Showing Posts For Farnes.4956:
My Experience whit Reaper so far is aperantly much more positive than most others people. I have Played it in PvE only and will base my opinion on that. I will only comment on the GS for now, as this is where I would say I have a somewhat different opinion compared to others.
GS AA: At the time being this skill seam to have a nice Power scaling. At full blow power builds this skill hit like a truck, but sadly the attack chain is still a bit to slow to justify it. Would love to see a tiny reduction to cast time of each chain and this skill should be golden.
Gravedigger: Okay, so this skill people seam to hate. Well, I love it. Whit its high damage output, ridiculous power scaling, low CD and 5 target hits, this is just an amazing for clearing lot targets. Where most skill cleave (3 targets cap), this is a 5 target skill that I can easily get 10k-15k crits whit. If anything, the cast time could be reduced. If the damage is changed to much this skill would hit way to hard for being just ‘’1 hit’‘. I would turn into a situation of, ’’this skill might be easy to dodge. but if you do get hit you die. Instantly’’
Death Spiral: This skill might be difficult to pull off properly, but when you do pull it off it is amazing at what it does. You get a lot of rapid hits, that do a tiny amount of damage, but its the vulnerability stacking and life Force generation that make this skill amazing. If combined whit the #5 skill to group up a bunch of enemies, then hit them all whit Death Spiral you generate a big bunch of Life Force and Stack up lots of vulnerability at the same time. Great for a opener.
Nightfall: The skill is great, but I would love to see something done to the animation of the skill. It looks cool, but it feels a bit clunky. Hadn’t it been for the fact that you can interrupt the animation by moving, this skill would properly not see that much use. For the time being it is great for stacking up Blind and cripple on enemies, and when combined whit Grave digger or Soul Spiral this will send out Leeching Bolts that add some extra damage to it.
Grasping Darkness: Okay, this skill is great….but at the moment its just broken (i think…and hope.) Instead of turning around and sending the projectiles the direction you are aiming, your character seam to send the projectiles of this skill where he is facing. This makes it a bit weird to aim this skills to times. But when you do remember to face your character, and if it do go the direction you intend for this kill to go, it is a extremely satisfying and useful skill to have.
An example of how I would clear a group of maps is to initiate whit Grasping Darkness to group up the mobs to a nice ball so I can easier damage them. I would then follow that up whit Deaths Spiral for vulnerability stacking and Life Force. AFter that I would use Nightfall, but cancel the animation by taking 1 step forward before its over to quickly use the next skill. The aoe will still land, you will just skip half of the animation. Then I would jump into Reaper Form and use Soul Spiral for damage and ‘’Lecching Bolts’’ and the ‘’AA Chain’’ to build up might and stack vulnerability. If the mobs is still alive after this I would get fancy :P
Anyway, I have had a lot of fun whit Reaper and I think it needs some tiny buffs in attack speed/animation before it is where it should be. Reaper is great in Solo play whit its easy access to 25 stacks of might and its ability to stack 25 stacks of vulnerability in no time, but it still lacks in team play as its utility skill are still just as bad.
Auto attack is to slow. I completly agree. It is not enjoyable to use and it should maybe get a very tiny attack speed boost.
Gravedigger for 4k? What the derk was you running? I have been getting 10k-15k crits whit it non stop. If you increase that skills damage it would be broken as kitten.
Death Spiral is a great opener to give vulnerability and whit and decent damage for what it do. ‘’vul is ok for decimate defense.’’ Vuln is GREAT in any situation do to a flat damage increase and it is fantastic whit Decimate Defence as it is literally a 24% Crit chance boost.
Nightfall is yet again a great skill. Stack up blind while keeping them in place and it synergise very well whit Soul Spiral as it is a Dark Field.
The Reason Grasping Darkness is missing all the time atm is because it will always get shot the way you are facing, not where you are aiming so it is weird to aim.
~Farn al Bizz
The bug is partly fixed. I do hear my teams shouts in some rare situations, but in most cases I dont. Try again
1. Fractal
2. SAB
3. Halloween
4. Aetherblade Dungeon
5. TA p3 rewamp
6. Champion Rewamp
1. Trahern
2. Canach ’’Dungeon’’
3. Cutthroat Voting
4. Lack of ’’titles’’ for our characters. Really, we should get more titles for things we accomplish.
5. Ascended weapon release. This just messed up the economy to much to not be here.
So, I was looking through the archive of guild wars 1 related stuff, I was looking at some old Guild Wars Trailers and I realized that there is so much I would like to see in guild wars 2, that was in guild wars. To begin whit, I know that Guild Wars 2 is a completely different game than Guild Wars was, but I can these things should be reasonable to have back.
Well, since I started off whit trailers I can also finish it. Yes, I watched some Guild Wars trailers and realized. The old ones are bloody amazing. The old Guild Wars 1 Trailers are 100% more epic and thrilling to watch than the Guild Wars 2 ones. Really, if you want to promote your game, this is how you should do it! And for those who haven’t seen then, here they are. Guild Wars Faction Cinematic Trailer Guild Wars Prophecies Cinematic Trailer
Please, make a Guild Wars 2 equivalent. Something epic and animated like this.
Also, I would like to bring up some of the creatures we had. Especially the Destroyers and Asuran Golems. What happen to these? The destroyers used to be these magnificent scary horrors whit unique names. They would tear you to pieces and you would regret you ever fought them. Now……they are Destroyer crabs…….Destroyer Troll. Really? Destroyer of Hopes sound much better.
The same thing happen whit the Asuran Golems really. They used to be big and kitten, now they are these clumpy toys.
PvP! Do I need to say more? The Guild Wars 1 PvP was amazing. And I think 1 of the reasons it grew so big was Zaishen Keys. You could make money on doing PvP and it made it worth while. Also, the fact that we could pledge our alliance to Kurzick or Luxons made it much more fun to fight. Take over the Kurzick Fort whit Turtle cannons, Steal all the Jade in the Jade Quarries or just fight each other in a map that changes depending on how much the factions own. These are mechanics we loved and want back!
I had more in my mind, but I forgot it while writing all of this. Please, if you got more that relate to this topic, reply below
Long live [MGK] and [Fun]
Hope we’ll repeat it tomorrow :p
Shame that MGK and FUN gets all the honor when they where about 40% of the persons there and the rest where other guilds. Long live AG I say.
So, we in the AG server went to an overflow to try to organize an attack…..this is our result
How does one join TKS?
was made some day ago, but Its already full :P
TKS was made just for killing Tequatl People from all the different servers to kill him
Yeah, that’s right! We destroyed Tequatl at an overflow! We where 130+ people in TS for this an all got in the same overflow We are doing it again in 1 hour.
Arenanet, Good job on this boss fight. This was so so epic and it got a proper reward!
We had 2 mins left at the timer when we took him down
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Farnes.4956
Just wanted to add that I have had bugs that gets me stuck inside of walls 2 times in a row now that forces me to re-log and restart the whole zone I am in. it happend once in the rappids where I got stuck inside a wall after falling in the water and once in W2Z2 at the bit where you have to feed the squid. When I jumped at the checkpoint I got teleported under it and had to restart the whole zone. What I think would be a good idea is to give us a ‘’restart at last checkpoint’’ option whitout having to kill ourself so if we get stuck inside of something we can manually kill ourself to get to the last checkpoint.
Yeah, it looks like how Zhaitan looks at the old concept arts of him, and the coloring on it looks like a lot of the coloring in Orr. I thought about this myself, but would love to get a confirmation of some sort.
So, can anyone tell me what happend to this structure?
Just pause the video. it starts at 3:50
Me and some friends discovered something interesting in Arah here the other day. We where doing path 2 and since we was already in the area, we wanted to see if we could find a certain location you can jump on to skip Lupi and if it was true. What we found instead was ways to go to the end of path 1 and 4 by jumping the roofs of Arah. The view there was amazing, but shouldn’t this be fixed? We haven explored this to much, but I can imagine that it can be used to skip a fair bit of Arah.
After 1000 hours of gameplay on my Guardian alone I can pretty much say that I am getting sick of all the shields I am using is being ’’ruined’’. Sure, there are some shields who looks bloody amazing whit aegis on, but some are simply being hidden away by it. It would be nice to have an option to, well, make Virtue of Courage inactive by your demand. And maybe have it activate automatically if you take damage in case you forget to turn it on again.
Volmarg had some great idea’s for Aegis! But please, do something. Save the shields! What would Quaggan Jesus have done?
The more I play the game the more I care about the look of my characters and well, ‘’showing off’’ weapons and armor. And as a guardian I cant really ‘’show off’ any shields because you always have a big Aegis effect on it. is it possible to maybe do something about the effect of this? It kinda suck to not be able to show off the new awesome shield you just earned
(edited by Farnes.4956)
Its pretty open what dragon will be next, but I actually think it will be primodus. It have been a lot of hinting toward Tengu’s being the next playable race. Arenanet said, in the book that we get in the GW2 CE, that they have already made the Tengu capital city and that they wanted it to be a playable race at release. In game, you can even find 2 tengu’s talking about that they are making an Asuran gate connection thei’s capital to LA. And the tengu’s bigges problem is Primodus. Destroyers have started to appear at the other side of the Wall and I think it will be our’s job to stop them.