Showing Posts For FragGyver.8369:

Karka Chest Distribution [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


A little bit offtopic:

I wonder how you actually figured out, who attended and is worth getting a reward. Have your coders written a script to browse the databases to search for the relevant criteria or, since it took you rather long, were there some poor people who had investigate on their own. If so, i would suggest to give em a bonus or at least sponsor them a 3-course dinner

However you achieved this (eventho it didnt worked all perfect) i would like to thank the boys and girls that were forced to make this happen. I bet you had a lot of nasty work the last days

Karka Chest Distribution [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Im curious too about the criteria behind the distribution. I attended at the even for 2 hours, and had to leave shortly before the final event started to go to work. Considering that some people joined just at the final event, played for 10 minutes and got the chest i am curious if people like me, who had to leave at some point of the event, also are qualified for the chest. Thanks for taking the time Gaile, really appreciated

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Is it only me, or is Chris an extremly slow chatter?! I mean, if this would be a conversation it would be over after 5 minutes, concerning the answers he has given so far in over 1 hour.

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


the ascended gear is marginally better, you are not forced into any long grind, but prior this all i read was ppl whining about no endgame etc…

Exactly. The rage just switched sides, what ANet underestimated is that the opposing side is even louder

Its a videogame, do you think people in gaza or israel would care about +5 vitality on an item in a game. Get your anger in proportion.

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Yes. Getting exos is easy, legendarys are still the same as exotics (Eventho this will probably change)

No but yes. Ascended gear is NOT the rarest gear. You get your backpiece pretty easily, got it after 2 days, and i am a casual. The rings will drop at level 10 fractals which is also rather fast to achieve (Still at lvl 6, cause i cant play much). They do have better stats, but those are not mandatory in any aspect of the game besides the harder levels at the fractals, which is just a very small part of the game.

YES! You can just play for an hour a day, stop for 3 days or maybe a week and can continue anytime without having any disadvantage. (If there is no OneTimeEvent which gives you epic loot that is). If you start crying cause some random people dont want you in there fractals group, ask your friends, your guild members or just play any other part of the game.

Can we please stop making the game more worst than it is please?! If you guys feel really that betrayed and cheated, man up and just leave it. I for one, wasnt happy about the additional stats at first too, but now that i have seen it ingame i dont care and just enjoy the new content, which is freaking awesome as anybody admits pretty much.

Give ANet some time to recover from the shock they probably got by our reaction and probably by the management choices which were forced upon them. Not to make an official response was pretty wise in my opinion. There is so much rage atm, that every comment to that matter would be more fuel for the fire, so just be patient, calm done and wait for them to come up with something. If the rumors are true, which seems pretty plausible, we should encourage the devs even more cause they cant do anything, besides quitting their job, which is unlikely cause its probably very well payed.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Yea its really frustrating to the point you dont wanna play anymore ( which probably wont happen, but its how you feel). I couldnt play longer than 2 hours into the event when i had to leave. When i turned online today at 8 in the morning, i couldnt believe what my guildies told me.

Not only has been the rewards rediculous, it was ALSO possible to freaking repeat the events with your alts till 7:30. In 9 hours, on which i wasnt able to play, they got 3-6 20 slot bags, a few precursors and lots of ectos. WOW!!! 9 hours out of the game put me behind for ages….

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Can somebody confirm this from a german server as well? I am going to be at home in around 2 hours and would be more than happy to be able to play this.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Everything has been said i guess about the event itself. Giving Precusors for a one time Event is such a bad decision i cannot find the right words without beeing rude. Such a slap in the face for the casual player, esp. in europe, who couldnt finish or even play the event at all. Giving out 200g as a reward for an one time event is just -.- !

It happened tho, and it cant be undone. Everyone who missed the event, crashed and couldnt loot or simply had bad luck with looting wont be rewarded afterwards, because its probably not possible to determine the ppl who where affected by those things.

At the end of the day, the Event caused ANet tons and tons of trouble and they will hopefully learn from this. We, the players, should also remind ourselfs that those updates are free of charge and also brought alot of permanent content which is pretty good.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


@enos What you say is very true. Without having any issues with those type of players, i just dont like them in a game that is supposed to be anti progression based in terms of stats on gear. This video of Kripparian, a rather famous guy, who represents the progression/competetive PvE Player, which focusses the mindset of those ppl very well.

As a Sidenote: He rushed thru the content and got his level 80 full exotic character in around 2 weeks, got bored and left the game. Which is a wise choice, since he realized that gw2 is not aiming at those type of players (No offense).

And thats the point. These guys are so experienced in this genre and highly dedicated, that its pretty impossible to fulfil their needs other than giving them an endless treatmill. What ANet does, is completly useless imo. These type of players, are going to raid this dungeon non stop till they have their gear and will be bored again. And this will happen during the next week, while the normal player will have to grind this for month to get his stuff.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Story quality is probably the only point in your post that i can accept, since this is subjective and a matter of taste. The rest is just pure and unreasonable rant. Ele is one of the best dd and allrounder classes there is. Seeing you having problems with warriors pretty much proves that you just haven spend time learning your class.

Yea, Ele is really bad in pvp.

Graphics (designwise) are also one of the best in this genre and the classbalance is also better than anything i know (Ppl just need to learn the classes to be able to counter attacks correctly).

For 40 bucks you get an awesome amount of content that even extends with new updates and releases.