Showing Posts For Flaming.4250:
Starting at the 8:19 mark on this video shows shows putting dye on a mount.
Does that help?
I have a feeling that we will be waiting untill the 1st of August for the final update.
With no preview video today (11th July) this means that the next posible date for a video to be put out is on the 18th.
Did anyone else actually google “flashpoint”? has to be two timelines. My guess is that Lazarus is . . . . . . . Kasmeer. In the future, Kasmeer went back in time to impersonate Lazarus and save the world. What we are seeing in the trailer is “present day” Kasmeer seeing Kasmeer of the future/the Lazarus impersonator for the first time.
But if that is true then does the mean that there will be a new 52?
What if Lazarus is a minion of Kralkatorrik?
It has dropped.
Is it just me or is it cold in here? I feel cold I’m shivering.
(edited by Flaming.4250)
Why didn’t our PC tell Bram about the plant and death magic minion of Jormag? If (when) Brams fights against Jormag and it goes badly wrong and he ends up loosing a lot of Norn to Jormag won’t he blame the pc for not telling him about the changed minions?
Quaggan plushies, of course!
(Unless that already exists. But just about any plushie related to the creatures of GW2 would be nice.)
They already exist.
Apart from ncsoft using Rytlock as one of the charters (can they do that?) what does this have to with Guild Wars 2?
Is this what you were thinking of?
I am not impressed.
(edited by Flaming.4250)
A quote from State of the Game Update —Q1 2016
Gliding in Central Tyria
We’re adding expanded functionality to the Gliding Mastery line! If you’ve trained the Glider Basics Mastery in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, your glider will let you glide a bit further…all the way back to Central Tyria. Your glider will work in any open-world map or city in Central Tyria once you’ve earned this Mastery ability.
We do need something more than just the hammer for ranged attacks. The obvious choise is the bow long or short. However the Revenant does not use weapons in the traditional way hammer for range, mace for conditions and staff for close combat. So I was thinking why not use twin daggers as a 900 range quick attack condition weapon?
How about channeling Turai Ossa for use with grate sword.
Extra Credits have posted a you tube video on this subject. This should help to explain it to people.
I think I will leave this clip of Shiro in action. The Guild Wars Factions opening cinematic.
Shiro Tagachis Wiki page
(edited by Flaming.4250)
I seem to have run into a texture issue the ground textures are not being drawn properly most of the ground textures are being displayed in black. It is happening with every map and not just the areas shown.
The graphics bug seems to of started with todays update (28th April 2015).
I have tryed updating to the most up to date driver nvidia 350.12 this has not fixed it.
I must be going blind I did not spot that. Thank you for pointing that out to me.
How are they going to stop people getting more than one invite dropped from mobs?
And if some one does get two, or more, I hope that they are not sellable on the market because I could see them going for insane amounts of gold.
What will happen to our pets ( both ranger and mini) if/ when we go hang gliding? Will they automaticaly be dismissed and re sommend when we land or will some of them, birds for instance, be able to fallow us?
The link seems to be working fine now.
I am also having this problem with Firefox but not with safari on my ipad.
I didn’t get the shield achievement yet, but I liked this pic
Some how this song comes to mind when I see this picture.
I am also having problems loading my charters that are in LA (all of them :-( ). I get the loading screen and I can hear the back ground effects and music but after about 8 minuets I just get a disconnect error. I am on the East coast of England with BT as my ISP. The rest of the internet is fine it is just GW2 that is not connecting.
Who or what is controlling the huge clock work knight?
Happy New Year from England.
How about this armour (it’s from an old MMO Tabula Rasa) as a medium armour.
with salad it’s salad cream or mayonnaise.
Do I even wanna ask what salad cream is?
Don’t worry it is nothing rude.
Hopefully (but some how I doubt it) scarlet has nothing to do with the machines and it is just Tixx getting ready to drop a lot of snow on us.
(edited by Flaming.4250)
Found one in Harathi Hinterlands. Looks like Scarlets work…
in Thaumanova Reactor Scarlet mumbles somthing about not being a good idea to construct reactors on veins of dragon energy. So maybe she has found a way to extract dragon energy somehow…
It would also give nice explanations for the reason of the invasions…
I like this. It makes me think that Scarlet really is the anti-Trahearne. Molten Alliance, Toxic Alliance and Aetherblades are her version of the Vigil, Durmand Priory, and Whispers. Instead of trying to destroy the Dragons, Scarlet probably is trying to harness/tame them.
My fervent hope is that Kralkatorrik will be brought back and devour Scarlet for she is crunchy and will be good with ketchup.
No No No You don’t have ketchup with salad it’s salad cream or mayonnaise.
Thank you Regina.
I think I must be one of the few people that does like the music.
I have also just got the reward for that achievement.
For whatever reason all of the sudden when I try to go to the main website I get this error.
HTTP Error 500.0 – Internal Server Error
The FastCGI process has failed frequently recently. Try the request again in a while?I tried to wait a while, restart browser etc. but I still get it (I use Google Chrome). The website was working fine mere hours ago and it does still work on Mozilla Firefox.
I don’t know whether this is a problem with my browser or at my end or what it is but it’s only happening on the main website, Maybe someone can enlighten me
Having the same problem but Fire Fox is my main browser and Chrome is the back up one.
And please make them directly buyable from the gem store, not randomly found in chests.
The game looks incredible in 3D.
A link to some guild wars 2 pictures in 3D (not mine)
However some objects render at the wrong depth and the map does not draw properly if you change the convergence too much.