Showing Posts For FitGamer.4371:

Guilds of HOD

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


We need to reorganize the server. That’s all I’m trying to get at.

Guilds of HOD

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


We need to reform some kind of an alliance.
Titan Alliance broke up and we need to do something to reclaim WvWvW.
We have no organization at all any more or teams…

We need to organize some kind of timeline for guilds.

If your in a guild that still stuck around after our server disbandment then post below with your time zone for when your guild is most active.

Edit: We won’t be another TA but we can try to get pretty kitten close to it!

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


I’ve been on HoD since the start.
Titan Alliance was what helped us win. This noob train is what caused us to lose in the day. They just transfer so guilds can’t play together

JQ – Enjoy our noob train
I’ll be honest if TA didn’t disband last week we would still have the noob train. We would still have long kitten ques.
HoD is a ghost town and it’s causing us to lose!
Like half our server population transferred

Predictions for next 1 week matchup?

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


The reason why is because we were fighting the best teams.
This wasn’t just a big massive zerg fest to win.
We had to play skillfully
As far as ET, BRING IT ON!!!!

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


But your double-teams are what I’m talking about. Deny it all you want.

How do you think we lost the castle in the first place to you guys.
SBI took all our supplies and towers while you kept pressure on the castle.
Then the HoD scrubs kept taking all our castle resources instead of from the keep that was fully stocked.
If you looked at the map it happens due to it being 3 servers not just 2.

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


Isn’t it your servers problem that you didn’t recruit any oceanic players to game?
Also, it’s very close in primetime don’t try to say you guys dominate. We dominate at night but the day timers SBI seems to dominate then evening its back to HOD.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


Sick of seeing HoD and SBI working together to destroy JQ. Every now and then, their players get distracted and maybe hit each other, but if they’re not running a pincer on some undermanned JQ stuff, they’re literally running together.
It’s disgusting, it’s shady… and it’s hilarious when JQ actually manages to take stuff while being double-teamed.

I wish you two only the worst and most exploiting combatants in your next matchup.

We’re not working together
Stop saying this stuff
You guys don’t play a very strategic game. You guys take stuff at random instead of playing strategicly against other servers.

For example:
You guys took the castle in eternal. SBI was hitting all your bases while we tried to take back the castle you took from us. This didn’t work very well in your favour due to you losing all your supplies. You need to learn to say screw the castle and keep the supplies. If you would of reclaimed those supplies from SBI then we wouldn’t of taken your castle and if we did at least you wouldn’t of lost all your supplies & towers with the castle.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


Oh you…. (aeroh.8930)

SBI sure were a strong opponent due to HoD scrubs.
We really have a lot of scrubs who take all our resources from the castle and it allowed for you guys take it repeatively.
Though you guys didn’t have the castle for long. Is your server good at not taking them or are they just as bad?

[BUG] Jump puzzle Mystic Door infinite loading screen.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FitGamer.4371


I’m repetitively getting this error. I’ve tried everything but it won’t fit.