(edited by Floipd.4631)
Showing Posts For Floipd.4631:
It’s just too much.
We have an immense assortment of base spec weapons, but those are weaker than elite spec weapons and skills. Since our elite spec weapon is niche within the condi category, and the mechanic and skills don’t add a lot (mainly a cool and fun transformation), we will still need to resort to the base spec weapons with high mobility or defense to survive.
So base spec vs elite spec, with the main focus on “HELP!” instead of “CHARGE!”.
Survival was okay versus the other base specs, but we’d need more of it versus elite specs, which our elite spec doesn’t provide. And so we are out of luck. (Guardian keeps you ranged and blocks your projectiles, Necro stabs and CCs with condi on top, Scrapper CCs and healtanks, Duid ranges and healtanks, etc. Warrior just stays the same with a slight tweak to how you applicate damage i.e. a primal burst instead of a burst)
Maybe make the next elite spec have two adrenaline bars.
1 goes to the left and fills by taking damage allowing use of a defensive burst skill.
1 goes to the right and fills by dealing damage allowing use of an offensive burst skill.
Have a trait in there that reverses their adrenaline-gain.
I Just need something to stay alive other than running and hiding because running and hiding doesnt let you win a fight, nor is it always that easy to get away.
I was really hoping their would be more demand for condition, I’ve had a lot of fun with S/S and S/T. Seems odd that they nerfed it since condition was a big focus in HoT
If I understand it correctly they didn’t necesarilly nerf the warrior though. It seems like it had something to do with a bug that made firefields overlap and tick double or something along those lines.
But the change in King of Fires might contribute a little as well.
Since release I’ve tried this one at least 5 times and I’m just not bothering anymore. I’ll wait till they anounce a fix or I see it scroll by on reddit/forums. All the effort of trying can just as well go into killing Gerent and getting those Eggs to buy skins >_<
Yeah probably something leftover from a scrapped or unimplemented upgrade. You can either dream or view it as a little mistake.
Yet still no word from ANET on this
It’s been listed on the Known Issue Tracker for at least a day.
after 8 days you finally notice !
Wow dude, cut them some slack. They don’t have to hold our hands and walk us through their work you know.
The fact that they’re merging all the complaints into one thread should tell you they at least noticed. I agree responses and acknowledgement are nice but it’s undoable when a lot of stuff is going on at the same time.
I thought it was just my imagination, but this would make sense. If this is what’s happening I’d like to see it adressed :o
A lot of people seem to be having the same problem. I think you are supposed to post in one of those threads now instead of making new threads?
Aye, very frustrating.
Same problem in Seeds of Truth (Meeting the Asura) where you can’t interact with a guard.
Same problem.
Re-appears in ‘Meeting the Asura’ (Seeds of Truth) where you cannot interact with a guard to subdue him effectively blocking the entire instance’s progression again.
Same issue, and like I just said in another thread there is a similair problem with ‘The Mystery Cave’ (Point of No Return) where you can’t interact (with a wall this time).
Now I can’t get either of the sinister trinkets
Yep, same thing.
Thought of getting the Sinister trinkets to complete my condi set and then ofc this happens
I cannot enter the Mystery Cave (Point of no Return) because I can’t interact with the wall, and as Caith I can’t take out the guard when I’m Meeting the Asura (Seeds of Truth). I guess I’ll try the other achievs later today, but if this tells me anything one of the other instances will kitten as well.