Showing Posts For Fezzul.7132:

Sigil of fire stacks with sigil of air?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


The last thing I read was that each one has a 30% chance to proc on every crit but once one procs both are on cooldown.

No warrior changes.. Ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Certain slow projectiles miss a lot by nature of projectiles. You can minimize the effect by using them intelligently.

You mean like when we are both crippled, he’s 5 feet in front of me and it misses?

Also, could you do everyone else a favor and try not to be so narcissistic in the future, thanks.

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


The guy that backstabbed me hit for over 14k and I was downed in the next 1 or 2 hits… it looked something like this

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Yep whatever the armor/defense number is if you play that build and a thief with the right backstab build gets a backstab and 1 or 2 more hits in you’re dead.

edit: sorry for dragging this out btw been up for 24 hours

No warrior changes.. Ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Don’t bolas miss a lot too?

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


That’s the build I was using besides the 6-10 abilities and was running 5% damage instead of crit on weapons

(edited by Fezzul.7132)

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Sorry, meant defense not toughness. Had 1116 toughness, 2327 armor and 200 defense.

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


I was level 80(not that it matters) in a sPvP match but like I said I built glass cannon on purpose to test it out and believe I only had around 100-200 toughness and 20k health.

Thank you Anet for the 1st October update ^^!

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


In the future, probably some time after they get all the bugs squashed.

It was in translation 5-6 days ago, was stated by a Anet dev on stream.:P

Oh, didn’t know that ^^

Must be a novel if it’s taking 6 days to translate.

Thank you Anet for the 1st October update ^^!

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


In the future, probably some time after they get all the bugs squashed.

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Wouldn’t surprise me. There are probably some warrior ones on toughness not being strong enough as well.

Im tromatized now

in Thief

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


I already posted this in another tread today but… It’s becasue you built glass cannon. I tried a glass cannon build with my warrior the other day just for fun and the same thing happened to me 14k backstab and the next hit after downed me. Get some toughness.

Fort Bot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


haha, that’s where I first saw a bot back when I was lower level, except he was set up on the other side of the road on the rocks. Yes there is an event that happens there.

Gold spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


when people stop giving them money

In other words, never.


Gold spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


when people stop giving them money

Warriors damage ???

in Warrior

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


About a week ago I tried a glass cannon build on my warrior just for fun and a thief downed me from full health in 1-2 seconds. His backstab hit me for just over 14k and the next attack after downed me.

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


and this is what this thread is really all about, isn’t it? people just don’t know.

yes, free tournaments are 3 rounds. they are far more structured than HotJoins. People actually attempt strategy and selflessness in order to win them as well. Free Tournaments >>>>>>>>> HotJoin IMO

Yeah I wanted to add /sarcasm to the end of my previous post but I was trying to draw out that response from you and felt it would have had a smaller chance for success. I assure you I know what a tournament is having played in many of them in real life, but back to the point. Some people want to play a quick round with their friends, spouses, etc. without feeling obligated to play through a whole tournament. Does my previous suggestion make more sense now?

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


I’m unfamiliar with the tournaments. Don’t you have to play in multiple rounds in those?

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Divide the sPvP servers in two, put a new NPC in the mist and add a new rule that allows up to 8 friends to team up for sPvP. You get your hot join with friends, I get to keep my solo play hot join, everyone is happy.

( Hot Spvp ) Join Friend in PvP option problem

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


The game is built that way so people who play solo don’t get ganged up on. If you want to play with your friends vs other people playing with their friends try tPvP.

This game works for me. Need help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Well the majority of the people who post on game forums are people unhappy with the game. The happy people are playing and usually post less if at all.

Can we have 8 character slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


believe extra slots are 800 gems a piece so a little over $10 for each if you want to buy the gems with money.

This game works for me. Need help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


Not much besides trying to bait flame posts on these forums

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


“Another thing about “pandas” – WoW, a game 9 years old now, still beats any other attempt of an MMORPG, GW2 included.”

Maybe in your opinion and in sales, but I would go back to Tera, Atlantica Online, DAoC or Asherons Call before going back to WoW.

Underwater Combat: The issues I have with it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


If I was a betting man I would bet the skillpoint the OP is talking about is the one under Castavall Waypoint in the Bloodtide Coast zone.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


More old style armor and weapon types (I really want to complete my myrmidon/hoplite warrior look and need more skins for armor and weapons).

stuff like: Shield, Sword

Feel like it should have been in the game already but I’d probably pay for an animation where my 1 skill actually uses both weapons when dual wielding.

I’d probably pay right now to get some thoughts on what the devs think about the game so far and in what direction they are going with future content.

But yeah, basically just tons more armor and weapon skins so I can make my characters look how I want them to look. Right now I feel pretty limited.

(edited by Fezzul.7132)