Showing Posts For Fangshadow.2089:

Every NA tier is a BLOWOUT.

in WvW

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


You want to have a look at the ranking of all of those matchups?

T1 – 1/3/4
T2 – 6/5/2
T3 – 7/12/11
T4 – 14/9/8
T5 – 10/15/17
T6 – 18/19/13
T7 – 20/22/24
T8 – 16/21/23

This view of the matches is part of the problem.


You still have SEA/EU guilds going to top 3 servers thinking they will find good fights consistently. Your GMs need to read up on the system. Once the league starts, the consistency of ranks 1-6 fighting each other week after week is done. You will have 1-2 good matches against other rank 1-3 servers, 1-2 partial blowouts against ranks 4-6 and then you will have 3-4 weeks of guaranteed PvDoor all though Oceanic, SEA and EU time.

Honestly, the chance of rank 1-3 facing each other more than twice is so minuscule, don’t kid yourself by transferring to “Tier 1” thinking your going to have 7 weeks of awesome WvW unless hitting +600 in 1 hour and gate camping the rest of the night is your idea of fun.

I would instead advice to transfer as much as possible to high tiers so that finally this thing can blow-up once and for all and maybe force Anet to re-think seriously the previous six months (!) of work in WvW.
OK I am being half serious here, but honestly…

i’m all for that except for one flaw, anet gets more and more money from all the transfers fueling the fire.


We have winner. Its pretty obvious why this system is going through.

You’re all wasting your time discussing this. There is no player opinion or well-thought critique that Anet will value over the almighty dollar.

[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay

Why isn't WvWvW rank accountbound?

in WvW

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


Because Devon thinks it is a form of character progression.

If you want to play alts in WvW, just do what Devon Carter wants you to do.

After you’re done playing for a couple hundred (or thousand, depending on what level of usefulness you want out of your wxp rank) hours on a character, THEN switch to a new one. That way you can really get that sense of progression you’ve been craving.

Unless arbitrary power spikes based on time played doesn’t sound like fun progression to you (not that anyone ever would think that). In that case, you should just treat wxp as a bonus chest machine.

[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Fangshadow.2089)

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


I’ll throw in my vote against the buff. Bloodlust is a poorly thought out, novice game design decision.

It honestly breaks my heart to see you abandoning the potential of your game, Arenanet. Combo fields and dodges alone made this game a diamond in the rough. The possibilities for skill interaction between organized groups of players is absolutely amazing and deeply fascinating. Yet, after developing these fantastically tight mechanics, you relegate organized, even group play to 10 v 10 matches—a format that does not even come close to how interesting combat between skilled groups can be. On top of that, you make the build variety available in this mode absolutely stifling.

The cherry on top? Even after a dedicated group of players—ones who recognized just how much fun your game’s mechanics are in 15v15 or 20v20 even fights—emerge and start building a community that showcases how fantastic group combat in your game is, you snub them and everyone else who wants a fair, fun fight in WvW.

If it is in your active interest to discourage players from wanting even, organized fights with actual build variety and depth, then you are right on track. Just be prepared for the fallout damage this buff will cause on everyday WvW. You shot yourself in the foot here Arenanet, and it it really does break my heart to see you mishandling this wonderful game.

[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


I seriously thought that after a year, thieves would stop 2 spamming. If nothing else, these two servers have shown me that they still haven’t taught their thieves anything but the 2 mash. Keep it up guys.

lol yep ive seen more 22222222 thieves from ebay than any other server

There’s no way in hell any decent player loses to a 222222222 thief…so why are you complaining about free bags? I could complain about all the free bags I’ve received from maguuma full signet eles, but I don’t.


[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Fangshadow.2089)

8/16 FA/CD/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


More fun fights today from Ram and Ret. Looking forward to the week!

I want to fight EK again too. If we end up fighting, stick around, you guys are a good challenge.

[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay

8/16 FA/CD/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fangshadow.2089


Fun fights tonight FA!

Had an awesome time trying to deal with [RAM] and [RET] in our home garri.

Looking forward to more fights this week. If any other organized guilds see the hawk tag, we are always up for fights in the open field.

[Hawk] Fang Shadow / Bat Commander
Ehmry Bay