Showing Posts For Floyd the Barber.8504:

Missing Gift of Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

Upon world completion I did not receive the Gift of Exploration

I fallowed the instructions posted on the Wiki page still no luck …

please help

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

game client will not get to log-in screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

A lot of people with the same problem .. no Acknowledgement yet from …no postings from them on the forums , twitter , FB … anywhere ..
some customer support would be nice …

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

good luck contacting …when you call the number listed on their web site , you get a recording with options regarding employment , tec-sup ( witch brings you back here ) , or you can leave a message for someone to return your call …

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

I’ve contacted CenturyLink everything seams fine on their end …Must be a Gw2 / A-net issue ….would be nice if they would acknowledge this and fix it …

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

same issue here since about 7:30 pm-11:00 pm cst, us .

3 other people I know in my area having the same issue …



in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

The use of mini-games , jumping puzzles as Gates to Mastery points , collection items is an absurd idea , and a VERRY irritating practice …what ever happened to good old action-adventure …. WE want to kill the Bad Guys , NOT wasting hours bouncing on mushrooms through checkpoints , or trying to balance on very tiny branch , plank to hopefully jump just right only to fall and try all over again … this type of " Platforming "
is fine for console players , a pain for PC players .. not to mention IT MAKES NO SENSE !!!….. Please Bring GW2 back the Action Adventure MMORPG we love , leave out these kitten annoying platforming mini-games that seam to only act as filler

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

Why have a " Binding / Bound " System ..?

I can understand an item becoming Bound after use , but as far as crafting items that instantly become bound , or any unused loot for that matter being Bound makes no sense . Talking about things that don’t make sense , what about " once a day " crafting materials ( charged quartz crystals ..ect , ect ) .. what is the point behind this mechanism ???? Could someone please explain this to me / the community

[ WoW ] the Guild of Bots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

if the topic title did’nt give too much away , please allow me to go in to further detail a guild going by the name of " WOW " ( now active in Fergusonns Crossing ) who’s member relentlessly run Bots seam to go unpunnished …bots mess up events , ruin enconomy , drop rates, and give thier keepers an unfair advantage to those of us who choose NOT to cheat ….these are not the only bots out there , and Arena net has done a good job cleaning up the bots …but it seams as if a bot clean up only happens when an update comes through .. please .. for all legit players … i ask for Arena net to take a more active , more responsive roll in clearing out the bots ……BAN THE BOTS … BAN THE PEOPLE / GUILDS USING BOTS

Halloween : thumbs up & down review

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Floyd the Barber.8504

Floyd the Barber.8504

First off thanx to all the Devs for the hard work and time commited to this years halloween events , in an effort to hopefully improve future events ive created this post

Haunted Doors : great , loved it .. the side quest ( with the scholars ) be came a bit tidious , every time i go to town i come back only to have to do this quest line ( event ) over again

Scavager hunt : aka ( act 1, 2 ) was a good idea .. but not enugh things / places , goodies , soforth to find … needed more content

Mad Kings Labyrinth : the group PvE was great fun !!! the PvP area … left much to be desired …besides with food fights , costume brawls , and the existing PvP .. really could of done with out it ( GIVE US MORE PvE CONTENT ) ..The Clock Tower : was a cool idea .. but like so many ideas they dont work well in application .. too many ppl trying to run the clock tower at once players loose track of their character , should of made the clock tower a 5 person auto party area …not to mention players need to be part cyborg to complete this puzzle .. lol

Act 3 : AWSOME !!! great mix of jumping puzzle w/ boss fight cudos to the Dev on that 1 .. but some player have commented on the lack of " mad king says " game

just an idea : more meta events w/ huge bosses ( dragon like / halloween themed )

scoring :

haunted doors : 2 thumbs up .. but work on the scholars

Act 1,2 : 1 tumb up 1 thumb down … NEEDED MORE CONTENT

Mad king’s Labyrinith : 1 thumb up ( only beacuse the PvE content was fun ) 1 thumb down .. twice … the clock tower as mention above .. and verry poor PvP

Act 3 : 2 thumbs up !!! way up

so again GW\ Anet team thanx for a great halloween looking forward to the event