Showing Posts For Felgor.9341:

WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


It sounds like your guild is full of a lot of people that like to call themselves PvPers, but don’t actually like to PvP that much.

If they are not having fun in WvW, I doubt ‘leaderboards’ will make it more fun.

Never once said we aren’t having fun, just some are simply losing interest in WvW. One thing about having a Leaderboard, for myself it kept me logging in daily trying to progess my stats.

Back to DAoC, if you took Realm Ranks out of the game, got rid of the Leaderboards which tracked so many PvP stats, you would have GW2 in the current state.

All i am saying, adding these things would make people want to WvW more. There would be more reasons to WvW.

Anything like this is going to be really easy to exploit. SWTOR tried two implementations for rank in their game: objective based rank up, and then kill-based rank up. Both systems got exploited.

Objective based rank resulted in opposing factions trading captures of objectives.

Kill based ranks resulted in opposing groups getting together and trading kills, and farming alts (also spawn camping).

I’m not opposed to something like this if there’s no reward besides bragging rights. People will still exploit that, but at least it doesn’t put players that don’t at a tangible disadvantage.

Still though, I’m partly of the mind that the only reward for pvp should be victory. Putting in side incentives typically countermand that goal (remember dolyak farming).

If its easy to exploit, how was it exploited in DAoC?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Kitten stuff? How are player ranks and leader boards kitten stuff?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


A few suggestion our guild has towards WvW.

Our guild, a good 20+ members, are mostly pure PvP’ers. Pretty much all of us, played DAoC from the start. We are heavily focused on WvW. That being said, as of late, quite a few members have been losing interest in WvW. Its not that they don’t like it, or they aren’t enjoying themselves, its more due to not having a reason to log into WvW. I know, there is always “Server Pride”, but that can only carry people’s interest for so long.

We need something to attract us to log in everyday. Something to keep us wanting to WvW as much as possible. Some type of WvW character progression. Im not sure how hard it would be to add such a feature to the game, but something is needed.

Back in the DAoC days, we were anxious to log in to RvR. To get those RvR points that were needed to get that next Rank or to spend that next RvR Point on a Skill. These ranks werent easy to max out, they took an extremley long time to level which in my opinion is why it kept our interest peaked at all times. Every free moment i had, i wanted to log on, go out and RvR to earn those. In GW2, that feeling is lacking big time. If your sever so happens to be losing by a massive amount of points, what is the reason to go WvW?

Also, another thing i would love to see, is some type of WvW Player Leader Boards. I hate to keep going back to my DAoC days, but its the one game that kept me interested to the fullest. DAoC had The Camelot Herald. It keep track of GuiLd RvR stats, individual Player RvR and other stats.

If GW2 added some type of WvW Ranking, how hard would it be for ANet to add a trackijng system to the game, to allow us to see how our charatres are doing in WvW? I use to log onto that website daily just to see how i did the previous day, and to see how other were doing as well. It was something that encouraged me to log in, and RvR even more!

Im not sure how many others feel this way, but these ideas are something our guild have been talking about in teamspeak for the past few weeks or so, and some of those players that only log in once and awhile to WvW have even stated if those ideas were in game, it would encourage them to play the game alot more.

Would love to hear you guys/girls thoughts on this.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felgor.9341


A few suggestion our guild has towards WvW.

Our guild, a good 20+ members, are mostly pure PvP’ers. Pretty much all of us, played DAoC from the start. We are heavily focused on WvW. That being said, as of late, quite a few members have been losing interest in WvW. Its not that they don’t like it, or they aren’t enjoying themselves, its more due to not having a reason to log into WvW. I know, there is always “Server Pride”, but that can only carry people’s interest for so long.

We need something to attract us to log in everyday. Something to keep us wanting to WvW as much as possible. Some type of WvW character progression. Im not sure how hard it would be to add such a feature to the game, but something is needed.

Back in the DAoC days, we were anxious to log in to RvR. To get those RvR points that were needed to get that next Rank or to spend that next RvR Point on a Skill. These ranks werent easy to max out, they took an extremley long time to level which in my opinion is why it kept our interest peaked at all times. Every free moment i had, i wanted to log on, go out and RvR to earn those. In GW2, that feeling is lacking big time. If your sever so happens to be losing by a massive amount of points, what is the reason to go WvW?

Also, another thing i would love to see, is some type of WvW Player Leader Boards. I hate to keep going back to my DAoC days, but its the one game that kept me interested to the fullest. DAoC had The Camelot Herald. It keep track of GuiLd RvR stats, individual Player RvR and other stats.

If GW2 added some type of WvW Ranking, how hard would it be for ANet to add a trackijng system to the game, to allow us to see how our charatres are doing in WvW? I use to log onto that website daily just to see how i did the previous day, and to see how other were doing as well. It was something that encouraged me to log in, and RvR even more!

Im not sure how many others feel this way, but these ideas are something our guild have been talking about in teamspeak for the past few weeks or so, and some of those players that only log in once and awhiel to WvW have even stated if those ideas were in game, it would encourage them to play the game alot more.

Would love to hear your guys/girls thoughts on this.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felgor.9341


A few suggestion our guild has towards WvW.

Our guild, a good 20+ members, are mostly pure PvP’ers. Pretty much all of us, played DAoC from the start. We are heavily focused on WvW. That being said, as of late, quite a few members have been losing interest in WvW. Its not that they don’t like it, or they aren’t enjoying themselves, its more due to not having a reason to log into WvW. I know, there is always “Server Pride”, but that can only carry people’s interest for so long.

We need something to attract us to log in everyday. Something to keep us wanting to WvW as much as possible. Some type of WvW character progression. Im not sure how hard it would be to add such a feature to the game, but something is needed.

Back in the DAoC days, we were anxious to log in to RvR. To get those RvR points that were needed to get that next Rank or to spend that next RvR Point on a Skill. These ranks werent easy to max out, they took an extremley long time to level which in my opinion is why it kept our interest peaked at all times. Every free moment i had, i wanted to log on, go out and RvR to earn those. In GW2, that feeling is lacking big time. If your sever so happens to be losing by a massive amount of points, what is the reason to go WvW?

Also, another thing i would love to see, is some type of WvW Player Leader Boards. I hate to keep going back to my DAoC days, but its the one game that kept me interested to the fullest. DAoC had The Camelot Herald. It keep track of GuiLd RvR stats, individual Player RvR and other stats.

If GW2 added some type of WvW Ranking, how hard would it be for ANet to add a trackijng system to the game, to allow us to see how our charatres are doing in WvW? I use to log onto that website daily just to see how i did the previous day, and to see how other were doing as well. It was something that encouraged me to log in, and RvR even more!

Im not sure how many others feel this way, but these ideas are something our guild have been talking about in teamspeak for the past few weeks or so, and some of those players that only log in once and awhiel to WvW have even stated if those ideas were in game, it would encourage them to play the game alot more.

Would love to hear your guys/girls thoughts on this.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

The Portal Bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Seems this is the only thing Blackgate is able to do to get an advantage!

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry


in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


One sollution, but not a fan, but it would work..

Collision detection…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry


in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Its going to come down to who has a better “stacking” server, because the way its going on right now, kinda sad…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry


in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Is this “tactic” considered an exploit?

This round, a specific server is constantly doing it…

Stack, portal, continue stacking, portal and so on…

When AOE’ing them, you can only hit a max of 5 targets it seems, can’t pull them out either…

No idea how they are portaling past Keep walls, and gates straight to lords room, but it is happening, and happening alot.

So is stacking the new thing?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Free Server Transfering Is Ruining WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Just what the title says…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Every BG is instant pop for us, except EB…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Server/Build Restart Activated All Guild Buffs...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felgor.9341


The last server restart for new build, activated every guild buff we had saved up. Is there anything we can do to stop this?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Im on JQ, and was out in EB the entire weekend. Friday to Monday, and the longest queue time i had was 25 mins. At one point on Saturday, we had the outmaned buff, and queues were instant.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Having the very same issue. Not able to see players at all, however I can see their pets just fine. When in keeps and towers, I can see the NPC’s names, but there bodies are invisible.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Auto Loot in WvW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Instead of hunting down the possible loot drops, have the bags instantly go into your inventory!

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Sound Effect When Queue Pops!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felgor.9341


That way while im waiting in the queue, i can alt tab out and here when the queue pops!

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Game Freeze and Looping Sound...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Make that 4 now…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Game Freeze and Looping Sound...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Ok, so i know its NOT just me, or my PC, because in the past 30 mins in WvW, 3 people i am grouped with it has happened to.

WTF is wrong with the client?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Poor FPS Since Patch Oct/01/2012...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Before this current patch, i was able to run the game with all settings maxed out, and getting a steady 55-65 FPS.

After this patch, and i am running around 15-20 FPS.

I have changed nothing on my end, and nothing in game, i just simply patched and logged in today.

I have all current drivers.

Here is my RIg’s specs.

EVGA GeForce GTX 580 Superclocked
Intel Core i7-970
ASUS Rampage III Formula
12 GB Patriot DD3 Viper II Sector 7 2000Mhz

Any suggestions?

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Invisible Army

in WvW

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Yep, not only in WvW but even when there is a large scale of people doing a dynamic event, player models become invisible…A bunch of us were on Teamspreak last night talking about this very issue, and another game that experienced the same problem, which was Warhammer…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Just came across an ArenaNet Dev post about the Blank Trading Post screens…


Thanks to skagrin, I have a new solution for people who are unable to load the trading post. I’ve tested this on a Windows XP VM here to make sure it works, but haven’t done much.

The theory is that the root certs on your computers are not up to date. Follow these steps to update them:

1. Close the game client
2. Download and run
3. You’ll probably have to click ‘run’ or ‘allow’ a couple times, but after that, nothing will appear. But that’s OK, your root certs have now been updated.
4. Open the game client and try to access the trading post

If you haven’t been able to load the trading post at all, try these steps. If this works for you, I’ll ask our customer service team to write up more formal documentation on this procedure.

I had the same problem for the past two days now. I did the above suggestion and now have the trading post selling screen available to me again. I will keep monitoring to make sure this worked, however I am hopeful this fixed my concerns. (BTW I am running Windows 7, not XP.)

Well the above did fix the trading post for me, but only until the last patch. Now I am having the same issue again. The trading post will work for a bit, then I get the blank tabs. Only thing that fixes it, is logging out to desktop. I have tried every suggested fix, uninstalling the game, adding the awesome process to my firewall settings, run game as administrator, adding certifications, run in XP compatibility mode…

To be honest, I am out of ideas…

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Just came across an ArenaNet Dev post about the Blank Trading Post screens…


Thanks to skagrin, I have a new solution for people who are unable to load the trading post. I’ve tested this on a Windows XP VM here to make sure it works, but haven’t done much.

The theory is that the root certs on your computers are not up to date. Follow these steps to update them:

1. Close the game client
2. Download and run
3. You’ll probably have to click ‘run’ or ‘allow’ a couple times, but after that, nothing will appear. But that’s OK, your root certs have now been updated.
4. Open the game client and try to access the trading post

If you haven’t been able to load the trading post at all, try these steps. If this works for you, I’ll ask our customer service team to write up more formal documentation on this procedure.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Felgor.9341


My level 80 Guardian in level 80 crafted gear.


Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

(edited by Felgor.9341)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Well all Black Lion Trading Company applications are blank for me.
People told me to restart my client but that didnt help even after I restarted my client several times.
Anyone else having this problem?

I too am having this exact problem.

Only fix i have found so far, is to log out to desktop to get it to work again.

Other temp fix ive found, is to run GW2 in Administration mode.

But that worked for a coupel days, now im back to logging out to desktop and back in again.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry

Trading Post Stops Responding

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felgor.9341


Anyone else having this problem with the trading post? It will work for me for about 5 minutes, then after that the pages are all blank, and no loading icon shows up.

Only fix I’ve found so far, is to log out to desktop and back in. Logging out to the character select screen doesn’t do a thing.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry