Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
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Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
I created this the other day and figured I’d put it here so people could add their two cents.
Guild Hall/Personal Housing, how would you do it?
Some pretty good ideas in that thread if you ask me.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
That looks normal for our necros, what are you on about!
True I guess for this particular pic. I’ve definitely seen an increase in necros since they fixed the downstate bug. Ran with 4 other necros the other night, dare I say too many bags. Matter of fact I think you were commanding. GG that night. I didn’t know which map was ours the far left one or the far right.. They were all green.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
They must have did something to necros in that patch.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
It happen on Blackgate… at dawn exactly as planned.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
Lmao I see me. This overflow made our own fireworks, with blackjack and hookers.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
I mean they are the first server to cry when they lose, first server to gloat when they win, but the last server to try and help balance a tier.
You talk as if BG is one person. In my experience when we lose we fight harder, when we win we try to keep winning, and as far as balancing a tier… That’s next to impossible to do without help or cooperation from Anet.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
Yup. I lost about two and a half hours of game play. Around 21ish gold, a Giant Eye, 6 rares. Nothing I put on the TP is on it nor anywhere else for that matter. Ported to LA with every bag filled with loot and dced instantly. Logged back in and was in cursed shore at the point in time right before I started the grind with empty bags.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
Yeah the last rollback I remember wasn’t too bad. But this one was a serious waste of a lot of time for me. I lost to much stuff that I spent many weeks trying to get to even want to play anymore.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates
Blackgate excels at breaking morale. See you in the field.
Kauanoe Bringer – Blackest of Gates