Showing Posts For FenceJumper.9106:
Is your video driver up to date? i have never seen anything like that happen before :/
I havnt had it at all. l have had the sound bug on the #1 skill.
It sure sounds like it is… its very annoying :/ You can clearly hear 3-4 tracks of the fire sound playing on top of each other
They based their decision off of server statistics as they stated in 1 or 2 other threads. I would assume this time on friday is their peak occupancy time. Just because you dont get on at this time doesnt mean everyone else doesnt.
I prefer the way the female human looks over the male. Simple as that. I dont like the way female charr look so i will only make a male charr. Same with the Asura. ect.
23 and i love it. It does have its flaws (such as class balance and the occasional bug) but no game this scale can ever expect to not have these issues release. This game is still in its infancy when you look at the life cycle of mmo’s. WoW is a completely diffrent game than when it came out…. what 10 years ago?
Why are we comparing in terms of balance, items and skins to a game that was established from 2006 to 2012 with 3 campaigns, an expansion, and countless patches and updates to a game that is released a month ago?
fail -_-
Dont know, ive only played around with 3 so far, and my highest lvl prof is only 32 (ranger) [i work alot haha, rl sucks :P]
“best” for me? hmm idk… i work alot and havent had alot of time to put in to any 1 profession. My highest level is a lvl 32 ranger followed by a lvl 8 ele then lvl 4 warrior and lvl 3 theif. I like them all, however the ranger feels a tad generic but again im lvl 32 and probably havnt gotten all the game mechanics down
I didnt intend for this to become a flame war… I was just asking why everyone is so instant to jump on the nerf/buff bandwagon when the meta game hasn’t even established yet.
Can this get locked? The flaming is helping nothing..
Looking through alot of the boards on this forum alot of people are crying out about anet not listening to “us” about balance or what ever. Why are people doing this? The game is barely a month old, the meta game hasnt had time to establish and few people have actually figured out how to effectively and properly use each profession. Are there potential issues? yes, this game is massive in scope and execution, there will always be some type of issue somewhere, but just because anet doesn’t immediately make a change to every little issue (which might not even turn out to be an issue in the long run) and waits to see if the community finds an answer to the issue instead of potentially breaking something with a nerf/buff.
Very few if any games, let alone MMO’s, at release have this much polish balance and shine at release. GW1 wasnt this good at release of prophecies. Give the meta game time to establish, and give anet time to truely identify the things that need fixing.
I prefer them to be small, this way they dont obscure anything since we cant zoom out as far as in gw1 (and there isnt any need to since we dont have teams of 8+)
o god… the laughing…it hurts…
This game is simply amazing and blows away any expectations I had, and that is saying something because I had very high expectations. Congratulations Anet, you guys have proven your skill and have delivered a truly amazing experience. Now… if the only flaw can be fixed, I have a full time job and responsibilities keeping me away from this game!!!! ANET NERF REAL LIFE!!!
Thats really good but reminds me of the bird…dog… thing… from the last gaurdian PS3 demo.