Showing Posts For FallenAnqel.1579:

Error Code 7:1000:7006:462

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Does anyonebody no how to fix this!!!

Error Code 7:1000:7006:462

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


well ik that the server isnt down becuase my friend is playing

Error Code 7:1000:7006:462

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


I cant log in, i was playing yesterday n then all of sudden its not working i re installed my game it still doesn’t work i restarted my computer a couple times still doesn’t work anyone no how to fix it please help!

(edited by FallenAnqel.1579)

Pvp Resets

in PvP

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Yes and your wins and loses
so when u press the pvp tab everything there will reset

Pvp Resets

in PvP

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


What do you guys think of, our pvp stats to reset every 2months.
It would make things more interesting

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Riot (LoL) does something like that, but they don’t really take anyone full idea due to legal issues, but they do get inspired by them, so thats what i said from the beginning ANet doesn’t have to take 100% of what we say they can take 10% 5% of we want and make something thats better. If I dont make any sense sorry.

I understand what you’re saying. I have no issue with suggestions, or developers using them in whole or in part. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what ANet has been doing. However, maintaining market share in the competitive MMO market, especially for large population games, can mean that developers have to throw some things in for smaller demographics, or risk losing them en masse.

I have concerns about bad publicity generated by player disappointment if their expectations are fueled by having voted. I also am concerned that if voting became the expected thing, then marginal populations would be less likely to get something for them. As an example, take large group, organization required events like Tequatl and TT. Would these events have passed a voting test? Maybe so, but based on the percentage of the population that seems to do them, maybe not.

I understand your point.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Riot (LoL) does something like that, but they don’t really take anyone full idea due to legal issues, but they do get inspired by them, so thats what i said from the beginning ANet doesn’t have to take 100% of what we say they can take 10% 5% of we want and make something thats better. Acually LoL did take a player concept and it was a skin for another champion in the game. (medieval twitch)
Yes I know LoL isnt a MMO but still

(edited by FallenAnqel.1579)

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Your actually wrong, Theirs nothing wrong with us voting for things we want. ill give you an example there is a game called “Rumble Fighter” Its a fighting game basically, you use scrolls which are basically your weapon(martial art scrolls). In that game the suggestion toll you can make your own scroll (Your own martial art) That’s a example, if these suggestions get enough supporters the game/developers will implement it in the game (This Suggesting worked well in that game). Is that something wrong, suggestions are suppose to enhance our experience in the game, and the game developer 100% always wants to satisfy their customers. So saying this is bad for company im sorry your wrong.

Rumble Fighter is no longer published by OGPlanet. The voting thing sure worked out well for them…

Show me a AAA MMO with a similar system.

Yes rumble fighter no longer published by OGPlanet but it wasn’t because of the voting, it was because a different reason. and sorry I don’t no many MMO’s but if I find one I’ll let you know.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


@Seera i Actually wrote on a different paragraph but I guess you didnt see it. and i wrote it on a comment at the same time, the one u quoted and just starting talking. So again your argument is invalid.

Since you couldnt see a bold paragraph I reworded the whole thing so that idea is in the post

I saw the bolded paragraph. It said ANOTHER idea. Like the first was a good idea and so was the second. Your first idea was still poorly worded originally and gave the wrong impression.

My argument is not invalidated by the poor wording of your posts. Sorry, arguments don’t work that way.

And if they just delete the suggestions they don’t like customers will get all upset that ANet isn’t listening to us and is just going to wait until someone suggests something that they were already planning to add in order to make it look like they are listening to us.

We don’t know what they have in development at any stage short of what’s about to be released. So we can’t make relevant suggestions. Suggesting new race is pointless if they already have one in the pipeline. A better suggestion to go along with new race is new personal story chapters and a new map that aren’t tied to Living Story. Our characters go and meet the new race in the personal story. A month after that is released, then the new race is playable along with a few new maps. With its own personal story as the new race can’t really do the existing personal story.

But without knowing what they are already working on, us putting out ideas that ANet would have to work on if chosen is pointless. Until their corporate policy on talking to us about things they are working on changes, anything like this is just asking to open a can of worms with PR.

Possible bad PR scenarios:

1. Month goes by and players suggest nothing ANet wants to commit to. So they delete the posts and reopen the post. Players suggest the same things. Rinse repeat. Players start complaining that ANet isn’t willing to listen to us and is rejecting all suggestions because none of them fit in line and is just waiting for a suggestion that they are already working on so it makes them look like they are listening to us.

2. Players suggest something that ANet is willing to work on. Then unexpected issues crop up in development that mean it won’t be released in the short time frame required. Players go crazy over broken promises and how ANet just says one thing and does another. Current corporate policy would mean that once they accepted the suggestion they couldn’t talk about it so they can’t even say that it ran into hiccups and is still in the works.

3. If a good suggestion gets rejected by ANet players will start throwing out conspiracy theories of ANet only puts things into the poll if they are things they are currently within the time frame of releasing and just want player input on what to release first.

Giving players control over what is released and when is just asking for another PR disaster.

This suggestion system isn’t giving players control over what being released. Because its a suggestion, do you know what a suggestion is “an idea or plan put forward for consideration.” My whole idea and timelines can be changed by ANet I was giving the basic idea of a voting system that could help organize the suggestions, that makes the game move forward. Usually we don’t get any events/updates for a while, so most people get bored, if they use a suggestion every week and almost release something new almost every month, then their would be something new for everyone. Going back to my post how I said new profession, if a new profession came out, lots of people would make it and start playing the game again.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


In this post I stated that ANet shouldn’t just do what we want, they should do what they want(Living Story, Whatever). Also if they want to get most of the players voice they should make an annoucement on their home page dont forget to vote or a in game message to all players to vote, so basically all players will have a say. And i dont think you grasped what I was saying ANet gets to PICK what they like from the suggestions and just tell us to vote on which one we want, and if they don’t like any delete all post reopen suggestions. Like I said before you have to see the bigger picture.

I understood perfectly what you were saying. It is you failing to see the bigger picture.

You are coming at this solely from the point of view of the consumer who wants more input and control into what gets put in the game. From the point of view of the company, this is a bad idea. It would generate greater entitlement and expectations than we currently see. The recent feature patch unleashed a storm of protest here on the forum. This reaction would be dwarfed by the reactions of players were they to be denied something they voted for. Also, just how would players react if ANet said, “Sorry, there won’t be a vote this time as none of your ideas are feasible.”?

Your actually wrong, Theirs nothing wrong with us voting for things we want. ill give you an example there is a game called “Rumble Fighter” Its a fighting game basically, you use scrolls which are basically your weapon(martial art scrolls). In that game the suggestion toll you can make your own scroll (Your own martial art) That’s a example, if these suggestions get enough supporters the game/developers will implement it in the game (This Suggesting worked well in that game). Is that something wrong, suggestions are suppose to enhance our experience in the game, and the game developer 100% always wants to satisfy their customers. So saying this is bad for company im sorry your wrong.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


It sounds like the OP wants a suggestion system that would increase Anet’s accountability to the players. This would be a fundamental corruption of the basic relationship between company and consumer. Companies are accountable to owners/stockholders or in the case of ANet, to the publisher. They are not accountable to consumers. It is in ANet’s best interests to listen to consumers. However, they would be abrogating their responsibilities to the parties they actually are accountable to, if they shifted accountability to the consumer.

Examine the OP’s wording. “ArenaNet has to create it within a month (or more).”. If ANet decides not to implement player-voted suggestion X, the outcry would be even worse than we see now when what players would prefer is not forthcoming — as hard as that might be to believe. The OP’s suggestion format would create a greater sense of entitlement on the part of players than is already exhibited. This alone would be reason not to implement it.

However, there’s another reason. The totality of GW2 consumers is a large and diverse group. ANet has to consider all of the demographics that make up that group, not just the vocal ones, or the ones kittenponded to a poll.

In this post I stated that ANet shouldn’t just do what we want, they should do what they want(Living Story, Whatever). Also if they want to get most of the players voice they should make an annoucement on their home page dont forget to vote or a in game message to all players to vote, so basically all players will have a say. And i dont think you grasped what I was saying ANet gets to PICK what they like from the suggestions and just tell us to vote on which one we want, and if they don’t like any delete all post reopen suggestions. Like I said before you have to see the bigger picture.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


@Seera i Actually wrote on a different paragraph but I guess you didnt see it. and i wrote it on a comment at the same time, the one u quoted and just starting talking. So again your argument is invalid.

Since you couldnt see a bold paragraph I reworded the whole thing so that idea is in the post

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


We wouldnt have that problem because like I said before, Anet isn’t stupid their not gonna add somthing delete it add somthing delete it. And if u take the idea as above they read them first they pick a couple they like and then we vote on that, their would be no problem.

I was replying on your suggestion in the OP.

Which is community provides the suggestions. Then we vote and the winner has to be implemented within one month.

While ANet might not be stupid enough to do that, we the community might as the community is heavily split on several topics.

Mounts is just one area that sees a lot of suggestions and a lot of people on both sides of the argument in.

Duels is another topic.

One month the suggestion options may be:

1. Mounts – add
2. Duels – add
3. Guild Halls – add
4. Random Topic 1
5. Random Topic 2

Mounts – add may win that month.

Next month:

1. Mounts – remove
2. Duels – add
3. Guild Halls – add
4. Random Topic 3
5. Random Topic 4

Then if Mounts – remove wins then ANet has one month to remove them under your proposal. Or the entire forum will be up in arms over another broken promise and another PR disaster when it comes to listening to us and communication. People with throw a conspiracy theory that ANet never listened to us, that mounts just came out coincidentally one month after they won the poll.

Now if ANet puts out broad suggestions for things the community wants them to work on then it would be fine. But we won’t get concrete suggestions due to their corporate policy at this point in time.

I said before, they have the suggestion pole open for a week, then they don’t let anyone post anything. ANet reads all the suggestions they pick the ones they like and then opens a vote polls that have the idea’s they like, after that we as the community vote. At the end we both win. So basically your argument is invalid.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Yes that would be a good idea Anet looking at the suggestions see what they like best then they put out a voting pole for us to chose, that was my original idea but i totally forgot about it.
We wouldnt have that problem because like I said before, Anet isn’t stupid their not gonna add somthing delete it add somthing delete it. And if u take the idea as above they read them first they pick a couple they like and then we vote on that, their would be no problem.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


And for me personally I don’t want a new race. They would won’t make any sense and would be useless because the races of Tyria go with the whole living story and the story of the game, but new professions would be nice

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Im sorry, when the suggestion toll was up i never really saw anything being taken, first things first when the community thinks there a stupid idea everyone dislikes,it wont come out. Going back the mounts lots of people said its not the best idea. So if someone posted that everyone will say, No which means it wont come out. and i also said they would have to draw or give a sketch of how it looks like not just saying oh mounts because we need them, if the person cant really draw and show a example of what they want it wont get posted and wont be considerd

Clearly you’re not looking in the right places, then. Wallets, account bounded Ascended items, account bound Legendaries were all suggestions in the Suggestion Forum. There’s also multiple trait suggestions that were implemented in some form or another.

Just because ANet does not implement the big suggestions (Mounts, Cantha, Elona, new races, new professions) doesn’t mean they’re not listening. Heck, if you look at the livestreams, you’ll see the devs actually referencing recent forums topics occasionally.

And by the way, your idea is flawed in one simple way: You cannot expect them to implement a suggestion of arbitrary complexity within a month. For example, something like Cantha or Elona could take months of just planning and artwork. Then there’s testing it, filling it with NPCs, voice acting said NPCs, adding hearts or events…

Also, if you think that the community should be put in charge of artwork or balancing of skills, you are off your rocket in a major way. ANet has professional designers for a very good reason. And you sure as hell cannot think that the playerbase could be left in charge of balancing (particularly if it were done in a majority vote style).

Also, any poll that is on the internet can and will be manipulated by people. Just take a look at what 4chan has done to a ton of polls. And even without a force like 4chan, you would still have people using other means, such as proxies, to spam votes for their favorite ideas. Or are you going to tell me that someone obsessed with Cantha voting 10,000 times is actually as valuable as 10,000 individual people?

What if I design a race called “Dongians”, draw them to be a race of sentient gigantic kittenes that are to be designed to be objectively superior to all other professions and successfully rally to get a mass of voters behind that idea? Because I think the trolls of the internet would love that. Would you want that implemented in the game?

And heres another thing you didnt understand. I never said we are the artist and we are the people who balance and make skills for the game, I said we chould give them the IDEA of what we kinda want and they go ahead and prefect it and for the skills and all its also the same thing just to show what we kinda want.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


No i wouldn’t want that implemented. but Anet is not stupid, their not just gonna take the idea and go with it not changing it, they want everything to be in balance. So Anet make them that big and make them superior. And Yes I know its not easy to make a new race voice acting i get it. And i said a couple months I gave an example of a time line 1 – 2 -3 – 4 – 5 – 6 months. But you guys have to look at the bigger picture, Its a new way of voting and making the game move on.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Another thing that could happen when someone post their suggestion maybe a forum moderator would read the post, if they don’t like/It doesn’t meet their expectations no picture whatever and they wont put out the suggestion (It wont be approved)and the forum moderator will send them a message “Not a Good Idea” what ever.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Im sorry, when the suggestion toll was up i never really saw anything being taken, first things first when the community thinks there a stupid idea everyone dislikes,it wont come out. Going back the mounts lots of people said its not the best idea. So if someone posted that everyone will say, No which means it wont come out. and i also said they would have to draw or give a sketch of how it looks like not just saying oh mounts because we need them, if the person cant really draw and show a example of what they want it wont get posted and wont be considerd

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


I said to read the whole post, I said Anet doesnt have to take the whole idea, they can take the basic idea and make it. and i said we vote which basically means that if the IDEA IS BAD NO ONE WOULD VOTE FOR IT.

New Suggestion System *Updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Read the whole post before commenting
Please and thankyou

I believe that guild wars 2 needs a new suggestion system, because most of our suggestions are not fulfilled and never seen. This new system should help arenanet and the community by organizing the suggestions to a vote. So basically this new way of voting will make the community happy and ArenaNet will start focusing on what we want and what we think would benefit our experience of us playing guild wars 2. (Not saying ArenaNet shouldnt focus on what they want too) the duration of the vote should be every 1 weeks, so we have 1 week to suggest and vote. Which ever suggestion post gets the most votes ArenaNet will then close the poll and they pick the ones they like, then open a voting poll for us to vote at the end were both happy.
For example:
New Armour
New Weapons
New Races
New Professions

Say these are the suggestions for that week, Now ANet picks the ones they like, say the picked everything but New Race and Mounts. After that ANet now opens a voting poll. Then we vote, Example
Capes Vote [Yes or No] Votes : 57 People
New Armour Vote [Yes or No] Votes: 180 people
New Weapons Vote [Yes or No] Votes: 150 people
New Professions Vote [Yes or No] Votes: 300 people
So now that the New Professions won the vote
ArenaNet has to create it within a month (or more). But i also think we should have a picture/written skills of what we want. Example New Profession We/ the community should draw a picture of what the race should look like and or profession with there written skills. (if possible drawn/gifs would help with combos)
This will make ArenaNet get the idea of what we want and makes their job easier.

P.S. I know it could take longer than a month to make a new race/profession but i was giving examples. Also ArenaNet doesnt have to do EXACTLY what we want, they can take the basic idea. They don’t have to take the idea at all if they don’t want it.

In conclusion, we have a week to vote and then ArenaNet could take 1 2 3 months creating what we want before opening the suggestions again.

What do you guys think of this. I’m open to changes but I’m giving a basic idea.

Another thing that could happen is when an idea is accepted and put into the game the game could show the persons name so people know who created the idea.

Another idea by


What they ‘could do’ perhaps, is make it a bit more controlled. Instead of just letting players vote for whatever random ideas they want, they could select a specific topic area at a time and ask players to come up with various ideas and suggestions relating to that specific topic area. Players could discuss these various suggestions in a big long thread and then ANet could pick ideas that they like the most and think about how they might go about prioritising and implementing them.

(edited by FallenAnqel.1579)

Leaving PVP Penalty

in PvP

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


I think this topic has been said before but i will say it again. Its really frustrating when someone on the opposing/your team leaves it either makes you lose or they win, or it makes you switch to the other team. I think their should be a penalty for leaving a pvp match for example:
If your on the losing team and you leave you lose 15sliver, because you failed to help your team.
If your on the winning team and you leave you should lose 10sliver.
Its almost like taking away the reward for playing the whole match.

Hair under headgear

in Suggestions

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


yea that would be cool

New Guild Wars 2 Class please

in Suggestions

Posted by: FallenAnqel.1579


Ok I think guild wars 2 should add a new class like a class that can SHAPE SHIFTING ;D In my opinion i think guild wars 2 should bring a shapeshifting class it would be very cool
because the classes we got now are a bit getting boring for me.

Please Guild Wars 2 Please bring a shapeshifting class to GUILDWARS 2