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Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fahranur.8613


“Who are”, is, i believe, what you meant. Right? "Even from those of us who are “uneducated.’”? “That are”, implies that you (whomever “you” are) are an inanimate object. Your point is well taken. You are, indeed, “uneducated”, just as you have professed to being.

(edited by Fahranur.8613)

Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fahranur.8613


Beg pardon. I said “Queensdale” didn’t have very much to offer any player of any level, when in fact i meant to have said, “Godslost Swamp does not….” That having been said, i still stand by my observation, that the loot scaling in the game is fundamentally skewed. You get a Rare or an Exotic item for defeating a low leveled boss or quite easily beaten foe (given the number of players, who typically join in on helping to obtain it), And, essentially, crap for winning a particularly hard fought battle against a virtually unbeatable foe or group of foes with few (or one) participant. Or for undertaking a particularly challenging jumping puzzle… How, exactly, is this not messed up??? The reward ought well be commiserate with the challenge. This is only common sense, itn’t it now? If an under-trained athlete is put into an athletic event against an Olympic decathlon winner, though the Olympian is handicapped by some distance, is somewhat hobbled or weighted down a bit, of what real edification is this to the under-trained athlete? Has s/he really accomplished anything worthwhile if the Olympian still comes out ahead in the end? I think not. So, yes, i do believe the reward of reaching a hard-to-reach chest in a jumping puzzle should be a Rare of Exotic. And, yes, i do believe an event over-teeming with participants should offer a lesser reward of some sort, because the way it works now is utterly ridiculous! The grand premise (and promise) of this otherwise fantastic game is all but completely lost in the insensibility of its reward system. That’s my opinion on the matter, and i’m bloody well entitled to voice it, aren’t i? My original query was not posed to you, my fellow ( and mostly uneducated) players, anyway. It was posed to the developers of this game. And not an one of them, as yet, has deigned to address it. I want (earnestly desire) the viewpoint of an expert in the structure of the game to answer my query. And NONE of you, who have bothered to respond to my query IS that. Are you? No. No, i think not.

(edited by Fahranur.8613)

Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fahranur.8613


The prices of these Exotics might not be as “ridiculously high” as once they were, but this is owing to the influx of other players guesting from other worlds flooding the markets of the worlds in the which they “guest” and obtain these items. But that little quantifier does nothing to completely validate the incongruity of the misplacement and erroneous scaling of reward items. Not by a long shot. If the challenge is lacking, then the reward should reflect this. All too often in this game, it does not. If the challenge is significantly highly, then the reward(s) ought also to reflect this. Again, all too often, it does not. I fight a “Champion”, i, or anyone else, should rightly be rewarded in reflection to that level of difficulty. This rarely happens in this game. You want examples? Alright then, i name the Krait Bloodwitch in the Kessex Hills, in Kryta., the Champion Giant in the village of Nageling, in the Diessa Plateau, the three bandit chiefs in the Brisban Wildlands triad…Shall i go on? Or are the examples i have set forth sufficient to point how just how problematic loot scaling is in this game we all enjoy playing (for the most part), so much? Fix these things, Anet, THEN worry about adding additional content to your game….

Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fahranur.8613


Kiba, in so far as my query is concerned, your argument is invalid. Higher leveled characters revisit an area like Godslost Swamp for the meta event, and the reward(s) it offers, alone. Then they leave. They do not stay. The fact of the matter is that Queensdale has actually very little of any content apart from the meta event to offer any player, of any level. Oh, a couple of reknown heart quests and a couple pre-events that lead up to the meta event, but by and large nothing else. Most of the time when the Swamp is “dormant” the area itself is just as vacant as Times Square on 1st January at 3am… But Queensdale is only an example of where such faulty reward placement is taking place in game. I can think of at least a dozen jumping puzzles in the game where the reward is not commiserate to the challenge the player(s) must undertake to win access to them, either. The game does a wonderful job of scaling up difficulty to meet the demands of a greater amount of participants. But not nearly so well when the participants are far fewer in number; or a player is going it solo. S/he is scaled down, but the magnitude of the forces s/he must face in opposition does not scale down. Thus rendering it nigh impossible to procure the reward(s), at all. Or, if s/he, by great luck, does manage to reach the prize, s/he finds it was/is hardly worth the effort and or frustration endured. Moreover, the respawn rate of the foes found in these same problem areas in the game can prove quite insane….

Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fahranur.8613


Why is it that high lvled rare and exotic items, which can ONLY be obtained by a high leveled character is placed, specifically, in a low leveled area? For example; the highly prized Dragonfury ( an Exotic spear) and Final Rest (an Exotic staff), which demands a RIDICULOUSLY high price in the Black Lion Trading Center can ONLY be obtained in Queensdale, at best a lvl 15 playing zone, and nowhere else in the game….Why!? Of what possible benefit is this placement to the lower leveled players? Moreover, there are ample locations in the game, where a prize is hard won and the reward is…meh A (very) common (and mostly worthless) blue or green item of no great significance to the individual(s), who undertook the often MUCH more difficult task of winning said prize, whatsoever. Where is the logic involved in this type of decision making??? It only serves to frustrate the players, who in turn scowl, heavily, at the lapse of logic in the developers of their game. How can this action be good for the overall game economy? Is not the honorarium, “Exotic”, meant to signify to the lower leveled players that the higher leveled holders of these particular items actually did something to have , somehow, EARNED them…?