Showing Posts For Fishcrunch.4856:
Well I hope to get a list of content added since the release of the game, because I will be comparing it to Factions and Nightfall for GW1.
I have a better idea. Why not compare the game right now, as it is, to where Guild Wars 1 at this point in time. Guild Wars 2 actually has more content…even after Nightfall was released.
Yeah, and it took them seven years to make the game that way. I understand it has more content, but what has it added since then? GW1 added two new games, which included new stories, maps, lore, as well as two new professions in each game. I want a list of things comparable to that, which is gonna be hard, don’t you think? So far I got Dry Top and fractals, along with some boss revamps.
Well I hope to get a list of content added since the release of the game, because I will be comparing it to Factions and Nightfall for GW1.
OP’s TLDR – “You’re doing it wrong” “You don’t know what you’re doing” “I know better how to run your game”
Yes, there are things wrong with the game. That’s a given. We all have things we’d like to see fixed/added/revamped. Pick your poison.
Telling the devs they are incompetent in so many words…. well, keep enforcing their decisions to not talk to us about anything worthwhile. Some people are doing a really good job of it today.
They’ve had two years of feedback and still haven’t delivered on key features that the community has asked for. I mean, speaking for the WvW community, we only just got account-bound WvW Exp in April and we’re finally getting account-bound Commander Tags (with the caveat of a price increase).
At some point, their inability to listen to the community and implement features and content that the community has repeatedly asked for can only be described as gross incompetence. I’ve seen threads where Mark drops in and says “the best thing you can do for us at this time is tell us what you want and keep communicating with the devs”, but in all honesty, what’s the point when you have a backlog of comments that is two years long and you simply don’t listen?
I understand that some people are 100% pleased with the direction that this game has gone and is currently going towards, but you need to understand that there’s also a group of people out there who feel severely disenfranchised and, to put it simply, mislead.
“They don’t listen”
Account bound wxp
Skin wardrobe
Trait hunting
Mini pets no long auto deposit
Certain world bosses revamped to be more than stand and spam fests
Added Molten and Aether to fractals
Account bound commander tags
Account bound legendaries
Account bound ascended (not perfect, but we did ask)
Replayable LS story
Increasingly better tutorial features for new players
Account bound dye
TP preview optionI could keep going if you’d like, but you’ll ignore it just like you’ve ignored it thus far.
If you don’t like the game, leave. It’s really that simple.
Of course now you’re going to label me a white knight, but you’d be dead wrong to do so and reading my post history will show that.
You don’t have to like all their decisions. It’s ok to not agree, and you’re well within your right to voice your option, so long as you’re not a kittening kitten about it.
You’re making it out like the devs have had their thumbs up their kitten for two years, and just looking though the patch notes proves otherwise. Stop trying to trivialize the work they have done.
Honestly, you and those like you need to be stuck in a customer service job, and then have someone come by every day and tell you that you’re a worthless piece of garbage and that your completely incompetent at what you do. See how you like having such sentiment shoved down your throat every day for two years. It’d only fair, because that’s what you’re doing to the devs.
Man, it took 2 years for THAT? Maybe in 5 years we’ll see another Elder Dragon then, or another playable race.
I personally think playable tengu is more likely than craftable precursors.
Despite what it might say in any of the books, I highly doubt Logan being present would of had any affect on the outcome of the battle with the dragon. I mean, do you see how incompetent these guys are in the story missions? We had to use giant cannons to kill Zhaitan and people think having however many of these clowns will do anything towards that juggernaut of a dragon? I stand by Logan’s decision, because it actually had a positive outcome for the humans.
Guys, would you guys actually prefer better gameplay and lore? I think the developers made the right choice by adding in lesbian npc relationships and countless skimpy outfits for females! I can’t imagine the pain-staking hours put into designing the right amount of cleavage/etc. versus decent-looking weapons or something-something dragons, which are supposed to be enemies, right?