a random element to event difficulty – making it harder to predict what will happen and increasing the chance of players losing an event in a chain.

Alternatively or additionally, you could introduce ‘elite days’ on which all events are temporarily scaled up in difficulty.

Also, a rule of thumb: if multiple players are doing an event and none of them ever reach a ‘downed’ state, the event is too easy.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Also stuck on this quest. Im on the Defending the Docks part. The undead ships appear and I get one wave of mobs appear at the end of the docks which are easily killed and then nothing happens.

Orpheus Volkov
Sylvari Ranger level 76
Durmond Priory – previous quest was “Intercepting the Orb”

Swam under the docks and when I came out of the water I could see the nameplate of a mob stuck under the docks in an area I cannot reach. This would appear to be why things are bugged because not all the mobs are dead but equally I cannot reach the last remaining one that is still alive.

Pic attached to show where the mob is located under the docks.

I had the same problem today – but with your post, I was able to find the mob and cast and AoE spell on it. Once it started taking damage, it popped out of the ground. After killing this mob, the rest of the instance played out without any further problems.

Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

For me it does – albeit much more rarely. My female Norn is also sometimes silent, just like the NPCs. What I really notice, though, is that it’s not only the audio that does not play, but also the animation. Characters remain in their default animation, instead of a speaking one.

Tier 1 and Tier 2 cultural weapons are too expensive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

True, but at least at lvl 80 you have time to save up the karma for it without out-levelling the cultural weapons. Those prices really should be lowered to 10% or 20% of their current values.

Tier 1 and Tier 2 cultural weapons are too expensive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

I was looking forward to them as well, until I saw the prices… >_>

Tier 1 and Tier 2 cultural weapons are too expensive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Yes, especially considering that – they’re not even very powerful, making them even less value for karma…

Tier 1 and Tier 2 cultural weapons are too expensive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Even doing a lot of events, I’m nowhere near being able to afford even a single one of them, let alone a complete set, when I’m at lvl 35 or 60 respectively. When I’m finally able to afford them, I’ve already outlevelled them.

Especially considering karma is also used at other vendors, I think at least the bottom 2 tiers should have their prices reduced to about 1/5th of their current prices. It’d still be expensive, but attainable.

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

The golems are useless, yes – but I didn’t have much trouble pulling. The only problem I had is that I always pulled multiple – but each pull I could kill several of them.

I do agree that it would be more fun if those golems were more useful, though…

Level 16 guardian story quest too hard / bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Do you mean White Mantle?

The sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest is horrible. Its harder than 16. I had to get a pug to complete it on my ele.

I found the sylvari Mirror, Mirror quest to be quite easy, actually. A lot depends on picking the right strategy and gear that isn’t too underlevelled for the instance.

Getting stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

More of a design omittance than a bug, but it still should get fixed:
I saw on twitter that someone got stuck with no money to reach a teleport – his individual case was solved, but it would be nice to put something more structural in place: a check that makes sure the nearest waypoint will never be more expensive than the amount of money the character is carrying. That way, people will always be able to teleport if they get stuck.