Showing Posts For Fourth.3974:
I just got my Necro to 80 and got him a full set of rabid with my Arah tokens, but I’m having trouble finding a build that works well with this. Currently I run 0/30/20/10/10 but I feel like I’m really more of an annoyance than anything in WvW, what are you rabid Necros running? Also what Runes/Sigils/Crests do you use?
EDIT: I also use a Staff, Scepter/Dagger set, and other recommendations for that?
(edited by Fourth.3974)
I run full berzerker GS build on my warrior and I was wondering fi anyone had tested the stat differences and the DPS between certain sigils and runes compared to things like Ruby Orbs.
Currently I run 20/30/0/0/20 and all of my gear has the same stats as the picture below. I’ve heard that Superior Sigil of Force is good because of the 5% damage increase and Scholar runes are popular too but of I switch to a 6/6 set of Scholars and change sigils won’t I be losing a lot of crit chance? As of now I’m sitting at 55% crit chance without Signet of Rage popped but with food buffs, which would make it 75%. My build is pretty dependent on the crits because if 3/4 hits do double damage then I’m assuming the average DPS will be higher.
TL:DR How do the Sigil of Force and Runes of the Scholar compare to Ruby Orbs DPS wise, what does the crit chance look like?
Thanks for all the help.
EDIT: This is a WvW build.
bacon nipples, nipples bacon, i like this stream, go watch it
(edited by Fourth.3974)
As people always say, you don’t have to worry about it unless YOU are noticing in on your server, as of now it has a healthy player base and all of the people that were going to quit or have quit are already gone. Once we see desperate promotions for the game like TOR, then get worried.
Hi there ,
I was just wondering on what happened on my account . I recently got my Legendary Twilight Greatsword last 2 weeks ago but still whenever I go to the character Select Screen , I don’t have the Legendary Treasure symbol on which you will find at the upper right screen . . . Please do help as to I have invested so much time on my Legendary to make and I still get this kinda problem . . .
thank you ,
Vladimir Yvanov