Showing Posts For Forgeweld.8413:
Let’s get our priorities straight first. Your legendary actually ticks all of the standard legendary effects commonly found on these weapons apart from their usually pretty skin. These are: Footfalls, an aura and weapon/kill effects. Your ‘aura’ seems to have been replaced by the effect on your arm.
While most legendaries have these ‘attributes’ some don’t. These are The Flameseeker Prophecies and The Minstrel. So let’s first update these legendaries before we even touch yours again!
Holy.. so Bifrost even gets a nice projectile, the dreamer now not only shoots ponies, but it has big hoofy footprints to go along with. Footfalls generally got bigger. We get nothing, because we’re ‘fine as is’, while we lack any of the features that characterize the other legendaries. I wish ArenaNet would at least respond to this. My legendary feels like everything but legendary.
It makes me jealous looking at all those other legendaries that now shine and have footsteps out of combat. While my shield just sits there, doing nothing nice when I’m out of combat.
This is indeed not true, Soja. The torch and warhorn do leave footprints. The minstrel will probably do the same the next patch. Leaving the Flameseeker as the only off-hand without footprints.
(edited by Forgeweld.8413)
As another owner of FSP, an engineer, I am disappointed. Out of combat the shield doesn’t do any thing special, unlike most, if not all other legendaries now (after the next update, that is) In combat it’s mostly not visible for me at all.
While the shield has a nice texture, it’s lackluster in effects. Since the moment I made it, before Predator and Quip got all fancy, I was looking forward to a visual update. A visual update come for those, and I got even more hopeful that I’d be running around with footfalls and some cool weapon effects as well, but alas. I was really, really disappointed as an engineer. I would’ve liked something to show off out of combat.
I wish I could switch it for Quip now. Making the shield was a waste of time compared to making something else instead; I can’t show my shield off any way.
(edited by Forgeweld.8413)
I’ll post here what I posted in the other thread:
As an engineer using The Flameseeker Prophecies I felt terrible at hearing the announcement that my shield wouldn’t be getting an update. Before Quip was updated, the choice was easy for me. I liked the shield a lot more. After the first wave of updates I got really excited; my shield might be the next one to get a visual upgrade!
After hearing about the last update, I finally thought my wish would come true! This would be the best patch ever; not only would we be getting SAB back, but the shield I had put so many hours of effort in would finally be more like the other legendaries! Footsteps, auras, perhaps even some cool effects for my ‘Grenade Barrage’, like the other engineer legendaries had.. but alas. I was especially looking forward to upgrades, because as an engineer I’ve already got very little of my weapons to show off.
It’s strange how affected I felt by the announcement there would be no visual upgrade. I’d almost salvage my shield out of sadness..
As an engineer using The Flameseeker Prophecies I felt terrible at hearing the announcement that my shield wouldn’t be getting an update. Before Quip was updated, the choice was easy for me. I liked the shield a lot more. After the first wave of updates I got really excited; my shield might be the next one to get a visual upgrade!
After hearing about the last update, I finally thought my wish would come true! This would be the best patch ever; not only would we be getting SAB back, but the shield I had put so many hours of effort in would finally be more like the other legendaries! Footsteps, auras, perhaps even some cool effects for my ‘Grenade Barrage’, like the other engineer legendaries had.. but alas. I was especially looking forward to upgrades, because as an engineer I’ve already got very little of my weapons to show off.
It’s strange how affected I felt by the announcement there would be no visual upgrade. I’d almost salvage my shield out of sadness..