Showing Posts For Falxon.2167:

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falxon.2167


iv done a warrior that i use in pve and i run a thief in wvw but i want to lvl another character and would like to have a light armor lvl 80 but i do not know which to choose or what i would use the class for. i like my warrior for the defense and i like my thief for the damage output. any help?

gtx 660 ti msi power edition

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Falxon.2167


i just bought the 660 ti from msi and its runs other games just fine bf3 max 60 fps. but in guild wars 2 when i look forward and run its all fine but the second i turn the fps drops from 45 to about 7 but then when i stop it goes back up to 45 (all done in LA). is this my issue or is this an issue on area nets side of thing as im seeing lots of posts about sudden low frames.

i7 2600
gtx 660 ti msi power edition
600w corsar power supply
5400 RPM seta 2 HDD