Showing Posts For EzJester.7653:

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: EzJester.7653


Hello All,

There are a couple of reasons for the change to reset time. One is for the overall quality of the game. The last few years we have been careful to not disrupt the WvW reset time but this has at times made it difficult for our team to address issues during reset day. This change will give our team an extra day of the week that they can use to respond to issues that may occur with WvW or any other area of the game if it is necessary. In the early days we wanted reset to be during a weekday to ensure we had people available to monitor the game at reset time, but at this point we have seen the ongoing stability of World vs. World and resetting on a weekday is no longer necessary.

Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.

However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.

Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.


This reply will not be well-received; in the first paragraph you state that the change is to give you more time to work on issues at reset, but then elaborate how WvW has been very stable and doesn’t need special attention anymore. In the second paragraph, you mention how reset has become an emergent, community driven event. Surely changing one of the core aspects of the community event, the time that it actually occurs, without any support for that change from the community will cause some harm to the community.

Please just revert it to normal, you’ve already shown flexibility with the time.

Reaper Changes for Next BWE

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzJester.7653


Wow, super excited to try Reaper again in the next BWE. A lot of the lacking synergies seem to be addressed.

Really appreciate the “not changing” section; insight into the thought process helps a lot.

EDIT: Stoked to see the return of Blood Bond. Only used it for funzies in GW1, but it was a blast. Kudos!

(edited by EzJester.7653)

The Solution is Simple...

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzJester.7653


Oofta, no need for all caps. Feedback from the BWE was asked for, and I don’t think there’s been a louder community than necro. Reserve judgement. The GW2 Necro is closer to Dervish than GW1 Necro, which Robert also worked directly on. That got its day:

Thorough Review of SPvP Reaper (w/ pictures!)

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzJester.7653


The greatest thing I can stress for the reaper is that any skill with a cast time carries an inherent risk of using it. Any interruption or miss makes you waste greater time than a quicker counterpart. There must be a balance for the risk, not just an increase in damage such that you have the same DPS in a perfect world of 100% hits. I agree with all of OPs points. For the sake of variety, I’ll try to add a few alternative fixes if OP’s weren’t to be followed.

  1. Lifeforce gen needs to be here, just like the dagger. DS is both the offensive and defensive mechanic for Necro. It should not be gambled in GS3. I would really like the GS sped up, with the exception of the third stroke since that’s the one that lands the snare. Beautiful animation though.
  2. When you fulfill gravedigger’s text, its CD goes down to like a 3/4 sec. While this was likely put in place to prevent spamming, all it has achieved is being awkward, while simultaneously being redundant since there’s simply no reason to want to use Gravedigger. I would really, really like to see resistance applied for the duration of the cast time for this skill. This skill would then lose its EXTREME susceptibility to blind and immob, grant a bit of utility, and reward smart use so that you can utilize it again sooner.
  3. Agree with OP. LF gain doesn’t need to be here; replace with a short lunge. 1 pull on the set does not exactly make Reaper “relentless”
  4. Because of the short root on this skill, I don’t think the wind up on its size is necessary. A melee enemy can still reach the reaper while outside the initial drop of Nightfall. If that risk is to remain in play, a fun twist may be to have the Reaper stealth for just a moment to set up a better pull into the cloud or a Gravedigger. Right now, it’s pretty easy to say “oh, don’t go in there. Also, he’s about to try to pull.”
  5. I really like this skill. If it were to be bugfixed a bit, the only thing I’d like to see is a skill shot UI so that it can be more consistently fired where you want it to go. No reason to be even more weak to immobilize (on that thought, why is the snare class so weak to snares?). I would sacrifice the poison for increased range.

I won’t touch RS since that area’s going in the right direction. Executioner’s strike is a great example of a high-risk high-payoff skill (with a little bug fixing. I encountered the floor slam plenty of times. )

Constructive balance thread.

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzJester.7653


Has there been any acknowledgement that the community is unhappy with the state of the class, or is it pretty quiet?

Constructive balance thread.

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzJester.7653


My simple wishlist:

  • Future shouts are blast finishers. Shouts are a simple mechanic that ignore placement. Being a blast finisher would give incentive to placement, grant party support, and stay in-theme. Bonus points since they have a cast-time anyway.
  • Pulsing stability for foot in the grave. Engineers have a comparable GM trait that pulses both might and stability while flamethrower is equipped. Matches theme.
  • At least a 3 second ICD for chilling darkness rather than 5, so that Well of Darkness is a least triggers twice. After Darkness is dropped initially, right now you can stroll through it with little worry.
  • Access to utility bar in Shroud. If DS is going to be considered the active defense rather than blocks and blinks, I think it makes sense to not remove the limited options already available.

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EzJester.7653


There’s another 4 pages of this issue over here:

Guild Chat bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EzJester.7653


Ever since the patch that introduced the initial Guild Chat bug (fixed by going invisible and online again), my Guild Chat for certain guilds is broken entirely. I cannot see their chat, and it says I’m not in a guild if I attempt to write (sometimes it appears on the guild chat I represented immediately before). Going invisible, visible does not work. Leaving and rejoining does not work. I have 4 other guild mates with the same issue but haven’t seen much traction; anyone else? Voodoo fixes?

(edited by Moderator)