Showing Posts For FINY.4710:

Just why run...?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FINY.4710


The dungeon itself ceases to be fun sometime around the 95th time you run it. At that point, the only challenge left is solo’ing it (if alone) or seeing how quickly you can complete it in a group.

This is really all that needs to be said.

Agreed. It’s indeed a pity that Gw2, like other games, has very static and predictable dungeons that make speedrunning very viable after a while, with so many walkthroughs and vids on wiki’s and youtube.

I’m always hoping some game developer or other designes dungeons with randomized groups of mobs and bosses – to make it a different challenge every time.
One can hope …

Why do female humans go bald

in Human

Posted by: FINY.4710


They should have make hair that consists out of several pieces. If you wear a helmet, only a few hair textures would be replaced with it – and not totally replaced with it.

I don really know a game that has done this succesfully, though. It would be the next stap in game design.

Advice for a leveling Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: FINY.4710


Nice ro read all the advice! :-)

I levelled an elementalist to 80 (after ranger, mesmer, warrior and guardian) and found – and still find – it the hardest to level and most vulnerable class thus far. I still have troubles playing her (usually with staff), it all seems a lot more troublesome than the other classes.

What also makes me wonder is that the elementalist forum is full of PvP threads where threads about other classes are much more mixed. I guess ele shines more in PvP than in PvE?

(edited by FINY.4710)

Ranged attack in dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FINY.4710


Thanks for the reply! :-) So .. you equip two melee weapon sets and take a ranged weapon with you, “just in case” your team doesn’t play so well?

And aren’t there any bosses or mobs that are better dealt with by using ranged attacks? I can’t remember anyone fighting Giganticus Lupicus in Arah in melee range, for instance ..

Ranged attack in dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FINY.4710


I have a question: I’ve done all dungeons except 2 Arah paths and quite often, it wasn’t always viable to fight in melee range (warrior or guardian) because of the extremely powerful boss attacks . But in a lot of ‘builds for dungeons’ it’s suggested to have two melee weapons sets and not, like I do, pick one melee and one ranged weapon.

What do you do? Change weapons before you get to a boss encounter? Of am I doing something wrong and do I have to improve my survival skills?

Equipping two legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: FINY.4710


I could be wrong, but I think it will show whichever weapon is in your main hand.

I think you are right. I read somewhere on wiki that animation from mainhand weapon is shown.

I wondered. Does it still work if you transmute your legenady to an exotic skin, just for the stats update?

Ranged Attacks and Guardians good or bad

in Guardian

Posted by: FINY.4710


I find Guardian’s ranged attacks to be mediocre. It’s not the best and not the worst.

I wonder which class has worse ranged abilities in your opinion?

Female Human Guardian Body Type

in Human

Posted by: FINY.4710


I went with middle torso thickness (whichever that one was) with the muscular build. With full plate armor on you can hardly see your girl’s shapes anyway, at least not beyond how well you fit through doorways.

Well there’s a few rather skimpy heavy armours ..

The strange thing I found is that different armours affect your breast size a lot. Reinforced Scale or AC chestpieces make them smaller, some others really make them huge. It’s really strange.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FINY.4710


I’m going to agree, the sex change option is totally useless without a name change option on the total makeover kit. Suggestion, add a name change to it.

I have no intention of changing my gender but I just want to change name ..

By the way, has anyone tried this? Does it give X options per account of changing features (for instance in GW I just changed hairstyles on 3 of my characters with the 5 makeover options a change kit granted), or do you pay an amount of gems to re-go through character creation on one single character?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FINY.4710


I’ve never felt so disappointed with game developers as I feel now.

Perhaps I’m expecting too much from ANet after all and was GW just a one-time flash of brilliancy, never to seen seen again in the future of ANet’s existence.

Edited by moderator: post edited since the original message quoted does not exist any more

(edited by Moderator)

New dungeon: PLEASE have slim boots as reward!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FINY.4710


@shaktiboi.5194: but for the boots you only need 3 runs, it’s just 180 tokens!
And the HoTW spikey boots are hardly what you dare to call “stylish”.

New dungeon: PLEASE have slim boots as reward!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FINY.4710


Same request for medium armor too, please. Not everyone wants to spend 17 gold on T3 human cultural boots (medium) to achieve a tapered calf legging look. And not everyone is human to begin with.

The medium boots from CM are quite slim and pretty though!

New dungeon: PLEASE have slim boots as reward!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FINY.4710


Dear ANet,

I’ve been playing this game for a while now and I think the game is really beautiful. I mean gorgeous!

One thing however that struck me unpleasantly is that the (advanced) heavy sets all have very bulky boots. While in GW quite a lot of the warrior sets had pretty, sleek and slim boots tightly around the legs, it seems that in GW2 only light armour offers such a pleasant option. This makes me quite sad.

So I ask: can we have nice boots in the new dungeon reward set? Please?


Speed runs are out of control

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FINY.4710


Well if you look at GW, Anet also made a lot of “runs” possible – so it may be well within their design philosophy. If they want to make trash mobs attactive, better let them give good rewards as well.

You know, most players aren’t in “just for fun”, they want rewards/results. Especially if they have already done it multiple times. If things take a lot of effort (and even repair costs) for no reward the majority of people see no reason whatsoever not to skip it.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FINY.4710


I definitely like mounts. Preferably a bit faster than walking speed. Waypoints are expensive (why?) and load slow.

Moa birds, Dolyaks, walking trees, enough options for mounts for every race.
ANet make it happen, please!