Showing Posts For Feanor.5927:

3/15 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Feanor.5927


I Just want to say thank you to both servers for these matches they have been a blast as one of RISE Knight Captain i must say RET you have all my respect!Its an honor to fight you on the battlefield.And TC Tier 2 wasnt the same without you guys so keep up the good work!

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Feanor.5927


Well if Blackgate is now Sensei Seagal i proposed Kaineng to be Gene Lebell!for those of you who know the story you will relate to this…for the others check it out cause i donnt wanna post something here of a bad taste for some….But yea Gene Lebell is the only roughneck thats not afraid to tell him of!But to be honest id keep Flava Flav!cause is so cool!

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Feanor.5927


I was at Garrisson in Kaineng borderlands and we were holding waves after waves of ennemies but when i saw Tc on the left waiting after Bg on the right to get to us i knew we were doomed but the most epic and legendary fight ive ever been into!Stand tall and proud Kaineng it took a unholy alliance to get our Garrisson!and Bg and Tc you guys are amazing!and last little thing ty General Jang for the kind words.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Feanor.5927


This is the craziest and most fun wvw match ive been part of,Its a honor to fight Bg and Tc you guys are awesome!and im proud of Kaineng we are pulling hard after been told we dont belong!But this aint over and i love it!:)

2/1 Maguuma/Dragonbrand/WM Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: Feanor.5927


Sad that some of Kaineng post some comments we are getting the biggest fight we ever had yet,As for myself i wanna say Db you guys are awesome opponent been fighting you at Sw camp in you Bl all day and was an honor!Wvw at is best in my opinion.Hope will get to fight again soon.